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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. That didn't always work for me.... What was interesting was, I would have resource monitor running in the background, and I would watch who was doing what while the infinite loading screen was happening. FO4 wasn't doing anything..... It was just sitting there burning about 30% of processor time, but, aside from that, nothing anywhere else....... At one point, Beth had the issue of the infinite elevator ride..... but, they were able to patch that.... I suspect this is a very similar issue, but, I am not holding my breath on Beth ever patching any more of the remaining bugs in the game.
  2. I also have a chest in my 'crafting' area that I stash stuff that is saleable.... Junk goes in the workbench, everything else goes in the chest. I make the rounds of vendors every now and again to purchase supplies. (concrete, copper, that kind of thing.) I end up accumulating more than I will ever be able to sell......
  3. That's a long time in a plane. :D Sounds like my kind of place though. :D
  4. Baltimore has recently decided they they are going to stop arresting folks for assorted misdemeanors..... drug possession, and prostitution.... (the latter I can almost understand....) I am sure the drug dealers and pimps are going to LOVE that.... Save me a seat please. :D (But, I HATE flying.... when I am not at the controls......)
  5. You can likely get a way with it, and not notice much, if any, difference. Using load accelerator helps to.
  6. Do ALL of your saves behave the same way? Or is it just a couple of the latest ones?
  7. Yeah, I find myself picking up just about EVERYTHING as I wander thru the wasteland. Even though I really don't need any more 'stuff'...... Weapons as well. I run Modern Firearms, so, for the most part, I pick up just about every weapon I come across. Even pipe guns. (rifles are a good source of copper..... and it disturbs me that I know that.....) It's gotten so bad..... that when I see a roll of duct tape on the counter at work, I have to STOP myself from picking it up, stuffing it in my pocket, so I can mod my pistol when I get back home....... Yeah, I play this game WAY too much. :D
  8. Item pricing in vendor inventories can be fun. Price is based on your relevant skill, and the vendors disposition toward you. Although, I think your variation there is a bit extreme. :)
  9. Way cool! :D Never would have considered Place everywhere to be the culprit.....
  10. Interesting. Seems like is was just some lingering affect that the game forgot to dispose of. :D
  11. Well, your hardware is decent at the very least..... Are you using some variety of mod manager? If so, when you did your uninstall, did you have your mod manager remove all the mods first? If not, then they are likely still there, to some extent.
  12. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :smile: The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity." Once again, you are inaccurate with your quotes. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/03/23/same/#:~:text=Insanity%20is%20doing%20the%20same%20thing%20over%20and,repeating%20the%20same%20mistakes%20and%20expecting%20different%20results. That's all you got from that? Seriously? Yup, that was my take away. Seriously. More evidence you really have no idea what you are talking about. More proof fact checking is far beyond anything you attempt. An example your arguments are not necessarily based on facts. Aren't you glad you pinged me? Oh Rah! :D No, it isn't an *exact* quote, but, the gist of it is there. My arguments are based in reality, the libs arguments are based on feelings, and appearances. Neither of which bear much resemblance to reality. The misquote isn't even the largest issue. You attributed the "quote" to Albert Einstein, and that is simply not true. By attributing the "quote" incorrectly, when it is easily verifiable, you demonstrate you don't bother to check your facts before using them as arguments. And I said that above. Your arguments are not based in any reality but the one you create. And you provided the evidence. A single misquote, improperly attributed, isn't a very big thing in isolation. But it is part of a larger pattern I have addressed with you before. You argue with half truths and misinformation. Now, I have said my piece. I am done with you. Ah, you are quite right, it wasn't good ol' Al. Of course, if you look at the first several results in a google search, most of THEM attribute it to Einstein as well. Silly me for believing google. Had to go a good bit down to finally find the correct answer. Well, certainly not the first time google steered me wrong..... Yep, and you argue with insults and disparaging character. Oddly enough, a typical liberal tactic. Let me make sure I get this. It's google's fault you deliberately failed to adequately check your facts. Finding your (I'll be generous here) "mistake", pointing at it, proving it false, and forcing you to do something you should have done in the first place means I "argue with insults and disparaging character". In short, you lied, you got caught lying, you blamed someone else for your lie, and the person who caught your lie is evil for catching the lie. Typical conservative tactic. When is your weeping repentance news conference? Now there is an interesting interpretation. You certainly picked the right Nick..... And thank you for wonderfully proving my point. I looked at the first couple results google gave me, and it turns out.... they were wrong. That makes me a liar??? Really?? Generally, google is pretty reliable. (driving directions aside.....) But, in this case, Google reports what is POPULAR, not necessarily what is ACCURATE.
