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Everything posted by Nintii

  1. My response (though lengthy) is this, Firstly, I do not believe in, accept or advocate any form of predjudice or "demonization" of any group whatsoever ... however, having said that it would exceptionally foolish to ignore a threat, one which has manifested itself on numerous occasions, even when it's from your very own household. And as unfortunate as it may be, war, because this is exactly what it is, AFFECTS EVERYONE and this war is going to be endless ... just let that sink in for a moment. And because of this, measures need to be taken to protect not only yourself but everyone. The US Gov. has on three different occasions recalled (confiscated) gold from the populace ... was that against your rights to own it ? Sure it was, but they did it anyway to keep the system operational DESPITE peoples "rights & freedoms". Also, should you join the military, though you enjoy the same civilian rights you become "the property of the Government", and you can rest assured that you will not be able to "do as you please" or run around screaming about how free you are. Therefore, rights and freedoms are to be seen in the context in which a person operates and whether or not they are conducive to the functioning of the whole. And so I say, if there is a threat, even if it's my Mama, then I'm going to scrutinize this woman in a total 360 even if it hurts me to do so. Lastly, this is a response (the last) which contains the subject of rights and freedoms as that correctly belongs in another debate, however, due to the article that follows, it makes perfect sense. Here is a lengthy but very insightful article I pulled from the "net" ... it's well worth the read ... And I quote from FrontPage Magazine ...
  2. Quote from the "Mail & Guardian" ... "Ruslan Tsarni, who said he was an uncle of the brothers, told CNN on Saturday he first noticed a change in Tamerlan Tsarnaev's religious views in 2009. He said the radicalisation of his nephew happened "in the streets of Cambridge [Massachusetts]". If this is the case, then you have the problem of the "enemy within", so the question needs to asked, "How closely are the radical element being watched in your own backyard ?" Because nothing happens in a vacuum, someone "back home" must know something.
  3. I don't know what's worse ... warning people of the pain to come or just saving yourself and running out and letting them burn ... in your theatre of course ? Anyhow, I just hope that the next numbskull that wants to try a similar stunt will be shocked into reality by the fact that ... it's only a matter of time AND YOU WILL BE CAUGHT. Ask the guy swimming with the fish.
  4. Yeah well if you believe in freedom of speech ... or is it only great when it's in our favour ? Believe me I had to put a hand over my mouth after listening to the mother of the "bombers" a few seconds ago on BBC World. I thought, "Yeah right sweetheart, they're so innocent just because they're your kids". Still it's her right to voice her opinion ... guilty kids or not ... and I have to respect it. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure that many would love to give the gift of concrete shoes to the nuts at Westboro ... with signs like ... "Planes crash God laughs" can anyone really take them seriously ?
  5. The "denuclearization" of the Korean peninsula ... has the final chapter of NK and their nuclear nonsense been written or is this just more yakkity yak ? http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2013/04/13/kerry-to-press-china-on-north-korea-amid-missile-test-concerns/
  6. Yay, land of the flying dogs ... go Kimi go ... not Raikkonen the othe one ... with the cool hair cut ... Who let the dogs out ah-woof, woof, woof, woof ... http://youtu.be/wcJlUisWmjM
  7. 1) Yes. 2) Justified if the shaming is done to paedophiles, for others we have courts of law. 3) Send them medals and heaps of cash so that they can continue. 4) a ... Failure by governments and law enforcement agencies the world over to actually do something b ... No comment as there are tooo many.
  8. It's such fun to sit and watch Kim Jong Un make a fool of himself ... pointing his little gun and go ping, ping, ping ... for me the best part is watching his adoring (or else get shot) fans hurl themselves into the waves and cry out for their beloved leader not to go from their beloved shores. No, go back, go back my beloved people follow me not into this freezing ocean ... But we loveth thee O master Kim ... I say let them flagellate themselves into a frenzy ... and let's watch ... soon it's going to be make or break for them (whether it's Kim or his generals who are stirring .......). In all probability they're going to do something idiotic in order to save face. And if China displays any wisdom they would step in and help comrade Kim to save face before he does the dastardly deed of dumbness. It's in their best interest ... because like it or not the US is committed to SK and if China does not want the US and SK a stones throw their border, well then yes ... have a parlay with comrade Kim.
