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Everything posted by metaphorset

  1. So you think that spamming the same topic over and over is going to help?
  2. Moving the workbench with console commands or otherwise is not the best idea. Workbenches are tied to a specific cell. Moving them out of their original cell will most likely create bugs. You can display cell borders by typing TB in the console, then try to figure out if you moved them to a new cell. Try to move them back to their original cell.
  3. 1. You shouldn't listen to the people on the internet; Everybody's telling you something different. LOOT is perfectly fine, it does a good job. 2. Instead, go on youtube and watch Gopher's videos about Skyrim performance tuning and stability fixes. He knows what he's doing and what he's talking about. 3. He not only explains how to fix the game but also explains why it's necessary. Not many random specialist encounters here do that. I still play Skyrim with around 100 mods occasionally on my 9 year old Potato (Phenom II X6 1090T Black, 8GB RAM, Radeon R9 nano) and I hadn't any stability issues with it in years. And by that I mean 6hrs of constant playing without CTDs on "normal" sessions and sometimes 12hrs when I manage to find the time.
  4. As funny as it is to see people arguing on the internet about video game theories and conspiracies, it's even funnier and much more disturbing to see other (or maybe even the same) people doing it in real life. I'd rather have them arguing over video games than proven science in real life, especially now that it became dangerous for all the normal people out there.
  5. ^^^This.^^^ So, even if it's for PERSONAL USE, learning NifSkope, Blender and Outfit Studio is the minimum.
  6. There is no such thing as a properly balanced BGS game. Never was and most probably never will be. The problem is routed somewhere between bad playtesting and Todd's power fantasy. There's even a video somewhere where he talks about "running around and shooting things". Fallout 4 (vanilla) is by far the best game when it comes to balancing - especially Survival Mode, if you stay away from the OP perks - but as soon as you install Automaton, things start to go wrong. Automaton becomes available at level 15, which might be a good starting level when you play on lower levels, but on Survival the first mission (meeting up with ADA) is a huge step up to what you're used to. Then, every random encounter with Automatons turns into a Dark Souls boss battle without a proper arena. It's still enjoyable, IF you like harder games. Difficulty-wise I enjoy Fallout 4 a crapton more than Skyrim with its idiotic slider, because in the early stages you were not able to stay on let's say 80%, while properly roleplaying (whatever that means in any BGS game) a specific character. Try for example a Thief archer character on "The Wolf Queen Awakened" at level 10. Or "The Break of Dawn" at level 12. In any case, once you reached level 30, the games get a lot less challenging and even boring when you have the right weapons. To counter that I rarely use Power Armor, go with the Vault Suit leather armor combo and stay away from ballistic weave as long as possible. Of course it is based on what perks you level, but in the end it's always either Todd's boring power fantasy with a few highlights or decent difficulty with occasionally reloading older saves because dying in BGS games is a lot less fun than dying in Fromsoft's games.
  7. Honestly, I'd expected to see a video from a 11 year old kid trying to convince people that he found a rock in NV that looks exactly like Elvis when viewed from the right angle in the right weather conditions or so... It's so long but it's still hilarious what some people define as an Easter egg.
  8. Nah. That would imply that BGS actually put work into their cash grab. Nothing changes except the newest iteration of the Microtransaction Club. Textures do have an impact on performance, you know. Maybe it was a 2k or 4k mod, maybe the mod was just not optimized, maybe the ini file got resetted, but one again - no. BGS is completely done with technical stuff in Fallout 4. The game is over 3 years old now and optimizing would also mean that they would have to playtest the whole ting again. And that's something they didn't even bother to do in the first place.
  9. Yep. Bad RNG is a thing in BSG games. In Skyrim I ended up with +10 charmed necklaces because I got the revelers on at least every third "random" encounter. In Fallout 4, in two different playthrough attempts (no mod changes besides updates) I got only attackes on Tenpines throughout the first. On the second, most attacks happened on Finch Farm and Sunshine Tidings. On the downside, every time I came back to Sanctuary I had one of two specific settlers waiting there who would report that the other had been kidnapped to either Medford Memorial or Corvega. That's the typical BGS experience, I guess.
  10. We could borrow some scripting ideas from good old Sticky (FO3). His story randomizer script would be a good template for "See that X? You can Y", where X and Y are random things and actions. But why stop there? We could have a broken Synth Companion/NPC who goes by the name of Babbling Pete. If you initiate conversation, he would spout endless corporate BS about the Institute and how it would totally streamline the Wasteland experience. The Sticky story generator would also come in handy for some type of NPC in a random encounter. He would go by the name of Emil and he would exchange an "amazing story" for caps.
