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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Yeah, it would be nice if we, as a country, get get our stuff in one sock...... but, the divisions have been sewn, the lines have been drawn, positions have been reinforced, and no one is able to change anyone elses mind. This is the path we are on. We are not going to deviate. We are going to end up following it to its logical conclusion. War.
  2. I use load accelerator. It works pretty good. I think you want to cap framerate in load screens to around 350-400 though..... Seems there are potential issues if you don't. Main reason I got load accelerator, was BECAUSE I was seeing excessive load times on interior/exterior switch. (and vice versa as well) I watched what was going on with task manager, and CPU/GPU usage would drop to less than 3% at times. FO4 simply wasn't DOING anything..... It would eventually access some files, and then load. Or not. Sometimes alt-tabing out/in would shake things loose, but, more often than not, would simply crash the game. I don't run the game on ultra, don't use any high res texture packs, and run the game at 1080p. (which is what my monitor supports.) I have seen a fair few threads about this issue, with a whole host of potential 'fixes', none of which made any difference for me. Load accelerator does the trick, but, it's a workaround, not a fix. Of course, Beth isn't going to give us a fix..... so, workaround it is.
  3. Are you trying to get the esp, or bsa files?
  4. There is no need to regret anything. Ideas have always parented other ideas. It has always been so and we would not be so advanced technologically without that spark. I just wish our wisdom in using what we've accomplished equaled or exceeded that advancement. The real issue with that evolution includes the the process of human interaction. In this era of instant gratification, backed up by the ability to insulate and isolate ourselves with like minded people via the internet has created a perfect storm of delusionalism that is much too intoxicating for some to give up. In a nutshell they have become addicted to patting themselves on their backs and the comfortably warm bubble elitism creates around them. As far as tribalism,I would go a step further and put forth the idea that it goes further than tribalism and into the realm of being a quasi-religion with self image being the deity worshiped. Those that agree with their ideals only feed this image and the more it is fed the more intense the response when it is challenged. That's why, I think we are seeing so much violence in our politics. That being said the we could really, really use a less vocal President. His antics have brought politicians down to the same level they deserve to be by the sheer volume of their inactivity to benifit anyone other than themselves. I would suggest everyone, and I included, focus upon that individual so we put them on the podium in time for the next election. If only it worked that way....... At this point, there is a select few that decide who runs, and eventually, who gets elected. If you are not part of this particular tribe/clan/whateveryouwanttocallit, then you have zero chance of getting elected. If you aren't already extremely wealthy yourself, then you need to essentially sell your soul to the folks with money, in order to stand even a snowballs chance of even making it to the ballot. Write in candidates are possible, but, so far as I know, one has never won an election...... at least, on a national scale.
  5. Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath on that........ Though, it WOULD be an interesting image....... Should it be a trans woman?? :D Are you a transgender? Because, I never thought of that. :D Nope. Male, born that way, lived that way all my life. And I even use the mens restroom. :D
  6. Hilary assumed she would win. Everyone told her she was going to win. Then she didn't. Then she wrote a book about why she lost. The sad part is, the reasons she gave for why she lost, had absolutely nothing to do with why she lost. She has her head buried firmly in the sand, and wouldn't know the truth if it jumped out and bit her. I really don't give a rats patoot about caricatures. I look at what the candidates are saying. If they are only saying things I disagree with, then they aren't going to get my vote. Sure, none of them have a platform that perfectly aligns with what I want, but, that doesn't come as a surprise. I don't know of anyone that agrees with me on everything. So, I pick the issues that are important to me, and vote for the guy that *mostly* agrees with me. Either that, or I vote for the guy running against the guy that I mostly disagree with. In the current race, I don't agree with ANY of the dems. I hold pretty much the polar opposite position on almost everything they have to say. If you think I am going to vote for one of them, instead of Donny, simply because Donny is an idiot, then you are deluding yourself. I suspect that if the republican party runs someone against donny in the primaries, all they are going to be doing is cutting their own throats. Not something I would like to see. I REALLY don't want dems controlling the country.
  7. So, if not the issues they regularly talk about in the news, which is where my list came from...... What platform do you think the dems are running on? I am not describing dems as a whole, just the ones that are currently in the public eye, running for president. When I hear them speak, I am dumbfounded at some of the lunacy they come up with. Its a rare occasion that I find myself in agreement with Mr Cuervo, but, this is one of them....... If the dems keep running headlong down this path they seem to have chosen, the repubbies will retake the house, pick up some seats in the senate, and Trump will get another term....
