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Everything posted by Klipperken
I am, as I said earlier, not sure, but i had the feeling that TES had a lot more people than FO had?
So, can you give us a wee info on what you're working on?
True, but they say enough about a sitation. Why just stop there? Why not add RP? Back in my Pen-and-Paper role play days, I was usually quite the manipulator. Why fight, if you can turn an enemy neutral, or even friendly? Instead of killing that poor fu... dge, why not "turn" him, make him a nice fella, send him to whatever settlement, so that he can better his life, and actually become an add-on to humanity? Life already is so scarce in FO. Kind of ultimately moronic to kill more folks like this. Hell, we're on the brink of extinction, don't forget that... A whole land, merely a handful of humans (NOT!!! counting enemy humans, since no choice for turning them). By figure of speech you can count the friendlies on one hand. Again, by figure of speech... XD
Since Cambragol's V24 never really took of, I thought that mod to become the base of the Dwemer Mod, with in it like 100 Dwemer NPC's, main quest line, side quests, a total revamp of the V24 mod into Dwemerish bunker with traps, you name it. An Admin here told me to go solo on this project, go figure???? A project like that on my frikken own? That takes decennia!!!! Not to mention, I am not that good a modder. How? Pre-war knowledge is pretty much wiped out. Here is a fun fact, hygiene and health connection discovery was a coincidence. Hol' on a wee second there: people still live right? Think that back in our ape days we used computers to store knowledge? We sang knowledge to our kids, much like even now the Australian Aboriginals do. Than we began to paint on walls. Later written language came into existence. As long as ONE person lives, basic knowledge will survive, and this includes hygienic knowledge.
Fallout 4 1.4.124 Beta Update is on!
Klipperken replied to Boombro's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
Since both keys are movement, i think it is about turn speed of the character? I use arrows for movement myself, with mouse for turning, so, can't tell for sure, but it seems to be A logical explanation? -
Oh, I did not say with ANY raider, I meant those that say they want to quit that life style. Of course there are those you cannot converse with, for sure. :)
Old friends: Sure, but think: Would the wastes be spared of radiation? Fallout? Realistically: survivability out there: 0, since no shelter, and water/food. Point was: if you put 30 man in a vault the size of a lockbox, NO one will ever emerge. We simple cannot live together, ESPECIALLY not locked up, being forced to see the same faces day in/day out for 10 years. Not speaking of 200 here.... These folks are not heavily trained and tested astronauts, right? They can live together for a wee, but it won't be the first that began to doubt his own mind, up there... One even said, a Russian, that he got so down at a point, that he wanted to just blow the hatch... Or so the story goes, but it does make one think. Large places: well not quite, there are quite a few large places, that when cleared and cleaned, might become decent housing. About cleaning: are the only ones that have somewhat a brain, those in V81, or the Institute (not that I ever got there, but pictures online say quite a bit)? People should now that hygiene is a must, especially in those conditions? XD There is no GECK and it really hard to mod right now for new comers and old dogs. AND: not everyone sees things in the same way. I tried to 'resurrect' the Dwemer, by the logic, that if 3 Dwemer could survive the curse (one being a Ghost, but STILL a Dwemer) others might as well. Dwemer always had this strange, attractive pull on people, just look at some Dwemer based mods. But nope, could not get it running... Tried for a long wee, though...
But it's not the same as reasoning with them, is it? "Where are you, *censored*, I'm going to find you!" (some raider yells at you). PERFECT opportunity to address that raider and try to for instance smooth talk them, or try to work out some deal, or... or... or... So much potential... I mean, think about this: how oftewn don't you hear one of them say, he's/she's about to quit for a normal life. I smell a settler right there, dangit, but all I can do is kill him/her? Kind of VERY moronic, IMHO. And this is only ONE example in a multi-thousand option of situations. Not sure how you see it. Think of this: you have Charisma to try and gain some things, but one can only use it in a handful of situations, that of which 80% of the time not even matter? Hmmmm.... waste of good charisma.
Maybe not everyone likes a post nuclear game? It might just be that TES has a larger community due to a more neutral setting, could be wrong though....
I find it funny, it's sad, but funny still. V81, for example, what can you do in that room? If you add a simple chest, you will not fit in that broom cabinet anymore. If people would actually have survived in there for 200 years, then each and everyone had Godlike capabilities. Hell, if I were to be put in such vault, I'd go killing spree within 5 months, rofl. Not to mention 200 years!!! But say, you want to add some things, like chests, where would you leave them? Soon (relatively speaking) there will be usable mannequins. Awesome, if only we had a spot to put them at. Think about this: 80% of the population has been wiped away. Settlements and towns take quite a wee of space, sure, but half is either entirely demolished, or overrun by criminals/creatures. Then we have half the other map, unused. I can't see a reason why not to build larger places? Merely saying.