  11. Yeah, well, we're talking about a Game Studio that thinks it's a good idea to send grannies with kitchen knifes and ladles to fight dragons and vampires. I guess at this point it's just not worth anymore to wonder why things are a little incoherent here and there This is why I tend to leave good old Moon-Moon somewhere on the ground when climbing up high. Poor pooch tends to hit those holes with quite some determination and I always play on Survival with damage ramped up even higher, so Stimpacks are scarce.
  12. @MarkusTay Honestly I don't get why this update thing is still a problem for so many people. I just popped into Fallout 4 today again and my version is still And I play "online" all the time. And to clarify things a little more - it's not necessarily only the exe that gets updated. Steam Settings for Fallout 4: Update -> Automatic Updates -> Only update this game when I launch it -> Background Downloads -> Never allow Background Downloads. Then all you have to do is launch the game from within SteamApps\common\Fallout 4 folder, either by double-clicking on Fallout4.exe or by using the shortcut provided by FOSE (which you should have installed anyway). No need to play offline, the only thing you might want to do is making a backup onto a USB drive. There, no "updates" - as long as you don't want them. It's messy, it's everything but convenient but it's the closest thing we could get. And regarding Bugthesda's other IPs, which already require Denuvo - it could be worse. And BTW - "bug free" games are a myth. There is no such thing as "bug free" in the Computer Industry as a whole.
  13. That's right, it doesn't have to be seen as a bad thing, as long as they make the right choices. As far as I'm concerned they still refuse to change the worst UI in AAA Game history. It's been an unusable mess back in TES IV Oblivion, it's the same mess in Fall-Apart 76 and it's still going to be a mess in TES:VI Not to mention all of the bugs in Fallout 4 that got fixed by the Community and they are still present in Fall-Apart 76 I think, their board meetings go a little like this: "Hey, let's check the Nexus and see what's trenging atm. Oh, look - people are making hundreds of followers, well, I guess that's popular. It's also quite cheap. So all we need to make is hundreds of followers and everybody's happy again."
  14. I love answers like that. Especially the "idk" part.
  15. Reflections - YAY! That's all I ever wanted from a BGS Game or any game. I'd happily trade good and interesting gameplay or even gameplay as a whole if I finally get reflections. Character animations on par with other 2018 games? Nah, don't need that. Reflections - that is what we need. And Godrays. Because... you know... those are the most important parts in a good video game. Right?
  16. Nah, I'm good. I won't touch anything that has Online Multiplayer slapped on it for exactly that reason. I'd also never argue with people who enter biting mode right away and throw around accusations when someone states a mere fact that might not even be their opinion. That's probably the wisdom that comes with age.
  17. I'm totally fine with that. At this point I wouldn't even touch Fall-Apart 76, if it comes to Steam and gets sold for a fiver.
  18. @HadToRegister: "Our" benevolent leader Todd once said "Be whoever you want, play however you want." I know, I know... It's actually quite a long time ago since BGS took "role" out of "roleplaying"...
  19. Luckily - or sadly - I'm one of those people who don't care about 4k at all. If I had to choose between 4k and a stable +60 FPS or decent gameplay (with... you know, quests that are actually working, consistent and balanced player abilities and good storytelling) I'd ditch 4k without even thinking about it. The sad part about it is, that it seems to be a major selling point today, so studios and investors want to see more of it. Plus it certainly helps selling hardware. 4k in BGS games seems to be such a waste, since the GFX engine isn't even capable of displaying the most basic 3D techniques like normal mapping in a way you'd expect them to be in a modern 3D game. It's 2018 now and there is still no sign of automatic occlusion culling techniques used by other GFX engines for almost a decade. Having crisp textures surely doesn't do much on the "realsim" side, if the PC and NPCs still have a moveset like stick figures, can't jump over obstacles in a human way, need to finish animations before being able to talk to each other and are disembodied entities in FP mode. But hey - mods will fix it, right?
  20. Uhm... maybe I miss something here, but what exactly changed? It's pretty much the same since TES3 - Morrowind. "Release an unfinished Beta to the public and let them fix it". Ok, I get it. It's 60 Dollars now, right?
  21. I'd like to see a mod that changes FO76 into a playable game. You know - into something that's actually worth being played. Although, now that I've written it down, it seems more like a total conversion to me...
  22. Why would anyone be willing to do that? The only reason I could imagine is that someone falls for good guy Todd's claims that they "improved" the engine so it can handle a world "four! times! larger!" than Fallout 4. Everything else? Basically mod creators will have to deal with the same bugs that plagued Fallout 4 and then some. Again; why would anyone be willing to do that? Honestly, hitting my self over the head with a nailed board kinda sounds more appealing to me than that. @gromulos - wise decision. Although I'd exchange the "when" to an "if". We're dealing with "New Generation Bethesda" here, which means that they're done with giving shoits about the fans.
