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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. User_13314295 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  2. ElayerFawkes45 banned. Reason: Piracy. Uploading a pirate copy of Star Wars Battlefront 2 disguised as a Fallout 4 mod. Reference post Reference post
  3. JOSTARMOD7 banned. Reason: Ban evasion, previously banned user JOSTARMOD. IP match. Reference post Reference post Reference post
  4. User_30471870 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  5. Have you tried different CDN download locations? Are they all the same speed? Based on your location you should probably try the European servers first.
  6. Did you check the date before you posted? This topic was even before our current site design. Please start a new topic providing more details on your issue. This article may help you start to troubleshoot https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
  7. Augusta's code in that post looks like this: [url=https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/7554671-url-tags-not-working-in-default-reply-window/]clickable text for the url here[/url]
  8. User_43573962 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  9. User_1120989 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  10. User_2578915 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  11. User_623488 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  12. Hi dgd2, Please check your emails. I have sent you a new password in our recent conversation.
  13. In response to post #69143181. I like the enthusiasm sonic, but we're not done with this one until we've reviewed all the entries and given out the prizes :) Stay tuned for a closing news post with the judges selection and compilation of the entries.
  14. User_19153924 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  15. Hi there, Please send us an email to [email protected] with the details. Ensure you send the email from the email address linked to your Premium account.
  16. User_6806359 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  17. Srbindy banned. Reason: Uploading a copy of "Solid Project" for Fallout New Vegas while being aware that this breaches out Terms of Service, as evident from the following comment in response to another user telling them they'd get banned: "Frankly I don't care, I had the mod files and I figured I'd upload em while I could." Reference post Reference post
  18. Unfortunately, that's not something that is currently possible, anonymouselephant.
  19. Hi UnKnown6, Thanks for troubleshooting the issue. Could you please confirm you've tried the test download link provided here? https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do If it's only started happening recently, it may be a change implemented by your ISP. Could you both please check this article for the information we need to troubleshoot the issue: https://help.nexusmods.com/article/92-im-having-download-issues-what-can-i-do
  20. If you are still encountering the problem, please try logging out, clearing your cookies/cache and logging back in again.
  21. It is preferable that you only add it to the Enderal section. We've left the Skyrim section open for the ones that haven't been uploaded to the new game site
  22. User_36541530 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  23. User_42796470 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request
  24. Did you get a connection from the example files offered on the help page? It sounds like your ISP might be blocking it as part of some kind of parental filter. Are you able to download on a different internet connection? Such as on a mobile phone?
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