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Everything posted by Striker879

  1. Hmm ... when I just tried myself after I click the orange Manual Download button on the Files tab it brings up a dialogue box that indicates that the Official Oblivion Patch is required and at the top left of that dialogue is another orange Download button (just below the text that says Unofficial Oblivion Patch Your file will be served via CDN). When I click the second orange Download button it brings up a standard Windows Save dialogue box where I can choose where I'd like to save the file (I like to keep all my downloads as subfolders of my OblivionDownloads folder on my separate Data drive ... main point is to take note of where you save the download).
  2. If you are talking about the pop up message box you get when you download the UOP then you are OK. It doesn't do anything to detect your current game version, it's just an information alert that the UOP needs to have the latest version of Oblivion installed. Your Steam version of the game will be fully updated. You can confirm this by checking the lower left corner of the main menu screen and seeing that it reports version 1.2.0416.
  3. OK thanks Picky ... guess I'd been living in a protected bubble that has since burst. I didn't think to check beforehand whether or not our dear friend Heather had been banned before reporting her (she hadn't) but I'll remember to do so in the future. - Edit - I see that Tiffany received two bops of the ban hammer, and now Sue has received three ... hope that poor Heather doesn't feel slighted ... LOL.
  4. I'm wondering whether I've just been fortunate up until today or is this spam to the PM Inbox thing a new development?
  5. If you look in the Bevilex mod comments you'll see that currently OR ver7 has some issues, and they recommend switching back to ver 6.5 until 7.x is found to be stable.
  6. At the individual NPC (so refID) level I've noticed that when using setscale in the console (or altering size using the CS) the NPCs interact with furniture differently, especially noticeable when setting the scale smaller (they then sink into the bed a little). I've never used any extremes for scale. Have you tried a bit larger than the extreme smallest size allowed by the CS? I've found that often the game doesn't respond well to the extreme limits on various sliders.
  7. Current state of the art for that is Bevilex' modlist for Oblivion - Graphics.
  8. Here's what you need ... SM Combat Hide.
  9. I believe that later versions of the Intel chipset supported HDR ... can't say if there has ever been support for Bloom at the chipset level. All we can do is try different options and see how the results work on our individual machine and with our individual tastes.
  10. Ya the Intel integrated graphics plus 4 GB RAM isn't going to do you any favours, especially if working with HDR enabled (I believe it stands for High Dynmanic Range ... which would explain why you see more exaggerated lighting effects). Here's a copy/paste from a text file I have (that would have been copied from a post on here, but I'm afraid I've neglected to note who made the post) that outlines some tweaks you could use as a starting point in tweaking Oblivion.ini for using/testing HDR: [BlurShaderHDRInterior] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's fBrightScale = 2.2500 (Default) Change to: fBrightScale = 0.2500 & fBrightRadius = 7.0000 (Default) Change to: fBrightScale = 3.5000 [BlurShaderHDR] Reduce blinding effect on objects and NPC's fBrightScale = 1.5000 (Default) Change to: fBrightScale = 0.5000 & fBrightRadius = 4.0000 (Default) Change to: fBrightScale = 3.0000
  11. Another thing to consider ... you double the chances of a card failure (same argument against a RAID 0 for hard drives). I've personally been down the failed card scenario in a SLI setup (as well as the failed RAID 0 ... twice).
  12. If the maids outfits are coming from a mod you have installed they will only appear in either an ESP you create or in your More Servants mod if you create new copies of those outfits in either your ESP or in the More Servants mod ESP (depending on which way you decide to go ... both will work when done correctly). When you create them you will get the CS dialogue to "Create a new Form". Just having the maid outfit mod active will not allow you to use them in your ESP or in the edited More Servants mod ESP (at least without making it as a further master to your changes). As to which method you should use ... if you are planning on only using this for personal use (i.e. you do not plan to release it to the public) then editing the More Servants mod ESP is the simplest way. If you plan on releasing your changes you should make your mod a patch to the original (i.e. make your own ESP, which will have the More Servants mod ESP as a master). You will also require permission from the creator of the maid outfit mod to use them in any mod you plan on releasing publicly. Off topic .... long time no see Contra. Good to see you here again, and hope you're doing well.
