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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Hi XJDHDR, Thanks for the feedback. It's something we'll consider when we next look at the tools we provide for editing mod pages. :)
  2. Hi HorrorPunk6, Sorry to hear you're having issues. Can you please take a look at our troubleshooting guide here? https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do It contains instructions on how to find the information we'll need to understand your issue.
  3. Sounds unrelated to this issue at hand, but in Vortex you can't disable plugins that are considered part of the base game.
  4. In response to post #73985348. We're looking at adding it to your wallet page in the near future :)
  5. In response to post #73980713. Yes, it's still active :)
  6. Thank you for your feedback. We will be iterating on the current design based on a few points raised by the community.
  7. My laptop resolution is 2540x1440 - the same as my desktop. So not below 1200 pixels. However, I do have scaling on, could that affect the UI detection? Anyway, how can I get out of the mobile display? Also - I would be fine with the tablet UI if the search bar worked like it does for desktop UI. I.e, when I start typing a name of a mod to search for, the engine start searching right away. I like the list that generates from this without having to actually hit Search or enter. Scaling does also make a difference. If you adjust you windows or browser scaling you may be able to change it. It's got to be your resolution/scaling settings on the laptop. Your tablet must be zoomed out compared to the laptop?
  8. This is the Vortex support forum. I will move this to the Skyrim support forum as it you'll likely get a better reply there.
  9. I'm afraid this isn't a Vortex issue. I imagine you have a missing mesh of some kind. I'll move this to the Skyrim SE forums as you may get a better reply there.
  10. User_75019368 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  11. Hey fullbuster, I'll PM you about this.
  12. User_62441431 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  13. User_19330179 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  14. User_60965811 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  15. User_5815274 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  16. User_60535636 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  17. User_6452047 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  18. That's two clicks. Mods => Mod Categories. Once you've got used to it's new home you should find it easier than before. Personally I had a hard time finding it in the 10-15 items that were in the old drop down.
  19. The display type is based on resolution. If you resolution/width is less than 1200 pixels it will show the "tablet" UI from your screenshot. We are working on allowing the full nav to appear down to 1024 pixels, but beyond that it simply will not fit on your screen so the compact UI will have to be shown.
  20. User_74776938 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  21. User_3004571 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  22. I'm afraid you cannot remove items from your download history. You may wish to track the mods you currently have installed and untrack it when you remove them.
  23. Clicking on it should also clear it. What browser are you using? You can see it working here:
  24. There was an issue with our download server that should have been fixed now. Can you please try again?
  25. User_35644315 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
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