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Everything posted by Klipperken

  1. I read these things as well, hence I RRRREEEEAAALLYYYY don't like to upgrade to a new version (I'm running 1.1.29). Sadly I can't get F4SE to work. :(
  2. Sorry, a bit after my last post I had a massive seizure. Well, Sir, that's not the point, I read your post, but it does not make sense to me. Do I need to upgrade my game to whatever needed version, or? And which version would that be? Point still is, I really do not feel like upgrading my game. It is JUST as I want it, and I'd like to keep it this way. Of course, if I have no alternative option, I guess upgrading my game is what I shall do... :(
  3. (although what totally baffles me is, you can swap out power armor pieces from your inventory without needing the armor station...that's kinda stupid). Well not really: They likely made the armor so you can swap out parts fast on the battle field. I can think of a few ways to make such possible, and it's already been done with weapons, vehicles, and the likes.
  4. Well nice, but if what I read is correct, mods will be deactivated, and thus I will no longer have need for the place anywhere dll. I got that one because I have mods, however, I believe it's not Mods causing this... One was not meant to build in locations like that one, originally.
  5. Just asking, not even when you summon a workbench?
  6. Wait, I want a version which is compatible with launcher version 1.3.22, FO4.exe of 1.1.29, thus game version 1.1.29? Since the game runs smoothly for me, I don't like to upgrade... Unless I REALLY have to...
  7. So, I made Steam not automatically update my FO4, since I believe that when a game works, they should leave it alone. I saw posts on how the new patch killed off mods, and introduced new bugs, while some other aren't fixed at all. Not quite sure on what to believe in that regard (save for the mods being killed off: too many a post in that direction), I am not yet upgrading FO4. Now, I found this DLL which allows you to build everywhere (which would be AWESOME for that spot I found, with black marble flooring, a huge fire near the staircase, all in all an awesome place, but trying to put anything on the floor just won't work: everything falls straight through it). This DLL needs F4SE, but trying to fire this up... it tells me to "update or piss off", basically... Older versions of this too refuses to fire up on my current version. Is there a way to overcome this annoyance? I REALLY am not keen on upgrading just yet... Thank you.
  8. She cries for others to come to her aid, trying to make you look bad.
  9. I do not believe that the OP would make a mistake there, when it comes to installing mods... ;)
  10. Haven't gotten there yet. I play in "extremis mode": When I die I reroll character. I've seen Pre War so often now, lol... Too many times. I only save at the end of my game time...
  11. Try placeatme.... Being a random encounter, he's NOWHERE until the game decides to pop him. But you CAN summon him. Not sure if he will have his normal lines, but he should...
  12. Mind storm? Upwards snowing ain't a bug? Goodness... I just saw a picture of it in the modder's section. That picture I have missed back then. Weird thing is, I had this mod quite a bit, seen it all BUT the mind storm (first time when I put up this picture). That's what threw me off.
  13. And not a clue how this suddenly came in existence. Anyone a clue? http://i33.photobucket.com/albums/d54/Kirzillian/ScreenShot0_zps0xqrpgdo.png Figured it out: Nuclear Weather causes this. Heading there to post the bug.
  14. True, shooting someone in the face would piss him off, I reckon. XD But I think OP said without a kill...
  15. Are you poisoned? Radiation? It's weird, indeed. Only thing I can think of is some slow killing something. Bring up Console and type prid 14 followed by resethealth. If you still drop dead, you might need a reinstall... :(
  16. You need to add your Nexus Account into the Manager. If I remember right, once you install NMM you should have had an option to insert this information? Now, below left you see a puppet icon, click it, it should bring the log in window up, if I remember correctly.
  17. We're not on Earth, brother. FO series take place on an earth-like planet with earth-like beings (well, approximately) in an earth-like environment. But all the similarities are merely coincidence, and cannot be held against Bethesda Corporation.
  18. Odd: Since long, Beth KNOWS that Mods make their games, instead of their games. If it wasn't for the likes of FO4Edit, FO4 would've died a quiet death. I simply can't get the fact they wait this long to release their kit. It should have been equally important as the game, so both would be released simultaneously. Then again, of course, there is bureaucracy, where the simplest question takes forever to be answered... Pointing here at tool parts that need to be released by company X, approval can take forever, and then some.
  19. ... Been using this site since...TES 3... Just noticed it thanks yo you two. Damn I fell silly now.
  20. Can you revert to 1.2? Merely asking. I locked Steam update for FO4. I do these manual, since I always expect a ton of problems with patches. I wait usually for a week or 2, three, then I read up on how folks feel about them, and then either update, OR ignore current patch.
  21. AVE! I remember, back in the Dark Age, that we have an actual SEARCH field. This was in conjunction with TAG Search, so we had 2 search versions. Though the TAG Search is a decent system, it lacks the finesse for when you look for specific things (Say eyes as example). I for one would like to see this option return, it was a handy tool, this Search. TAG Search: we have for instance HAIR Tag, but we lack other Tags, like for instance eyes. Or lips, or whatever you think is missing. Often I am looking for something, in a MUCH broader field, which can be quite time consuming. Imagine, you're looking into FNV files for this specific Colt type (Example), but you end up with 4000 weapon files. Not the most user friendly, I reckon. But this then relates to the first part more: General Search option (we can't have weapons in TAG being split up, right? TAG would be a phone book large). Thoughts? PS: I would like to know why General Search was removed? Just being VERY curious here, nothing intended by this question.
  22. Question: does a game brand actually TEST their releases? I mean, CTD due to missing whatever, is just wrong.
  23. Quite a few mods actually alter your save data, especially when it comes to stat-altering mods. This is how the "game" remembers your stats as you save the game. Like level upgrades, for one.
  24. Hmmm, usually it are mods like Pristine Prewar House that bug it up. Haven't had a situation myself like this, due to not using such cell altering mods.
  25. Corrupt save, you likely used a mod what edited a zone like sanctuary or something similar. These mods are known to cause trouble such as the run issue or Power Armor Reset. For the run issue there's a console command which I do not know from the top of me head, for the PAReset bug... well, none but an earlier (from BEFORE the mod installation) will fix that. Quite possibly, you'll need to restart the game from scratch... And do avoid these zone altering mods. At least until the GECK is launched.
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