  8. Caricature? Not really. My opinions are based on what I read in the news. (and no, not fox news.) Just today, we had yet another dem candidate declare support for a forced gun buyback. That's getting pretty popular with the left. @kvnchrist: Yep. Pretty much spot on. My only pick would be, we don't have much of a choice but look to the government to fix things, as generally, they are the ones that screwed it up in the first place. :D
  9. :smile: OK. I can accept that. Both parties seem to have taken the line that 'making the other guy look bad' seems to be the way to go. Or, maybe it's more like "make the other guy look worse than us"...... Or something similar. From my perspective, what I see the dems wanting to do, in VERY simplified form..... Basically stop enforcing our borders. They want to let everyone in. We can't take care of the folks that are already here, we really don't need a few million more illegals..... "Green New Deal" or it's variants. They have all these 'wonderful' ideas on how they want to 'save the planet', but, so far, I haven't heard a single viable method of paying for it. At least, not without totally destroying our economy. Getting completely off oil in ten years. Or even 20...... Simply not going to happen. We don't have the technology to switch to anything else yet. Maybe at some point, after a few major breakthroughs in power generation, (fusion power?) Then "maybe". But, consider, if we get off of oil, there are going to be a LOT of people looking for new jobs. What's gonna happen to them? Retraining? Really? To do what? Work at the new fusion plant????? That should be fun. "Gun Control". So far, the lefts answer to 'gun violence' has been "ban something". That isn't a solution. That is a step in the direction of total disarmament. (which is what many folks think the end goal is in any event. Some dems have flatly stated that it IS the end goal.) Beto has gone so far as to say he would use an executive order to institute a 'buyback' of AR-15, and AK-47 rifles. That's laughable. He makes the assumption that all the folks that currently have them, will abide by that. Again, not bloody likely. I would be surprised if 20% of owners turned them in. The rest would have to be taken by force. Is the left ready for Civil War 2.0?? That's what they would be starting. Universal basic income. Again, where does the money come from? So far, every time that question gets asked, all you hear is crickets. They simply don't have an answer. And then we have the lefts propensity to promote the rights of a tiny minority, over the rights of the vast majority. Terribly sorry, so far as I am concerned, that will NEVER be acceptable. Climate change. The left seems to think we can *stop* it. They obviously didn't pay attention in history class. The climate changes. Doesn't matter if industrialized man is around or not. The climate IS going to change. That is a fact. I am not here to argue on if man is affecting it or not. (we likely are, but, only the RATE of change, not the change itself) We get two choices, we can adapt, and survive, or, we can die off. Just like millions of other species before us. Anyway. I am of the firm belief that our government isn't in the business of solving problems anyway. If they actually solved the problem, (whatever it happened to be.) then they wouldn't have anything to point at and say "You need to re-elect me, so I can continue my campaign to address [some nebulous problem]....... " Do I agree with everything the right is doing? Nope. I just find their positions more palatable than the left. (I voted for Obama. Twice. I REALLY didn't want Romney to be pres either. We would have had yet another war in the middle east to fight, that we started......) Quite honestly, I am firmly convinced that our government is broken. The division between the two sides has become too great to be bridged. Now, politics is more about making sure the other guys don't do anything that might win them points in the next election, rather than doing what is best for the country. The country, and the american people as a whole, haven't been their major concern for decades. The 1% are doing rather well, the rest of us? Not so much......
  10. Now that's funny. I flatly state that I don't agree with hilary's platform, so, I am 'demonizing' her?? Seriously? I don't agree with her politics. In fact, I VEHEMENTLY DISAGREE with her politics. I don't want the country going in the direction she would point it. So, I won't vote for her. My only other choice was Trump. I didn't really want to vote FOR him either, but, I REALLY didn't want Hilary in office. If that is 'demonizing' her, I guess I am guilty as charged. I am going to take a wild stab in the dark here, and guess that you and I will agree on very few issues, and neither one of us has a snowballs chance in hades of changing the others mind, so, I am not even going to bother with it. Come 2020, vote your conscience, and I will do the same. That is what this country is about in any event.