  9. You mean the party that was suspiciously lenient towards three of its top members after they assaulted women and immigrants and waved steel pipes around in the street? Yeah, a really nice party and surely a great source of inspiration to democracy in general. In the context of Sverigedemokraterna being like the Nationalistic Stormcloaks and looking to protect their heritage, I have no problem ... everyone deserves that ... before long your own nation isn't your own, and you find that you have to tread lightly so that you don't offend outsiders who have "set up shop" on your doorstep ... in your own country. When they come they don't just bring themselves, they bring their customs as well, and if there's a politician in your constituency that's looking for extra votes, then you can guarantee that they are going to grab hold of the immigrants to get their vote. the payoff for the immigrant is that he or she gets to exercise some form of control and gets their customs in the door ... and on many an occasion they get them into law. To bad if their ways are contrary to your old ways, you have to compromise ... in your own country ! The "empire" always screams and shouts about freedom for all ... but it comes at a price ... your Nationalistic freedom, your right to be you. Democracy isn't as brilliant as people tend to believe ... how many countries didn't get to exercise their "Democratic" right to vote and that was the last time they voted in peace because the clowns who came into power stayed there by the barrel of the gun ... don't believe me ? Then check out Africa, The Middle East, Asia and South America ... the political landscape is filled with "Democratic" corpses. Every time I see the words ... Democratic Peoples Republic ... I can pretty much guarantee that freedom left that nation the day that democracy entered it. The reason why Democracy works in the West is because of the Western mindset, foreigners are really foreign, they really don't think like we do. Now we don't hate them for being different, we are not to become bigots, spewing hatred against them ... including wielding steel pipes in the street ... which is merely a sign of genuine frustration with the powers that be. No, we accept others as long as they live by our rules and laws and if this is the West then I'm pretty sure that our laws ultimately protect everyone and gives people the right to live in peace. No need to change them. The Stormcloacks pretty much accept those who are more like them ... however, the stranger the foreigner is in looks and ways, the less tolerant they are towards them. A mirror reflection of our world.
  10. There is absolutely nothing wrong with Swedish Nationalism (Sverigedemokraterna) just like there is nothing wrong with the Stormcloaks. Both are looking to a time when there country was there own and they had their say as to what happened in their nation. Problem is that if you are so used to having "the empire" (your version) telling you what is right and wrong you're going to end up believing them and end up hating those in their struggle for liberation. Kind of makes me think about the States ... the Democrats being the "empire" and the Republicans are the Stormcloaks ... viva la revolucion ! There's a Stormcloak in every nation .... http://i1235.photobucket.com/albums/ff434/yuri-chick/flag-rebelborn_zps1ad805b4.jpg
  11. Nintii

    Broken index files

    First of all thanks for the reply ... It does use an external SD memory card but not anything "on board" or part of the device. I had a similair problem with the first device (this is the second one after exchange). But I'm still using the SAME SD card, so perhaps that's where the problem has been all along. Thanks a million for the insight I'll try using a different SD card. Cheers.
  12. Hi there, I've recently purchased a DVK 808 spy camera, I found a review of the camera on Youtube. The problem I'm having is that sometimes the camera captures excellent film but on other occasions (increasing), Windows Media Player cannot open the AVI file ... the format the camera shoots film in. I also have Virtualdub and it opens the file when there is a problem but it informs that there is a "broken index" or something like that and then it proceeds to "rebuild" the clip but only does so to approx 70% of the clip. I have downloaded two other programs to try and "fix" the problem like AVImedic and Divfix but they are pretty much useless and don't get the job done at all. My question is this ... what causes the Index files to be broken ? The camera is fully charged ... the space on the memory card is more than sufficient, so what gives ? Thanks so much for any advice ... cheers.
  13. If you're on your own it could still be a real grind. The answer to "getting by" for many seems to be a numbers game. ... or you could become a politician they're making the moola ... right ?!
  14. Nintii


    Yes well the same guy ... Krishnmurti ... also said and I quote; "A consistent thinker is a thoughtless person, because he conforms to a pattern; he repeats phrases and thinks in a groove" You see that's the problem with a lot of philosophers they all want us to be as weird as they are. What on earth is wrong with a person who is a consistent thinker ? What, should I think inconsistently ? Most philosophers tend to think that social norms like individuality need to be scrapped somewhere along the line, and that we should all conform and become part of some type of hive mindset. You are no longer ... a white, oriental, african female / male whatever ... no, uh uh, that was back when you were still an unenlightened beast crouching and gibbering in the darkness of your own futility, blinded by your individuality and cultural confusion. That was when you were still "animal" and controlled by your lower nature but NOW, NOW my dear fellow human you have been liberated. Oh yes, now you are part of the NEW global mind, a global chain of humaness, "one love one heart, let's get together and feel alright" as Bob Marley sang. Yes, stretching across the vast expanse of our brave new world, we shall carry the torch. Come and dwell in my light where ALL live happily ever after ... together ... right ? Here we bedeck our brows with garlands of flowers and live in Utopiana. You know, we are the world, we are the children kind of nonsense. Next thing you know, as is always the case with this type of thinking, they create a one philosophy which is always Communist Marxist mindset and communal way of living. Bye bye stuff, bye bye creativity, bye bye prosperity, after all we don't want to upset the equilibrium of our new society by our personal progression, hardwork and intelligence now do we ? No, we must all be the same ... to which I say ..................................................!!!!! First they start to get you to doubt your individuality ... because being an individual is bad ... and then they go for the removal of bounderies and barriers both cultural and national. And then they take your stuff. No, I am who I am and what I am ... you can keep your oneness to yourself. And if you try and take away my freedom of being me, then you're going to see some real violence.