  13. Does Reuters have a better track record then NBC, CNN, FOX, and other American news? I would say so. However to assume that just because a news media organization is from another country, it is somehow above the media problem would be folly. All legacy media (or which ever word illustrates best to you, the existing media companies and systems prior to the rise of independent media and the internet) has been on the downward spiral, with journalistic integrity becoming rarer and pushing certain political views as Truth, when it clearly isn't or is easily refuted by someone with a video camera. Perception is reality, and if all of your perception comes from media, legacy or even independent, your view will be warped. Ultimately you have to look at all information available, do some of your own investigation, and arrive at your own conclusion. Which is what most of us, in opposition to the original poster, have done. As for crossing semantics because HeyYou didn't quote Einstein exactly …. you are aware of quotes being paraphrased or quotes that even have their meaning corrupted to another over time? A prime example: "Blood is thicker then water" a good quote, and many people use it, however the original full quote was " The blood of the covenant is thicker then the water of the womb" which is also still used, but it has a different meaning compared to the corrupted version. However at this point both are in the public sphere of use. < snip > When one dismisses the majority of the news sources world wide because they do not report the propaganda which matches the beliefs of the reader, the reader deliberately choose ignorance. Congratulations on your choice. As for my opinion, I have to listen to the noise and deal the the trash when my neighbors are out of control. I get to have an opinion and you cannot deny my need for you lot to understand the impact you have on the rest of the world. You do not live in a bubble. Finally, I addressed HeyYou and her/his "facts" with her/him. Actually, I, for one, dismiss most of the news sources world wide, because they ALL have their bias. Some left leaning, some right leaning. They report their 'facts' as they interpret them. So I sample a selection of news sources, from both sides, and "The Truth" is likely somewhere in between their positions. When news became more about ratings, and advertising dollars, than it was about facts, and verifying their story, journalism died. These days, the don't even be able to find a literate proof-reader..... Some of the spelling/grammar goofs that make it into HEADLINES...... is truly depressing. Yep, you get to have an opinion. No one is denying you that. As for your need for us to understand our impact... I am REAL curious what you mean by that.
  14. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :smile: The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity." Once again, you are inaccurate with your quotes. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/03/23/same/#:~:text=Insanity%20is%20doing%20the%20same%20thing%20over%20and,repeating%20the%20same%20mistakes%20and%20expecting%20different%20results. That's all you got from that? Seriously? Yup, that was my take away. Seriously. More evidence you really have no idea what you are talking about. More proof fact checking is far beyond anything you attempt. An example your arguments are not necessarily based on facts. Aren't you glad you pinged me? Oh Rah! :D No, it isn't an *exact* quote, but, the gist of it is there. My arguments are based in reality, the libs arguments are based on feelings, and appearances. Neither of which bear much resemblance to reality. The misquote isn't even the largest issue. You attributed the "quote" to Albert Einstein, and that is simply not true. By attributing the "quote" incorrectly, when it is easily verifiable, you demonstrate you don't bother to check your facts before using them as arguments. And I said that above. Your arguments are not based in any reality but the one you create. And you provided the evidence. A single misquote, improperly attributed, isn't a very big thing in isolation. But it is part of a larger pattern I have addressed with you before. You argue with half truths and misinformation. Now, I have said my piece. I am done with you. Ah, you are quite right, it wasn't good ol' Al. Of course, if you look at the first several results in a google search, most of THEM attribute it to Einstein as well. Silly me for believing google. Had to go a good bit down to finally find the correct answer. Well, certainly not the first time google steered me wrong..... Yep, and you argue with insults and disparaging character. Oddly enough, a typical liberal tactic.
