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Everything posted by pickinthebanjo

  1. load the weapon in nifskope then import the weapon you want to scale it to, when you finish delete the unneeded piece and save your weapon
  2. Not yet, just finished updating my main mod and I had to go to work. I will start on Monday
  3. Well, it's supposed to be on the characters head like any other mask would. I did go through that thread (If your talking about "porting FO3 hats to New Vegas") but I seen multiple different suggestions with no definite answer other than the OP saying it fixed itself.
  4. Hello, I have become quite familiar with weapons mods but I am new to armor/headgear. I ported the mesh for the Sunrise Mask from Call of Pripyat but when I went to test it I had this problem - http://img853.imageshack.us/img853/3937/sunrisemask.jpg It looks fine in Nifskope, any opinions on how I can correct this issue?
  5. Yes, tried that. No dice, unfortunately :( It's more of an annoying issue than anything; worst comes to worst, I'll probably re-install Steam on a different drive to see how that goes. Or re-install Windows :tongue: You probably wont have to reinstall windows but doing a clean install of fallout, then fomm, then NVSE should do it but you've tried that alredy so sorry I cannot be of more help.
  6. in nifskope right click on the screen (the object your texturing) and select texture then edit UV. highlight the circle in the uv map and press alt+r then rotate + or - 90 degrees. Also a good time to size the uv map to the texture your using.
  7. Alright try this - http://www.gamefront.com/files/20060834/C-finder.rar Just select the screen and retexture it
  8. ok i am going to try to stick one of my textures into it and see if I can solve it
  9. http://img641.imageshack.us/img641/2152/ymjtr.jpg Texture both of those screens and tell me what happens
  10. If I get some time today I will open it up and see what I can do
  11. well it sure turned out different then. Did you want it to be an unanimated picture? Or did you want it to do something similar to what it had to begin with (that screen)? If you wanted it to be just the flat unanimated texture I would look in nifskope and see if there is a lens or some part that the screen uses and remove it, if it left a big hole I would just fix it in blender or 3ds whichever you use.
  12. that is tough to say, could be simply a stretched texture, could be some other problem. what was it supposed to look like? post a pic of the texture you are using
  13. check the uv map and see if the parts line up (right click on the piece and select texture/edit uv
  14. ok glad to know that but i have no input here because I use windows, sorry
  15. What is the problem your having with the pistol exactly? Pistols are fairly easy to get working, you need 4 main parts, body, slide, hammer, trigger. (I use the clip from the 9mm pistol) From there all you really have to do is import the pieces into nifskope then open up another copy of nifskope and load the 9mm pistol. From there open the nifskope your parts were imported into and select a piece, copy it's NiTriStrip data block and open the 9mm pistol again and select the piece you had just copied and scroll down in the menu on the bottom of the screen until you find it's NiTriStip data and paste the one you copied over it. Repeat for all pieces then sight it and it should be ready.
  16. post a link to it, I have had to deal with a lot of sighting nodes so far with my mod pack and you never know it could be a simple fix or it could be something long.
  17. What is a "Wine Port" if you don't mind my asking? I've never heard that term before so I have no insight until I know what a "Wine Port" is. Just googled it but all it returned were thousands of pages to do with port wine.
  18. Do you use NVSE? If so try updating it and then see if it still crashes.
  19. as far as I know there is no way to remove an attachment once it has been attached. But if you wanted I can make you some versions that have parts removed. (example would be marksman carbine with iron sights)
  20. Get gimp to edit textures, it's free. Also there is a number of useful plugins available including normal mapping plugins. I used to use Photoshop CS4 but my build uses 64bit and Nvidia texture tools only support 32bit op's so I tried gimp and never went back. I find it strange though, you said you are taking image editing in college did they not teach that? (excuse my ignorance, i have never went to college so I do not know what they teach in that coarse, I am simply wondering what format they use if they do not use .dds) edit- that link to the "how to become a modder" thread Floatsup posted is in fact a very good place to learn, that is actually the place where I learned to mod as well. I am not the best at texturing but if you ever need any modeling help, feel free to ask because I have a few different tutorials available.
  21. I'l port it for you, was that person you asked for permission the author? (a stupid question I know, but an important one) Send me the file in a pm and I will see what i can do
  22. Alright thats good, I do however have about a dozen mods I am currently updating and around 5 mods I am making so I will get to this when I have time but I will probably start tonight with the clip bolt and scope and leave the actual rifle until I have an entire day to work on it
  23. thats great, you any good at uv mapping? I can do it but I'd rather not since it takes forever. Also that pic is good but if you can find me the biggest pic you can track down it would go along way
  24. Odd because i just watched a segment on the Military Channel on the Rifle and that is what the company itself said the name of the rifle was Edit: My bad the rifle is called the Truvelo 50 BMG. Good thing i saved it on my DVR Sounds Italian, if so they make a fine rifle. I might take a crack at modeling this but someone else would probably have to texture it
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