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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. This whole thread is starting to get a bit unpleasant. We're aware some users do not like the stricter/longer password requirements, however, we believe this is best fit for the site. If you have trouble remembering long password, I recommended a password manager such as LastPass.
  2. deleted2635260 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  3. I'm pretty sure we've explored peer-to-peer in the past. I could get one of the devs to chime in here about it but my main concern is the security aspect. I mean, torrenting anything opens you up to potential malware. How can we realistically offer to have at least virus scanned all files if they're not on our own servers? Some very clever people could find a way to spoof the file they sent into the P2P network and it actually contains malware.
  4. deleted3590522 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  5. deleted3149172 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  6. Hey, Sorry about that. Looks like PayPal had some trouble talking to our server. I've fixed the account for you now.
  7. Technically you can download any mods but it works best with the ones that have the "Vortex" button enabled on it. Otherwise you need to copy/paste the download link into Vortex, which is a bit of a faff.
  8. Hey there, Sorry to hear about your download issues. We do seem to see some users in Malaysia getting bad speeds from the US-based servers. We've already passed this information on to our hosting providers to see if they can do anything about it. For now though, you might want to try a VPN to see if that improves the situation? Or Premium is also an option as you have some very good speeds from Singapore, Miami, Amsterdam and the Premium-only CDN.
  9. You can checkout as a guest without registering an account.
  10. Sorry to hear you're having problems downloading from Nexus Mods. We'll need to know more about your setup before we can help you. Please check out our troubleshooting guide for quick fixes.
  11. Hi there, We allow multiple methods of account recovery, however, many of them are reliant on the user having set up one of these options: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/108-account-recovery
  12. deleted78149638 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  13. deleted84551228 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  14. deleted29165915 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  15. You put the sub-forum in alphabetical order, but not the sub-sub-forums...... :wallbash:Â <sigh>.... I knew someone would say this T.T We only started tidying it up on Friday. The subforums will be alphabetical eventually, but it's such a mammoth task it's going to take a while.
  16. Glad you noticed :D It actually become a necessity, having 1,200+ forums on a single page actually is too much for IPBoard to handle.
  17. I would imagine our devs agree whole heartedly. When the forum needs fixing you can actually see them die a little bit inside :tongue: Seriously though, the IPBoard code isn't our own which makes it hard to work with. You may also be underestimating how crucial the forum is to the site at the moment. One change to something fairly innocent could cause a cascade of failures somewhere else. So it's often not worth the risk to prod around in a code-base that you don't fully understand.
  18. I'm afraid that won't be possible. Unless I'm mistaken, most Skyrim SE mods work with VR without requiring significant alterations.
  19. Vortex 1.4 and above will feature download limiting in the settings. You can opt in the beta version now. However, this obviously only applies to games Vortex supports.
  20. Our previous designer was very much in love the idea of a comparison slider. However, we've not get got into the technicalities of how it would actually work yet. If it were just a type of image in the image share it'd be fairly simple, but we'd want it on mod pages too so that's a bit more involved.
  21. deleted34771445 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  22. just opening Vortex i don't even have - Mount and Blade II bannerlord says Game Extension not loaded Error: ENOENT: no such file or directory, open 'C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\plugins\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord support-90-0-1-1-1585574611\info.json* but it doesn't exist. Code ENOENT Does that folder exist at all? It sounds like Vortex updated the Bannerlord extension but you may have got a corrupted download of it meaning the info.json is missing. Try deleting the C:\Users\xxxx\AppData\Roaming\Vortex\plugins\Mount and Blade II Bannerlord support-90-0-1-1-1585574611\ folder and see if the error goes away.
  23. deleted38139700 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  24. deleted3081344 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  25. It's not currently possible to do that, but it is something we'd like to add in future.
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