  15. Hmmm, your headline seems to have very little in common with the body of your post. Although I did follow up on your link and it read, "Guns and the Decline of the Young man", nothing at all about a "white male" in the article's headline. Though I did notice that the same article did mention the name of Seung-Hui Cho who went on violent killing spree and took the lives of 32 innocent people and wounded another 17 innocent people at Virginia Polytechnic ... and he was a Korean. So as far as I'm concerned your post could also have headlined the statement ... " Is the violence attributed to the decline of the Oriental male" but it did'nt but it could have. You see KVN, what I'm trying to get at here is that your post concerning the shooting at Newtown and your insert of the term "... decline of the White male" is in fact a racially motivated statement. I've just perused the data from the US Department of Justice and if the horrifying and senseless shooting of inncoent people (whether it be kids or adults) by a certain "White" person says that now because of this the " .... White man is in Decline". Then according to the data from the Department of Justice the "decline of the Black man" and the growing levels of violence amongst the Hispanic community must be ensuring their decline too ? I think not. I would have rather stated that the "violence should be attributed to the over abundance of guns and the general lack of respect toward human life" and not some racial putdown. Violence from ANY group is ALWAYS unacceptable, irrespective of who they may be, but no one group should be targeted. Secondly ... Perhaps it could be said that because of the Economic woes that the "White man" is now in, he is in a "decline", and thus because of his apparent decline he is now losing it and the the levels of White violence is increasing. But no, if you look back at the Great Depression, which lasted for 11 years (way longer than the current finacial woes), and had a way higher rate of unemployment in the US than you are currently facing, up to 25 percent at one time. Yet you don't see the same levels of unfettered violence as you do now ... Why not ? Because people had a greater level of respect and value for human life back then. That's what it ultimately boils down to, not some racial issue or thing. Though other issues like "last hired and first fired" concerning Black people during that time was an issue also the fact that at one time over 500,000 Mexican-Americans were illegaly deported so that White people could get jobs isnt a pretty picture. Violence has always been a problem, the entire World over ... and to read something into it other than mankinds penchant for his own self destruction is to miss it completely.
  16. Nintii


    Insecurity provides nothing of value whatsoever, all it does is breed fear and misery and it wrecks the lives of those around the person who has given in to this scourge and to the individual themself. All you need is to get involved with someone who has this sickness of the soul and soon the cross questioning or 20 questions begins and the following, and the constant calls to find out where you are, who you're with and what you're doing. And depending on how far THEY HAVE ALLOWED this leprosy to spread through their thinking (or lack of it), will then depend on the actions they take AGAINST YOU both verbally and physically. Ask me ... I know, I've been there a good couple of times and it wasn't pretty. I simply don't have the time to prop you up everytime insecurity sinks it's fangs into your mind. I'll give you an initial trial period to get to really know me and my loyalty is second to none but if you keep up with your insecurity I'll dump you quicker than a bolt of greased lightning. As far as it goes in business world insecurity is a sure recipe for disaster, no need to explain that, right ? As for your looks - both facial and bodywise including the sound of your voice - do what you can to improve yourself and when you get to the point where you cannot go any further - I'm going to assume you don't have the money for surgery etc (no that was not meant to be funny), then just accept yourself as is. And rid yourself of those who try and keep you down with their attitudes and words. Humility on the other hand is simply ALLOWING YOURSELF to recognise that other people have value and allowing them to express their own worth without trying to steal their thunder, by letting them lead or speak, make the decisions, control the situation etc., and even letting them know it. To show humility before others is to express confidence in yourself. And a confident person is a happy person and a happy person is a loving person. Don't worry so much about what people think about you ... establish your worth to yourself and get on with your life. I ignore people completely when they're rude or arrogant, I refuse to accept the package they're trying to sell. I love my GF's we are constantly building each other up, that's what most women do. So guys why don't you compliment each other more often instead of breaking each other down, it's not a weakness it's a strength.
  17. Fallout 3 is by far the better game ... I was constantly strategizing my next move, and my sense of immersion in the game was far more realistic. Skyrim on the other hand for me is a straightforward game of how strong I am in whatever character type, and then I just go from one quest to the other. Having said that, I'm still thoroughly enjoying it. New Vegas ... sigh ... I'm not even going there.
