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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. ConstantinModding has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, ConstantinModding has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot upload files for 7 days Important links: Our terms of service
  2. Darkknightsparda has received a formal warning. This user has now received 4 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Restrictions in place As part of the warning, Darkknightsparda has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account: This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 14 days This user cannot send private messages for the foreseeable future Important links: Our terms of service
  3. In response to post #92336933. Will Will will it into being?
  4. deleted75663558 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  5. deleted28005725 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  6. deleted74623823 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  7. deleted46253147 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  8. deleted10152562 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  9. deleted14742264 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  10. deleted24335694 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  11. deleted73972048 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  12. deleted55626202 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  13. deleted27369950 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  14. deleted28476305 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  15. deleted37999095 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  16.  Check your setting aren't all turned off.  @HTR - Your feedback has been noted, however, not everyone will want their read notifications auto-deleted.    That's why it needs to be an option. Before the switchover, that's EXACTLY how it worked, the notifications were automatically removed from the Notification list once you clicked on them and went to the Mod Page. That's what I'm asking for, an option to bring that back.   They were not removed, they were just marked read, and read notifications did not show in the panel. I do understand your point. I'll bring it up with the team, but we want to steer away from unneeded complexity for the sake of minor conveniences. I think if we made it easier to remove your notifications in batches that may help ease this.Â
  17. This is actually already possible (although not particularly intuitive. If you go to your download history via a game site, it's filtered. e.g. https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrimspecialedition/users/myaccount?tab=download+history You can get to this link from the "Mods" section in the site header. We actually have something a little bit like this in the works. Hopefully we'll be able to say more about it in a few months!
  18. There's another thread on this subject here: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/9559888-how-to-pay-for-premium-membership-without-paypal/ I'm afraid if you're unable to use PayPal you won't be able to purchase Premium until we release our new membership system. We're making good progress so it would be ready in the next few months. We really appreciate your interest in supporting us though!
  19. Check your setting aren't all turned off. @HTR - Your feedback has been noted, however, not everyone will want their read notifications auto-deleted.
  20. deleted23018259 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  21. deleted83324148 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  22. deleted45821897 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  23. deleted9926377 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  24. deleted1121997 account deleted Reason:Account closed by request
  25. Images don't really have any data they could be sorted by. The mod author can drag to rearrange them but that's the only control there is.
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