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Everything posted by cossayos

  1. Possibly because it's a fully voiced game.
  2. For some reason I had to refresh the page with strg F5 to get the update. So be adviced, if you bookmarked the earlier version, resfreshing might be in order.
  3. Thanks for mentioning these mods. Somehow they escaped my notice. They seem well worth a try.
  4. It's not that I think they will- because I don't. What I am thinking is that why just Beth games get so much attention? You are a much mentioned author and have been doing this for some time. What games have you made mods for if you don't mind me asking? Have they just been Beth games? Far as I see it, it's rather a tool/engine problem than based on preferences.
  5. Bragging at school? Don't know, I never gave a flying f....
  6. Some things are not even worth pirating. Such as guns. If I'm craving for a special gun I can choose from an abundance of models on the nexus. Or power armor paint coats. I mean, who needs them? But noone can say how the console guys are reacting. And that's the real danger of the CC being successful after all.
  7. I don't thin many will fall for it, since they're not getting roaylties but only a single payment. That model isn't geared at making modders rich. Rather to exploit them. It's not like the flight simulators of old, where modders could sell their own projects to the community. And even back then, some of the best additions were made for free.
  8. You'd be surprised how many feeble minded there are. In the UK alone microtransactions make up nearly a billion pounds a year.
  9. You saved when you exited the game. I don't think you can turn off that feature. But it's a new save, of course.
  10. Can't say I'd care if that was the future model. Let the console kids have Bethesda if it's no longer moddable.
  11. They haven't done anything as of yet. The problem only starts to be one if their next game is geared at using that model right from the start, thereby preventing free modding for good. But that's also the time when I no longer will buy Bethesda. I hate microtransactions with a vengeance and I won't support any SP model resorting to offering them.
  12. Old enough to have modded my games since the 90ies. And yes, German boards are a chore. Less helpful and pretty much full of self entitled persons. That's why I never go there. But, since even a taxi driver in my hometown was active doing some work for the unofficial Fallout patches, not all hope is lost.
  13. And that would be the end of Bethesda. At least as far as the PC community is concerned. Let's be honest here, their vanilla games aren't that extraordinary to survive without modding. Rockstar just got a taste of how people react when the moddability is removed.
  14. Great. I just noticed the update downloading. 2.1 Gigs of gamebreaking additions as it seems. Edit: F4SE not working, but at least I'm one of the lucky ones still being able to start from the launcher.
  15. After it messed up I uninstalled the old version and installed the newest version from nexus. And yes, I did run the holtape. As I said, menus are gone, stuff I placed earlier is still there.
  16. That's what I did and that's why I know it's still active, since the HM objects I placed are still present. I can't construct anything new however, since the HM options are gone from the menus.
  17. So I accidentally disabled Homemaker in NMM, reenabled it right afterwards, but now I've got no homemaker menus or items to be placed. All the objects I placed before I accidentally disabled it are still there, but I'm stuck with the vanilla menus. Anyone knows what's going on?
  18. I don't know and it's anecdotal at best, but once I'm over 20 settlers there's a chance that things start happening. I've had another not being able to assign settlers incident and suddenly all the assigned settlers left their workstations too. Nothing big, since rolling back a few minutes resolved the issue and it's working fine again.
  19. Is there a specific load order for it? I always let loot do it, unless the mod author explicitly calls for a specific order. I do a named save every hour or so, in order to roll back to when things were still working. I'm aware that I'm jiggling a lot of mods that could possibly conflict at one point or the other, although the authors don't say so. I got better settlers, as well as unique NPCs, as well as homemaker and several other settlement mods. And DCMS, of course.
  20. I lost three hours. Not a big problem with this kind of game, since it's mostly about exploring anyway. Went back to a working save, uninstalled DCMS, did a save without it, reinstalled it from scratch and did another save. It's working again. It was the first time it bugged out on me, but I still consider it one of the most valuable mods out there. But without using the scripts, it doesn't make any sense, since the scripts are what makes settlement management so much easier. Otherwise you're back to go hunting for unemployed settlers and wayward corpses. Edit: After reading this thread, maybe DCMS wasn't at the root of the problem after all. https://forums.nexusmods.com/index.php?/topic/5786882-settlers-wont-stay-assigned/ I have totally uncapped settlements and settler limits. Maybe it's the game itself that can't handle what I'm throwing at it.
  21. I never had any issues with DCMS either. Until today where a lot of my saves suddenly went corrupt and I could no longer assign any settler to any work station. Didn't install any new mods before it happened, so I guess I was just lucky till now. But if I read the first lines in your proposed fix, where it says, don't use any of the scripts of DCMS - the whole point of this mod is using scripts. That's what makes settlement management less of a pain and that's what I miss when I can't run the mod. Renaming settlers is a nice gimmick but the meat are the included scripts.
  22. There's quite a few things to keep in mind. Replacing the ansels and doing a fresh backup. If forgot to do both.
  23. Can't be, since it load for others. Have you tried repairing it?
  24. I'd like the ME dress for Sara and the Tuxedo for Scott. But I doubt it will be possible, since I've never seen any mesh mod introduced for a Frostbyte game.
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