  13. Hmm ... haven't seen anything like that myself. The lower section (with all of the RawMGEFCode stuff all seem to be related to magic (spells I assume). There may be a clue to the source mod in the MGEF part of the report ... maybe MigMicellanea or Auto Update Levelled Items and Spells or Complete Enchantment Overhaul (that one is completely merged and deactivated meaning all of it's content is moved to the bashed patch). The section with all of the Load Order stuff just seems to be a report more than a warning (it's your complete load order as far as I can tell). The two warnings at the top are for Mages Guild Quests so you should be able to research the mod comments for it and perhaps that author is still actively supporting the mod and can provide some explanation. As to why you see the report with the CBash method and don't with the regular Rebuild method it is my understanding that the CBash method looks at more options than the other older method (meaning more can be incorporated into the bashed patch) ... there was some discussion on it in the Bevi mod comments a few months ago and again the the Wrye Bash mod comments more recently (where the info about the dropping of BOSS support and all that was discussed over a number of threads). I find that when I install mods one at a time (unless you have some mods that need to be installed as a group because of dependencies) I get the advantage of knowing exactly what gets a particular problem or error started (the old add one mod to a working load order and then it breaks scenario). To some it may seem like it would take longer but my experience shows otherwise. Saw your post in the Bevi mod comments ... was worth a shot.
  14. Probably the best tool for the job is TES4Edit. Load you mod's ESP and then find the cells you've accidentally edited in the far left column and once you've found them single click to highlight. The details of what changes have been made will show in the column to the right. You can delete your changes and then ideally you'd clean your mod using TES4Edit so that no trace of your dirty edits remain.
  15. I use the CBash beta method myself, though when following various things on the Wrye Bash mod comments I see that it's another thing that is no longer supported/recommended by the Wrye Bash folks. I plan on continuing to use it myself as I haven't had any issues arising from using it. What kind or error messages are you getting ... and do you mean from using CBash beta? Easiest way to maybe get your head around this bash tag business is to start by looking at the BOSS masterlist (you can find it in the BOSS\Oblivion folder ... it's just a text file). The masterlist is a pretty confusing looking file ... it works like a CSV (comma separated variables) file so it will look like one big long run-on sentence. What you want to look for is sets of double curly queues ( {{ and }} ... an easy way to locate them is use the Edit menu Find and look for TAG: ). They enclose the BOSS bash tag suggestions. To get an idea of what bash tags are available look at Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html section 5b. The left column outlines all of the available bash tags and the other two address what the tag is meant to do and details for it's use. To get an idea of how to use them yourself (meaning adding bash tags to a mod manually) have a look at the step by step I give in the Installation section of Unofficial Oblivion Patch Female Dremora Restored and Voiced. The reason I'm pointing out that they can be added manually is because of the situation with newer versions of Wrye Bash not supporting BOSS any more. We lose more than just load order sorting (which can be easily worked around by running BOSS from the desktop and shutting off Lock Load Order in WB) ... we also lose the addition of bash tags to Wrye Bash from BOSS. That's why I said that one of the things required when using Wrye Bash and BOSS now is to check for missing bash tags when you run into something strange (WB uses bash tags to resolve problems that cannot be resolved via load order alone ... so a mod higher in the load order can still have the important changes it makes preserved in the bashed patch). Yup, this is all very complicated but know this ... I am impressed that you seem to be getting it as quickly as you are considering you've only just gotten started.
  16. It can be frustrating trying to find out what causes some things. I often use my "Selective Vision" to get around some things (works perfectly whenever I want it to work) ... and then out of the blue I'll notice something in a forum post and there it is ... problem solved. I wasn't certain if Lock Load Order was on or off by default. It's one of those things that sort of bit me once when I first moved everything to my current computer and updated to a newer version of WB (and thus could no longer run BOSS from within WB ... that's when Lock Load Order can come in handy). You'll need to decide for yourself if you want to switch from BOSS to LOOT. I'm pretty well set in my load order for quite a while now so I'm sticking with BOSS for now myself, but I do know the price tag for that in as far as needing to take care of certain things like bash tags. When I decide to start a new character (and thus make some changes to my load order) I'll probably do some testing of LOOT vs BOSS and work out my path forward from there. I don't often try to walk and chew gum at the same time, even if it is possible and everybody around me is doing it ... I'm just like that, so I would recommend disabling a mod before uninstalling. As you're finding out, once we start getting serious about modding the game it seems we spend more time tinkering with things and less time playing. I was over two weeks setting up my current guy's load order, and I had already done quite a bit of testing and prep work on the last days of the previous character. Now keep in mind a fair bit of that time was spent play testing different aspects of what I was trying to achieve (the majority of my mods are ones that change gameplay vs just pretty things up), and to an outside observer much of that play testing would have looked like just regular playing.