  18. @ sukeban ... agreed, aesthetics is most definitely a large or the largest slice in the "creative" pie ... yet I can still "see" it in a mod you might create that is exclusively some type of animation or even some new mesh that though static still enhances the overall game. Alright so a glowing stimpak might not qualify as an object of any kind of great beauty but it enhances my gaming experience ... it's part of the entire creative process - the game (as the OP states) - so, though it's artistic value is tiny, my overall experience is better because of it ... thus I state "it" has artistic value and the creator is therefore an artist. I don't know much about cars but let's say for instance you go to the factory where they make spark plugs - not a place that I'd call an artists workshop ... but you would agree that this items role, though small, is not only vital to the vehicles performance but because of it ... the sheer joy of the driving experience is made a reality. That's my point :thumbsup:
  19. I'd say that anything creative can be and invariably is an art, thus modders are artists in their own right.
  20. What is "adult" and "non-adult", is easy to define ... You're under 18, living under my roof, sleeping on the bed I paid for, eating the food I paid for, watching the TV I paid for etc., etc., and so the answer is ... NO, you cannot watch that, play that game or mess about with Suzie, Jimmy or whoever on that bed or anywhere else in my home ... because you're legally considered a "minor" and I'm an "adult" so I get to make the rules. So until you have your own place that you pay for, in which case you can watch what you want to, play what and with whom you want to, and where you want to ... because then you're going to be 18 yrs old and considered by law and society to be an "adult". Adult is anything that the basic law says you can or cannot do until you're legally of age ... 18 ... Anything else just evolves into a moral war which should be ignored. Btw, I consider game ratings to be useless and irrelevant. The strict policing by the Nexus to enforce it's "legally 18" policy is truly something that not only I but the majority of "adult's" here wholeheartedly endorse and support. As an adult it's your business what mods you create or use !
  21. There is no single "one size fits all", when it comes to eroticism ... a romantic candlelit dinner can fan the flame of passion just as equally for one person as pouring the hot wax from said candle across (wherever) for another. A person and their fetish is a private matter ... as an adult, so I'm not going there. However, when it comes to gaming, many of the mods created push a person - of an impressionable age - off into an arena where they shouldn't be ... because quite honestly it's premature. My nephew is just entering his teens and his hormones are currently doing the backflip ... any woman who has breasts larger than his handfull is an object of discussion and intense ogling and scrutiny. That's all he has on his mind ... he knows my thoughts on the mnatter (that it's not a subject up for discussion) so he invents ways (he thinks) that will fool me into talking about it. As his aunt, I have to reign him in during any excursion to the mall and ANY game - wer're both gamers - that has even the slightest hint of a busty damsel is one he holds onto for dear life and then the begging and whinning begins ... Please, please, please buy this game for me !!! I couldnt get rid of him when I had Calientes mod on my PC ... he just "had to have a turn" playing and "when was I going to buy the game for him". I dread the thought and the state of my electric recliner (my gaming chair) if I had I left him alone for a day during the school holidays. The entire industry is geared towards sales figures and sex sells ... and just as the face of Helen of Troy set sail to a 1000 ships, the naked thigh will set sail to a 100,000 copies of the game. It's not just Bethesda or the modders, it's something that's across the board everywhere. Best thing is to simply police it and enforce your standards. My personal take on the issue is that pornography promises intimacy but only produces distance and so I stay away from it. It promises to give you a good time but that seems to me to be ... you and the image in front of you or in your mind ... alone in the room, let's not even go there. Soon you discover that you're spending less time with your boyfriend, girlfriend or spouse and you have the door closed and locked ... Now it's a problem ! Anyhow, as an adult that's your business like I've said but when it comes to the "under-aged", just don't give them access. My one main and serious concern is that of mods that allow you to interact with children that could be used for paedohpilia, hell I don't care if it isn't real, it's the thought in this instance that get's me concerned.
  22. Watched Mr Poppers Penguins or something like that last night ... not as good as Green Zone on the weekend though ... ahhhhh Mr Matt Damon, I so love your smile ... cuteeeeeee :teehee:
  23. Nintii


    Ah well Werne, bottom line is she loves you ... it's so obvious :thumbsup:
  24. Actually I wouldn't rule out the Thalmor and the Dark brotherhood holding hands remember ... If they could weaken the empire at any point they would, in your one mission as the dragonborn you infiltrtate the Thalmor embassy and during that mission you discover ... The Thalmor would do anything to hurt the Empire. But as to who is sending the Dark Brotherhood after you all the time is a mystery to me. I've just destroyed the Dark Brotherhood in one of the quests ... let's see if there's a glitch and they still come after me ... you never know right !? What concerns me is that I'm out in the middle of nowhere and all of a sudden I see a message that says "some Orc stronghold has just put a 5 gold bountyagainst my name". What have I done ? Unfortunately I had to edit my post here as it contained spoilers ... closed of course but spoilers nevertheless and so only seeing the "No spoilers" sign afterwards ... I've done what I can to rectify the situation. Apologies.
  25. It's my pleasure ... and remember, gaming only !
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