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Everything posted by Surenas

  1. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - where the drum beats roll... http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  2. Guess the Afrikaanse ball has gorged somethin' that is not kosher, cos all this ain't no football but poseball... and the best diver team probably wins due to arbitral decimation of the opponent, gee! So, Gimme hope, Jo'anna! Hope, Jo'anna! Gimme hope, Jo'anna! 'Fore the mornin' come... :wacko: http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  3. Switzerland is abgebrannt :(

    Aber kein Grund, deswegen mit einem Gewicht an den Füssen in den Genfer See zu hupfen oder so. Lass was vom Käsefondue übrig, wenn wir dann vor die Pumpe laufen im 8tel Finale, ja? *froi* und 'thumbsup*

  4. What do you say? A handful of Tokamak pilot plants really don't make a green meadow, if one is no dreamer... Still only the old fission type is at work, to be fair, sold as blockbuster to the 3rd World and dominating Asia. And that's what we are dealing with right now, for we neither live in the historical past nor in the fictional future.
  5. If we'd substract all preformed static pose stuff (with or without boobs doesn't matter; bananas play just a outsider role) from the total, than we'd end up with less than one fifth in-game idle shots. And that turns the games into a modern deck of cards, with a permanent, for daily deja-vu, but that goes without saying. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  6. Double post, sry (after 60 sec. load time.... ummh); pls delete. Thanks.
  7. 1. ^ opens the console 2. TFC mobile camera 3. TM hides the HUD
  8. There is no danger. And welcome to the debates forum. Pls tell that the people of Europe that have exerienced the fruit (and animal birth-) season after 4/26 1986. The final disposal, however, usually in salt domes is still in the debate and utmost risky due to possible and then incalculable tectonic fractures and deferrals. So, "no danger" is just a fluffy political phrase with a short half-life period that we'd better should not shout wholehearted from the rooftops, cos somebody might remind us later...
  9. Arjen Robben is back! :sweat: Netherlands 2:1 Cameroon http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif *Hup Holland Hup*
  10. Asterix & Obelix - in Latin. Beati Asterixem possidentes, they say. These Romans are crazy! :wacko:
  11. It's a theatrical contempt for death in a military impasse or catch-22 situation, if ever then made by disillusioned veterans and, of course, by illusionary "holy warriors", to be understood in the sense of "this days is as good as any other and probably no other will follow. The opposite, usually made by rookies in panic, is: "Today is a good day to run away in the terror of battle", background of high losses in the case of a common rout. http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  12. Radio Cockroach-Free Wasteland on 88.3 MHz - no matter how bad it hurts http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  13. Thanks for the warm verses, sonk2

    We haven't that many poets and thinkers here.

    So, I feel myself honoured by your lyrics. And warm greetings back :) Forza Italia!


    Thanks back, esp. for you artwork, Lautrec :)

    The European teams are indeed weaker than expected. Guess the black beauties there have already consumed all energy of the great white men *lol*

  14. You'll aways find free riders and profiteers in the wake of an event (even at war; cf. Halliburton / 3rd Gulf War), even of a trend like the growing ecological awareness of the consumers. People simply want to do it right and thus easily run into a commercial trap, but for sure not twice into the same, a radical selection process to purify the market from bad eggs is thus the logical long-acting consequence. All that isn't that new and no good reason to return to the old ravage of the resources, leaving nothing behind but wasteland, pollution, anger, fear and frustration.
  15. For we're doubtlessly still in the mood of talking instead of doing anything, here a temporary solution for the still growth-orientated among us - a generation and a half after the famous paper of the Club of Rome: The best alternative energy source is energy saving I thus ought to shut down my network... stop taking a shower trice a day... selling my Jeep for a flock of sheep or directly shoot myself for the own wasting of energy... :wacko:
  16. "Green" is by no means to be understood in a negative fashion, as the absence of truth or somethin. The opposite is the case after an industrial century and a half of the total denial of nature as such. In the meantime almost all political colours have adopted "green philosophy", the one more, the other less. So what? On solar energy. Ever thought on what would probably cover the Arab Peninsula and other waste areas on earth when the oil flow dries out? On nuclear energy and genetic research Let us not end with a six-pack of nuka cola and a handfull of 7.62er ammunition in our hands fighting a somewhat helpless fight against armed mutants and privileged mercenaries of the remaining companies for drugged water and food, eh!
  17. Hope this helps http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  18. One does not have peace longer than one's neighbour wants, Pushkatu Not to use the already present possibility to offer criticism, if ever necessary the PM is rather too-too, as my grandma might have muttered :wacko:
  19. The ..../data folder is meant, and there is only one.
  20. Thought I'd have made myself clear: Downrating of something we can't use either (unlike mods e.g.) and that therefore can't show any malfunction at all leads to nothing but totally superfluous trouble in the bee-hive. Do we need trouble? Simple answer: No! NB I'm here for ages, though I haven't yet seen a professor of the fine arts and as such predestined to criticize images negatively that were... aha... exclusively made just for fun... and on top of that totally unasked ^^
  21. Good to hear from ya, James :)

    Na - not yet checked out Nehrim, I'm still searching for my Oblivion material from 2006 on to come to an almost identical configuration as it was before the HD collapse. Fortunately I have Noa saves on disc ^^

    And in the Wasteland Rachel hits form, finally. Phew!

  22. Monkey Island, what else?
  23. Downrating an image? Now, that's eventually just a cheap tool for folks that agree to anarchy - and terror against others. It's soooo easy to nuke somebody else within seconds that has perhaps worked over weeks on an image. Is that fair? Well, it's your decision, but I've already seen that twice elsewhere and it has twice ended with an exodus of the victims after a butchery ... and an irreversible downgrading of the remaining quality level of the image forum in question. Keep in mind that a whiz is always the last that'd ever criticize you, and not even those that feel a vocation from above to teach others a lesson - possibly even with an all-time high of two own thumbs? I don't believe it! http://www.abload.de/img/anne9hol.gif
  24. Happy Weeking, James. Long not seen. Hope everything is okey-dokey
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