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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Load the game, play some more, save. Then see if THAT ONE will load. If it does, don't worry about it. :) If it doesn't, likely something got borked, and in order to unbork it, you have to find it. Trouble is, it could be anything at all..... I have never had a problem with corrupt saves..... I NEVER overwrite a save file, don't use autosaves if I can avoid it..... and clean out my saves folder every now and again. Maybe I am just lucky? :)
  2. Do you have an earlier save you can revert to?
  3. Have you started there before without problems? May wanna check and see what factions your character belongs to. I suspect if you are in the bandit faction, the guards will indeed have issues with you. :D
  4. Any mods that affect those menues? Uninstalled any mods?
  5. Given what video cards have been going for on EBay of late, I'm not really surprised the manufacturers are hiking prices.... I suspect that once supply is rebuilt, prices will also drop. I hope. :D
  6. It's likely packed into one of the bsa, or ba2 files. They are archives for the game assets.
  7. Or maybe in the debates forum, and discuss whether we are actually going to GET a TESVI....... :D
  8. I use F4SE, as a fair few of my mods require it, and it also has some memory fixes in there, to deal with some of Beths laziness. I have zero problems with it.
  9. Need to have a look in performance monitor, and see which apps are hitting the drive.
  10. I *think*, when the cell resets, anything you left there will be cleaned out.
  11. I gotta admit, neither method has much appeal. :D Think I will just continue smoking, and let it kill me slowly. Not like the last 5 years or so of my life are going to be much fun anyway...... :D
  12. Don't know if anybody is still doing it for smoking or not but I stopped smoking via acupuncture. Had my last cigarette before going in to get it and haven't had a single craving for a cigarette in over 35 years since leaving the session. I went into the appointment being a total doubter who gave it almost no chance of success, but work was paying for it and my ex-wife was telling me how well it worked. Funny thing is it worked a treat for me and the ex-wife went back to smoking a couple of months after I got it done. The only thing I brought to the table was a sincere and deep desire to stop smoking, and the knowledge that I was completely incapable of stopping. Gotta be down before you can get up. For me, there are two problems with that. :smile: First: I am allergic to needles. I hate them with a passion, and the thought of someone sticking me with a multitude of them makes my skin crawl. :smile: Second: I am not that motivated to quit..... Nor do I really 'want to'..... I smoke about half a pack a day, much less than when I was younger..... The acupuncture was done with a laser in what I assume are the same acupuncture spots as the tradition method would use. It was primarily on the hands with one or two on the ears. I've always maintained that the reason for it's success with me was those head shots ... fried the right brain cells. HHHmmm..... Poked with needles, or shot with a laser???? Decisions, decisions...... :D
  13. Apparently something changed.... Main site isn't reachable. Some other roguetech related sites are, but, I don't know if they are affiliated or not.
  14. I use NMM as well. Mainly because I am familiar with it. It works just fine, and does what I need it to.
  15. Don't know if anybody is still doing it for smoking or not but I stopped smoking via acupuncture. Had my last cigarette before going in to get it and haven't had a single craving for a cigarette in over 35 years since leaving the session. I went into the appointment being a total doubter who gave it almost no chance of success, but work was paying for it and my ex-wife was telling me how well it worked. Funny thing is it worked a treat for me and the ex-wife went back to smoking a couple of months after I got it done. The only thing I brought to the table was a sincere and deep desire to stop smoking, and the knowledge that I was completely incapable of stopping. Gotta be down before you can get up. For me, there are two problems with that. :) First: I am allergic to needles. I hate them with a passion, and the thought of someone sticking me with a multitude of them makes my skin crawl. :) Second: I am not that motivated to quit..... Nor do I really 'want to'..... I smoke about half a pack a day, much less than when I was younger..... Went that route years ago and went a few days without smoking. Then had to light up. Returned to the hypnotist and she told me what she did is more for "social smokers"... those that do it to be doing something. She asked me some questions and determed I was addicted to the nicotine ( get a very mild rush with each drag ) and hypnosis would not help me. I now vape to get the rush. My nicotine level is 6, whereas most liquids are at 18. So I get a very low dose. Also have a shop do a custom blend for me and the cost of my habit now runs me about 35 $ a month. When I did cigarettes I was spending about 250 $ a month. Amazing all the stupid things I could afford to buy after the switch.... Oh, I am very much addicted to nicotine. No doubt in my mind. :D I do roll-your-own these days, so, I spend less than 20 bucks a month on smokes.
  16. Yep. Bethesdas site is the ONLY source for XBox mods.
  17. Nicotine, in and of itself, at LOW doses, isn't really all that bad for adults. Affects on adolescents is still being debated. It's all the other crap you get WITH your nicotine in cigarettes that is the major issue. Cigarette companies add all sorts of interesting things to it, in order to make it burn evenly..... (and increase the addictive properties of nicotine.....) Vaping, while not as bad for you as smoking..... (which is also under debate....) just changes the ingestion method, and the suite of other chemicals you get along with your nicotine. Some medical folks have suggested that inhaling vaporized vegetable oil really isn't good for you either. :D I have tried all manner of methods to quit smoking. Gum, Patch, Chantix, some other anti-depressant whose name I just can't remember at the moment.... cold turkey.... Some did nothing for me at all, others... the side effects were FAR more disabling the smoking. (truly interesting nightmares being right up there on the list.....) I still smoke. I think the only method of quitting I haven't tried yet, is hypnosis..... :D
  18. 70% price hike, for less than 10% better performance..... The guy doing the review is correct. NVidia is taking advantage of current market conditions, for a money grab. Plain and simple.
  19. I have found that various 'action' keys simply don't work if there is some other menu-type item on screen. (like, if you are looking at a container)
  20. Deactivating the mod simply tells the game not to load it. Uninstalling the mod removes all of its files from the data directory. Reinstalling it *might* fix whatever issues you are having with it, but, that depends on just what issue you are having. :D
  21. Chantix blocks the endorphin rush you get from nicotine, so, likely would remove a lot of the motivation for vaping as well. I tried it a couple decades back.... but, it really didn't do anything good for me... Screwed up my head, (worse than normal...) and made me feel rather funky.... So I stopped taking it. :D
  22. You mentioned several in your first post. :D Of those, I think I use hotkey manager, but, I don't have any issues with it. "It Just Works."...... :D
  23. 129. That shouldn't be a problem.... Not familiar with the mods you are running though....
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