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Everything posted by Pickysaurus

  1. Could you be a little more specific as to what features you feel aren't working as well as the previous site?
  2. User_53718916 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email Reference post
  3. I'm not sure what problem this is causing for you. On mod homepages the articles appear after the hotfiles, new mods and images sections, so it's not really visible until you scroll down.
  4. Absolutely, drop one of us a PM if you've got suggestions. We may not feature it right away but it will definitely be considered :D Please just be aware we won't be promoting 'Adult' tagged mods for reasons that should be fairly self-explanatory.
  5. User_48524788 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  6. User_42667960 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  7. User_14500824 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  8. User_5701401 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  9. User_873131 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  10. Ask as you shall recieve: https://www.nexusmods.com/crashbandicootnsanetrilogy
  11. User_52475986 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  12. User_7297680 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  13. User_18614014 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  14. xxcuntxx banned. Reason: Inappropriate username Reference post
  15. Could you please give me a little more information. What search terms and you using, in what game? What authors/tags are you blocking? Do you have adult content filtering turned on? The search system has seen lots of improvements since the redesign and the only reason you will see that message is if you have something blocked.
  16. Hi voajus. The author has specified their permissions for the file here: Unfortunately, these permissions stand until the such a time that the author returns to update them or gives permission via a personal message (or other suitable method). If you're editing it yourself for your own game, there's no issue with that really. It's just if you plan to distribute the mod after you've made changes. Hope this clears things up :)
  17. Hi Akira, You can manage your blocking setting in the User Control Panel on the website. Hit the little gear icon up next to your profile photo. Then there is a content blocking section. Here's a direct link to make it easier: https://www.nexusmods.com/users/myaccount?tab=content+blocking In terms of search, I'd be happy to hear more detailed feedback if you're still having issues after sorting out the content blocks :) Let me know if that helps.
  18. Glad you got it sorted. We did have a problem without our login system for a few hours yesterday so that may have been related. @lordquilton: We've had a look through both the support ticket history and email history for the last few months and I can't see any contact attempts from you. If you do have queries, you can contact us via the form or you may get a slightly faster reply from [email protected] @fecaltwigs: I looked into your case and your ticket did get a response within 8 hours, but it was something of a canned response (we get a lot of tickets/emails about the same thing so we use templates to reply sometimes) so apologies if you felt it was a little blunt. You'll be pleased to know the problem you reported was actually fixed 3-4 days after your ticket was closed and it was reports such as the one you sent that helped us identify a problem. We generally will offer the current best solution for problems that are reported frequently. In the case of staying logged in, a lot of users who ask us about that don't allow cookies. I hope this helps to clear it up and as always if you need help; drop me a PM, email us at [email protected] or send another ticket in. :smile:
  19. User_31237610 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  20. Hi everyone, For a while now, we've been intermittently getting reports from users about the blocking tools for tags and/or authors not working correctly. Over the last few months we've made a number of tweaks and changes to the search/blocking systems which should have fixed this issue. However, if you're still having problems with it we've created a quick form you can fill in that provides us with all the facts we need to investigate the issue properly. Access the form here. The form itself explains what information is required, but in summary: Which game are you having this problem with?Which tags/authors do you have blocked?Which files are you still seeing with these settings?Where on the site are you seeing them?These 4 easy questions will allow us to replicate and isolate the issue so we can work on getting it fixed. If you need any further help, please reach out to one of the Community Managers (BigBizkit, SirSalami and I) who will be happy to listen to your concerns. Thanks for helping us make Nexus Mods even better!
  21. User_55802842 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  22. Just curious were you using a mobile connection or something when logging in and having the issue? The only time we've seen the problem is on shared IP addresses or in instances where the IP address changes between loading the login page and submitting the Captcha.
  23. User_2202513 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  24. User_4767551 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
  25. User_55944357 account deleted Reason: Account closed by request - email
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