You really cannot call Curie PALE, dude. She's flashy like hell. XD
I dont think there should be a Fallout 5
Klipperken replied to Hexxagone's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
You can RP her way she can murder people. It not that hard. I know, but to much rads, so little people and hardly anything to do really. It works more like a telltale game, or game with loading areas but not open world with 12940 of play time. Do you actually know what you are speaking of? 15/50 years, if it took you a wee bit long to find cover, you'd either be a Ghoul (now THERE's an idea), or pretty much a pile of goo. With a tad of luck, you only will look like Quasimodo, all bumps, seriously disfigured. Teeth, hair, well, that's a nono anymore. Genitalia, nope. No, 200 years is more then not long enough for me, lol. Aside, as my Bro Broom said: what will you do? Cower in some pit, waiting for your death, in extreme agony, alone by yourself? That is, if you're lucky, I told you, you might end up a Ghoul, one that still has his wits, not them brainless monstrosities, you'd go insane due to loneliness, boredom, you name it... The game has his humour, it's just not always as obvious. You can RP her way she can murder people. It not that hard. I know, but to much rads, so little people and hardly anything to do really. It works more like a telltale game, or game with loading areas but not open world with 12940 of play time. 1) But he has a point. Know, humans are pre-programed by things like emotion, conscious, you name it. One that is unable to kill, won't be able for either a very long time, but by then it's usually too late, or even not at all. This very day, there are "battle hardened" soldiers that close their eyes when they fire upon an enemy. Makes one think. And our protagonist steps out the vault, goes on a killing spree, coming from a warm, cozy and SAFE environment? But not likely. Exactly. Of course, the game as is cannot allow it. The protagonist would be either born a genocidal maniac, had a pre-programing in his hyper sleep, or would go mental. Roaches the size of dogs? i can think of a few that would drop dead from horror right there, lmao. Not to mention when the hero bumps into his first Claw. I see it as being pre-programed, think of Demolition Man, but without the knitting skill. I mean, I can't really see how knitting could be life saving. Unless you use the needles as sai... XD OOH, here's an idea for a skill in FO5: Mortal Knitting. -
What he said. ^^^ Furthermore, girls do not travel across the country for their job, and are far less even a CEO. Unless they work for Hitler or the Institute, rofl. Wait... Hitler, wrong movie. But even then, FO does not have jobs where girls are gone for a few months, to pop up only to have sex and breakfast, before taking off again. Not unless you'r with the institute, BoS, or similar. But you have a point, there's something like LAT relationships, and the like, true. However, i cannot think about this, the missus is far too both jealous and paranoid. XD
That would mean eradicate it's population... I'm a bit too nice, lol.
... I mean prewar clean, like the prewar house mod for Sanctuary, but that one's far too small for me, and in Sanctuary, not really a tactical place to have it. Or the Institute bunker, which ALSO is placed VERY badly. A nice, modern and not worn house in dead center map would be lovely. Or a nice HUGE home in V81... I like V81. :P Just soooo bloody TINY....
That's all combat related, isn't it. There is far too little on conversation, interaction. When I went pen-and-paper role playing, combat was an option, not a must have. Here you see a Raider, and he\she's automatically red to you. No option to talk, not to mention to make that raider think otherwise... Stuff like that.
Umm, i meant clean, and actually nice, lol... With prewar stuff instead of all the worn out things.
Can I romance a companion after reaching 100% approval?
Klipperken replied to VaerFeme's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
There's a dogmeat as kitten mod... Not much, but it's a start. XD -
Well, was merely saying it CAN be done, not that you have to... XD
You can make dame fine houses with the in-game building system I tell you. I can't wait for it do drop since I want to make a shack anyhow, and try my hand at making the Drumlin diner a town. Uhm, I said "decent". XD Not lore friendly, but I could not care less about that. I just want a nice place to drop my stuff. One decent attempt was Institute Bunker...
Let me put that in a simple way: it's far too small, I want the German Gustav as a pistol. Dual wielding, of course. And yes, that was slightly sarcastic. But the fact remains: the RP part in FO4 is bloody weak. I mean, like them Minutemen quests: Go there, pewpewpew, quest done. Go to another, get item, much pewpewpew, quest done. I can't believe that in a world such as FO4 the only problem would be enemies. The game has tremendous potential, and then Beth happens? Tssssk. :tongue: And as for environment, the vaults are too bloody small. There are barely -if any- caves, or... Not enough to explore, for me at least.
I dont think there should be a Fallout 5
Klipperken replied to Hexxagone's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
In FO they do, the TES maps are pretty decent. But they use that game to base everything on, prolly not the most ingenious idea, but well. As for the modders, true, but quite a few DO know about FO. And are good. I spoke of Cambragol, Vault24, if you had that mod, then you know that fella would've been one hell of an asset. I mean, seriously, the vaults in FO4 are just... not vaulty... And there are plenty of others. Cambragol jumped to mind due to V24, GOODNESS what a Vault that was... Imagine these implemented in a serious way: http://www.nexusmods.com/newvegas/mods/39339/? -
Most welcome, brother. You could even do the same with armor...
I agree, but it seems as we move onwards in the series, it becomes more and more just a pewpewpew than anything else. Kind of sad...
Fallout 4 1.4.124 Beta Update is on!
Klipperken replied to Boombro's topic in Fallout 4's Discussion
IMHO you miss to much when you just hop over the map like that. But that's me.