  23. Actually, I really like that feature. Yes, I do. Don't judge me. It's funny. And it helps with the imaginary NPC voice-overs in my head. "Dammit, Herbert! Quit the Jet, man! How should I run a big boy's gun business and keep up my rock hard and batshit crazy facade with a sad clown like you in tow who is not even capable of putting his pants on in the Morning?"
  24. Um... remember the hunters from Skyrim? They couldn't hit a barn door with their bows, even if it would have been 2 meters away. Nice way to get lots of arrows early on though, because most of them would just drop to the ground after a few meters of airtime. Some of the Random Encounters in FO4 are protected, like Ness for example. She randomly gets into shootouts with my caravan guys. Last time I met her was near Drumlin Diner. I grabbed a bucket of popcorn, got myself comfy on the big sign at the crossroads and kept watching for about 15 real-life minutes. It's going on and on and on.... That's "Radiant AI" - "it just works".
  25. Ok, let's do not talk about the "Teaser" (I've done scenes like that in Blender 8 years ago) and instead talk about the wish list. Less bugs. Way less of them! It would be a nice change, to play a TES title for once in a while, where not every stage in the main quest has a possibility of breaking. Balanced gameplay. At least on the hardest mode. It's sad that combat in every BGS game becomes boring after reaching level 20. Especially in a world that is big enough for hundreds of hours of gameplay. Option to disable pacifier mode - aka quest markers. Not only the floating ones but also the ones on the compass and the map. Morrowind style navigation, by following directions, given by NPCs. I'm a big boy and I want to play big boy games! Let people explore. Let them find stuff on their own. Less annoying NPCs. Guards should do guard stuff, they aren't there to fill my quest log with random quests and location markers, when I pass them, while simultaneously turning their back on me when I get followed by bandits. I don't care about the nip in the air three times per day and I also do not care about some random a$$hat's opinion about why I don't belong in the Cloud District every time I pass them. I don't care about a follower's opinion when I collect garbage. If they want to know what people expect from followers, they should take a very close look at Inigo and start from there. Not every single NPC needs to have a backstory and I surely don't need to hear it without asking them. They also should have manners. You don't talk while others are having a conversation. It's rude. Seriously! STFU! Distinguishable traits for races and classes. Obviously this ties in heavily with No. #2. A Khajiit Thief should obviously feel different than an Orc Tank. Argonians can breathe under water, so there should be at least some possibilities to use this to an advantage. Replayability. Do not! - and I repeat DO NOT! TIE EVERY! MAJOR! FACTION! INTO! THE! MAIN! QUEST! Also do not make factions easily accessible to every Tom, Dick or Harry at any given time. This "Prove to be worthy by farting three times in my general direction - congratulations, Harry. You're a wizard." is no fun at all unless you are a three year old toddler. A balanced economy. Easy quests - few coins, hard quests - many coins. Way less but much better loot. Unique Loot - not just random swords with crappy enchantments. Loot that makes sense (aka no fresh food in tombs that haven't been open in thousands of years). A balanced fame system. If you are famous for slaying that dragon outside the town, NPCs should treat you accordingly. A complete moveset, for crying out loud. We got rid of ice skating in Skyrim, we got rid of stickfigure movement in Fallout 4. What about climbable ladders? Rolling animations? Dodging? Head dives into water? Anything animation-related that already got introduced in the first Tomb Raider game 22 years ago? Weapons that feel different because every weapon type requires a different fighting style? Short swords, long swords and Battle Axes are not the same. We surely have seen enough of the same hack-hack-slash-slash since Morrowind. Speaking of weapons and combat: If a guy swings a 30 kg iron block on a massive wooden handle over his head in a vertical line, he surely is not able to do a 180 at the same time. NPCs should act according to their abilities. Random grandmas don't fight dragons or vampires. Go ask your grandma. It surely is funny to watch, but it's not exactly what happens in a "living and breathing world". Hamlets, villages, towns and cities should differ in size and their population figure. Novigrad is a medieval city, Solitude is not. If a place is known for its vast graveyard, there should be a vast graveyard, not only 10 graves. If some random NPC talks about his childhood dream of "sailing the rivers of Skyrim", there should be rivers in Skyrim (duh). Also, a 10v10 fight is not a civil war. And there surely is no civil war at all, if there are no signs of it other than random soldier camps sprinkled around the landscape. Can we have a modern sound middleware? I am quite tired of wafer-thin walls or hearing conversations from 50 meters away.
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