  11. Yeah, I wouldn't hold my breath on that........ Though, it WOULD be an interesting image....... Should it be a trans woman?? :D
  12. It isn't the events taking place that prevented me from voting for her, it was the platform she was running on. I didn't agree with her on much of anything at all. When you are presented with a choice of two evils, you take the less of the two. That's what Trump was, and still is..... Given what the current crop of dem candidates are talking about, if it comes down to a choice between one of them, and Trump, he will get my vote. Again. It isn't so much that I am voting FOR trump, so much as I am voting AGAINST what the dems vision of this country is. Present me with a candidate that doesn't turn my stomach, and I would likely vote for them. So far, the dems have not been able to do that.
  13. He is still better than Hilary. :smile: Talks with North Korea are a waste of time, effort, and money. We have been down this road before, and lil' kim is repeating the pattern established by his grandfather. Belligerence, followed by talks, followed by concessions, followed by a short period of quiet, then back to belligerence, and the process repeats itself.
  14. Marcy was put in the game as a social experiment by vault-tec. The idea was, to see if even the most 'goody two-shoes' could be driven the commit murder, by an annoying character. :D
  15. Yep. Sure do. Just add a couple lines to the ini, shouldn't have to uninstall anything. Have a read here.
  16. Nope, only 1. Funny thing is Skyrim is the game that runs the worse on my system :sad: Also, utilization of my CPU and GPU never exceed 25% when in game. Wonder is something is throttling the game..... If you run JUST the game, close everything else out, do you have the same issue?
  17. Ok, hardware looks good, and ont a lot of mods..... The last three though, I do believe are pretty script-heavy. Are you running on two (or more?) monitors??
  18. Well, I DID admit Trump is an idiot. :D I seriously doubt there is any planned strategy to what he is doing........ He is just being himself. All of us each conceive what reality is closest to our own home! Each of us holds our constructive controls for being one's self! Donald J. Trump at home is probably another person entirely with his immediate family. They would know if he's being himself when he is at work as our President. My big question is, "What human characteristics should a person groom of our human traits to assure we have an individual who can be what the people want for our President?" How about "honest", and, "not an idiot"? :D The first one disqualifies EVERY politician though. None of them are honest. They are all crooks, milking the american taxpayer for big bucks. I find it interesting that the folks that manage to get elected, if they aren't wealthy when they first get into office, they most certainly are by the end of their first term..... It's patently obvious that they are all bought and paid for. Probably why the joke "The best government money can buy." is so funny. It's because it's true.....
  19. Well, I DID admit Trump is an idiot. :D I seriously doubt there is any planned strategy to what he is doing........ He is just being himself.
  20. Trayvon Martin..... "If I had a son....." Obama regularly took the side of the thug, when it came to cops vs. thugs. In all reality, I believe that ALL of our legislators are out of touch with what the common citizen has to deal with. They are far to beholden to their donors, such that the pass laws that benefit a select few, rather than the country as a whole. The political divide is an issue as well. It has become more important to make sure that the 'other guys' don't do anything to win them points, than it is to actually get something done. Even if what the 'other guys' are trying to do would be good for everyone. Each side has picked a few pet issues, and ALL of their effort has been focused on those few issues. Most of which, the average american really couldn't care less about. We've been going down hill for several decades now. We are raising generations of self-entitled little brats, that no longer know how to function in adult society. All thru school they are taught that 'everyone wins', that feelings are more important than results, etc. Then they get out into the real world, and it is nothing like what it was in school, and they simply can't cope. The rights of a tiny minority have become more important than the vast majority. And on and on and on. We are headed for a fall, and when it comes, it's gonna hurt.
  21. What's the rest of your system look like? What game are you playing? Running any mods? What else is running with the game??
  22. Obama and the dems set the stage for Trump to get elected. Obama did more to divide us along racial lines in his eight years, than the KKK did in a century. Now, I will grant you, Trump is an idiot..... and he should just stay off social media, and just read the speeches his writers hand him, and not add his own 1 cent.... (I don't think he has two.....) Given the platforms the dems are running on this election cycle, I fully expect that the Republicans will retake the house, gain seats in the senate, and Trump will get a second term. Never have I seen a party so out of touch with reality....
  23. The version you have I don't think works any more. There were security changes to the API...... Go here, click the 'clone or download' button, download the zip file, extract it, and run the setup. Good to go. :D
  24. Update came from bethesda. It should have installed with the game. The unofficial patch is always a good idea. :) As for 7, I don't know what it does...... and don't use the high res packs, so, no help there... You should grab the latest version of NMM, if you actually want to use it.
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