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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. User_38606585 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  2. User_51114206 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  3. User_5793421 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  4. Biggerdog398 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here Important links: Our terms of service
  5. Hi chief32, We do not require phone verification for our main server (found at https://discord.gg/nexusmods ) The link you posted unfortunately is invalid for me. If you are still being forced to verify your phone number with the link above I suspect Discord have marked your account a suspicious/spam. Kind regards,
  6. User_37415640 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  7. User_6282666 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  8. User_45516582 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  9. User_20934924 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  10. User_23588044 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  11. User_23617499 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  12. User_21309209 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  13. Are you getting the same speeds manually as well as through a mod manager? Sometimes you have to restart your mod manager to get Premium download speeds.
  14. NelsoSilva banned. Reason: Spammer Reference post
  15. User_5300836 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  16. User_62686941 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  17. If the game is opening, then it's probably set to the correct folder. Could you try launching via Steam or SKSE with mods installed in Vortex?
  18. When you say "doesn't launch" can you clarify what you mean? Does it show an error of any kind? On the mods tab, in the toolbar can you choose "Open > Open Game Folder" and verify it is pointing to the right place?
  19. nellinka4 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason: Reference This warning was issued for what took place here, here, here, here, here, here, here, here Important links: Our terms of service
  20. User_52247706 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  21. In response to post #72142518. Vortex uses the AppData folder, which I believe always has to be on the OS partition (C:\) - reinstalling Windows would likely break a lot of programs if the AppData folder is removed/reset. We do have a help article that is somewhat related here. It discusses the safest way to move a Vortex install between PCs, which is very similar to reinstalling the OS.
  22. User_9118927 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  23. User_2803423 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  24. SKSE = Skyrim Script Extender UNPB = UNPretend Blessed (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/37900/) BBP = Breast & Butt Physics (https://www.nexusmods.com/skyrim/mods/54044/) Here's a topic that may help: https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/695631-skyrim-modding-lingo/
  25. User_2827055 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
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