  17. I believe you would disable, then uninstall, then anneal all, then rebuild bashed patch and finally check in game whether or not the problem has disappeared. If it turns out that "mod A" wasn't the problem you could either go through a re-install/re-enable before moving to the next candidate or just continue those disable/uninstall/anneal/rebuild steps as you work your way through your mod list until you hit paydirt. Once you know which mod is at fault you can decide whether or not to continue using it (perhaps it has some optional tweaks) and then re-install all the others. Have you tried posting about this in the Bevilix mod comments? Even if you haven't followed that guide yourself there are quite a few mods in your load order that are also in the Bevi guide, and some of the folks who help troubleshoot there may help zero in quickly (but they may not look on this forum very often if ever). I'm pretty well a vanilla guy for most of the graphic "beautification" type stuff, so I have little firsthand experience with the type of problems that come from using that type of mod. The way to use BOSS (or LOOT) along with Wrye Bash is to install then BOSS/LOOT and then rebuild your bashed patch. Note that the newer versions of WB do not support BOSS any longer. It can still be used, but you must run BOSS from the desktop, and then be sure to turn off Lock Load order in the WB Mods tab (or else it will just keep putting things back to the load order it has saved). One other consideration ... you will lose the lastest bash tag suggestions from BOSS. WB has many/most of the older bash tags saved internally and will perhaps one day get all of the more recent, but WB uses LOOT these days, and LOOT and BOSS are not working at coordinating the bash tags as far as I know. What this means is if you run into something that doesn't seem right another troubleshooting step is to check in WB for what bash tags are assigned to a mod (if any) and then compare that to the suggested bash tags for that ESP in the BOSS masterlist (it is a text file that can be opened and searched using Notepad or similar). If you check back in the more recent Wrye Bash mod comments you'll find some detailed instructions on working around the current BOSS/LOOT/Wrye Bash situation.
  18. Something I just noticed in your load order that is related to another problem you've posted about ... By placing your Handsome Gents ESPs above the UOP in your load order you are creating the problem of the UOP changes overwriting the Handsome changes. The reason that it is recommended to have the UOP near the very top of your load order is so that other mods can change the same things as the UOP without any difficulty. What are you using to sort your load order?
  19. Back to a remake of my first game ... Privateer - Gemini Gold.
  20. What form of archive invalidation are you using?
  21. There are a few suspects (e.g. Atmospheric Oblivion.esp, Dungeon Actors Have Torches.esp, the AN Real Lights). Something to keep in mind when disabling ESPs to test is that just disabling may not be enough (the actual files from the mod you're testing could still work as a replacer via archive invalidation ... you may need to disable and uninstall to properly test). The good news is it's relatively easy to do an uninstall/re-install for testing with Wrye Bash ... don't forget to Anneal between candidates. - Edit - Also don't forget to rebuild your bashed patch before starting the game to see what results you get.
  22. Use the right click context menu while in the Mods tab and click in the column header area. Select List Mods and then copy paste all of the report including the spoiler tags into your post. I use Wrye Bash General Readme.html and Wrye Bash Advanced Readme.html extensively when answering questions like this (both readmes are found in the Oblivion\Mopy\Docs folder). - Edit - +1 :ninja: to HadTo
  23. Version 1.2.404 is the latest (and correct) version of the CS.
  24. What version of the Construction Set are you using? - Edit - Mods made with version 1.0 will be silently ignored by the game.
  25. Open the console and click on him. If his refID begins with FF then he's from a levelled list and you'll need something like RefScope to find out where he's from, otherwise the first two digits of the refID shown will correspond to the mod that is adding him (and if the first two digits are 00 then he's vanilla and being affected by a mod you have in your load order).
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