  15. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :smile: The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity." Once again, you are inaccurate with your quotes. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/03/23/same/#:~:text=Insanity%20is%20doing%20the%20same%20thing%20over%20and,repeating%20the%20same%20mistakes%20and%20expecting%20different%20results. That's all you got from that? Seriously? Yup, that was my take away. Seriously. More evidence you really have no idea what you are talking about. More proof fact checking is far beyond anything you attempt. An example your arguments are not necessarily based on facts. Aren't you glad you pinged me? Oh Rah! :D No, it isn't an *exact* quote, but, the gist of it is there. My arguments are based in reality, the libs arguments are based on feelings, and appearances. Neither of which bear much resemblance to reality.
  16. That's gotta be from a mod. Nothing in the base game should cause that. (or from the DLCs for that matter....) If you are using a mod manager, disabling mods doesn't necessarily remove them from the game.... it's also possible that the affect is baked into your save.....
  17. Look in Event Viewer, find the appcrash for FO4, and see if there is any interesting information in there.
  18. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :smile: The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity." Once again, you are inaccurate with your quotes. https://quoteinvestigator.com/2017/03/23/same/#:~:text=Insanity%20is%20doing%20the%20same%20thing%20over%20and,repeating%20the%20same%20mistakes%20and%20expecting%20different%20results. That's all you got from that? Seriously?
  19. Nope, they will just switch to something else. Cars, knives, Grenades (serious was shocked on this from Sweden) not pipe bombs but military grade grenades, fist and feet, and other tools. I would rather get shot in the torso than get stabbed in the torso, as the knife can cause a far more complex wound leading to bleeding out, and can be done very silently compare to a gunshot. Lets see, the article that Croc link talks about the Colorado incident, the Indianapolis incident but doesn't mention that the FBI was well aware of this individuals and did nothing to stop it. For Colorado his family even informed the FBI and Local Police that he was likely to commit a shooting, they didn't even bother to check on it. The 19 year old at the FedEx facility was actually red flag last year and had his shotgun taken away by law enforcement as family reported his thoughts of suicide and it wasn't returned. He was even documented as having mental issue which should have kept him for legally purchasing any firearm as it would have shown in his background check. Again someone failed to due their job in the FBI's NICS department (Back Ground check). Noticing a trend here? Mental illness, and Law Enforcement not enforcing what laws there are. They are seemingly as useful as British law enforcement someone makes a "mean" tweet, send 10 officers to arrest the person in their home; British Law Enforcement gets a report about a gang of individuals sexually assaulting a minor, "Well it is the minor's fault for taking part in it" (Rough quote). Much like the the jokes going on about the FBI sending 30 agents to investigate a hate crime that ending up being a hoax. But hey lets not deal with the real issue known as mental health lets keep pushing the same BS that didn't work before and expect it to work now. (Isn't there a meme about that?) Thank You for that breath of fresh air. :) The liberals yell and scream about GUN CONTROL!!!! But, so far, NOTHING they have proposed would make any difference whatsoever. All you have to do is look back in history, and you can see that everything they are talking about now, they have tried in the past, and it did not make one bit of difference. But, the liberals still think it will work "THIS TIME!"..... Actually, it was Albert Einstein that said: "Doing the same thing over and over again, expecting different results, is the very definition of insanity."
  20. Check in your 'active effects' list, see if anything there jumps out at you. Your weapon doesn't have the duelist legendary by any chance?
  21. I have had mixed results with Alt+Tab on Beth games. Sometimes it works just fine, others, not so much. For the most part, if I switch out while the game is running, it will automagically bring up the "Esc" menu.... I doubt that it is a mod problem..... Probably a windows thing.
  22. There are perks that let you move faster while aiming.... there are perks that increase your movement speed in general..... I don't recall if there are any legendary weapon effects that do that though....
  23. That's why you create a new object, instead of editing the base. Do your changes on the new object, then swap out the 'non-buildable' stuff, for buildable stuff. Yep. Tedious. :D Please, it took me hours this afternoon to navmesh one set of stairs lol Anyway, stuff isn't sinking through the floors. I haven't really tried the walls, mostly just replaced broken lights using Place Anywhere to record the originals position and transfer it to the new one. I'll go hang a few paintings or something, see what happens. It's entirely possible you could add the keywords to the base objects, and not have any conflicts in any event.... after all, folks build vaults (vault 88)... Might wanna look at some of those pieces, and see if they have the keywords. Might not even have to worry about it. :D
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