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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I'll give that a shot. :smile: In the meantime, I have been doing some testing. Using my .50bmg sniper rifle, (modern firearms) with a range of 766, it appears that 10,000 units plus or minus a few, is max range that I can actually hit something. I had one instance of hitting/killing something at 10160, but, I couldn't repeat it. Now, there is a real possibility that the max range for the BULLETS I am firing, is set at 10000... gonna have to check that. :smile: Edit: Confirmed, the 'projectile' the weapon uses has a range of 10,000. That explains a bit. :)
  2. Ok, apparently, because I use NMM, I seem to be unable to compile scripts. Compiler keeps telling me <unknown>(0,0): unable to locate script tdmaliasscript.psc (script name probably isn't correct here, as I am typing it from memory, in the actual error message, it is indeed correct though.) Does the compiler not support the symlinks NMM uses??
  3. Ok, went in game, had the "mechanical menace" (mechanist) quest, "Speak to the Robot" being the next stage. So, went to where Ada was, as she was conveniently the quest target, and tested various ranges, comparing the quest marker distance, to what the widget displayed. With some wiggle room, (as the quest marker is integers only) it appears that distance on the quest target is distance/100. Think I am going to use (target distance +50)/100, so it will round up. (distance shown appears to be integer only as well. Now to see how that relates to weapon range......
  4. Anyone know the formula the game uses to display range of a weapon in any of the screens? I can convert units to inches/feet, but, knowing what 'units' the game was using to describe the range of the weapon, and display it, would sure help. It sure ain't game units..... I suspect it may be feet, but, its also a real possibility it is in yards...... I simply don't know, and can't find the calculation. Mainly because I don't know where to look. Could it be a property of one of the swf files??
  5. Yeah, I have those too. Neat little mod. :) But, the thermal vision is something we have now, (right along with night vision....) and all it requires is batteries. Battery tech in the Fallout universe is significantly more advanced than ours..... so, apparently, that batteries to run the optics last pretty much forever. My guess is, you are going to have to apply a script to it as well, that keeps track of ap, and when it reaches zero, turn off the effect, and stop the ap drain.
  6. Now THERE is an interesting idea. Wonder if it is possible to get the reference for the diamond. I know it allows to track multiple references. Thank You. :D Another member sent me a script to display target distance in the hud as well. That was VERY nice. Haven't looked at it yet though. :D (Thank YOU DieFeM!!!) Edit: Works great! Doesn't show in the scope view, but, that is a minor issue. Trouble is, there has to be a 'correction factor' between weapon range, and in-game units. Any clue what that might be? Best info I can find is 12, or perhaps, 11. (from a post on steam forums.)
  7. Ouch. Couldn't be easy huh? :) Target Reticule spell? I am not familiar with that one.
  8. Is it possible to determine distance to the crosshair reference? (for purposes of a range-finding scope.) Is it even possible to GET the crosshair reference?? I know in past games, this was a script extender function, but, I am not finding anything in the documentation for it. I would love to have an "In Range" indicator on my sniper rifle..... something simply inserted into the scope overlay perhaps? Even if I can just get the crosshair ref, should be able to use registerforevent of some variety to 'turn on' the indicator..... The game knows what I am aiming at after all, and the game also knows how far away I am. I am just tired of having a long range weapon, that can't hit what I am aiming at.... Seems I can see stuff a LOT further away, than I can expect to hit with my .50 BMG Anti-Material rifle...... seems odd. (even with a range of 778.....) I know there is a mod that simply uses a specific weapon/ammo, and you shoot your target to determine range..... but I would rather not have to resort to that.
  9. There is definitely some hoop jumping involved with the CS for esp masters..... I am just pleased it actually works now. Once again, Thank You. :D
  10. Ok, now THAT worked as expected. I was able to expand the build area, and move the border tiles to some approximation thereof. Went in-game, and though it whined about the previous esp file being gone, (I deleted it.) everything was where it should be, previously unscrappable stuff was now scrappable, and I can build where I want to. Lesson Learned: Can't have an esp as a master, and expect it to work. :D Still and all, some stuff was a tad annoying. Like trying to guess where the widget you just enabled is...... not to mention have the widget somewhere that you can use it, and still see what it is you are trying to do. (sometimes, if I moved my point of view to where I could see the widget, one edge of the object I am working with, and the ENTIRE object I am trying to line it up with, would unload from the render window. :D That was fun. It's close, but, not perfect. I may tweak it a bit more, then again, since its just for me...... I may not. :D Thank You All for getting me thru this. Greatly appreciated.
  11. Yeah, I am working on it now. :) Just editing directly, seemed like the easiest solution. The build high "bounding box" is incredibly tall...... I suspect it was just because some items were in an 'odd' area between the two new build areas I added. I'll find out soon enough. :D
  12. Well now, There is an "Ah HA!" moment. Thank You. Guess I am going to have to esmify BH, and start over again. (not really that much of a chore, not like I am making radical changes.) As for the debris decals, I can scrap them just fine within the 'stock' build area of BH, Wonder if this relates back to having an esp as a master.... Guess I will find out. :D Thanks for the tip on previs/precombines as well. I am going to give it a shot, see what happens. I am tempted to simply edit BH esp file directly, (I have a backup....) as this is only for personal use. :) If I screw it up too bad, I can simply restore my backup esp. Might be the easier route.
  13. Well, tried a different approach, and simply enlarged the current build area box (hitting '2' actually gave me the arrows I expected.....). CS didn't seem to think any changes were made.... (no asterisk by the mod name in the title bar.) Is there something special I need to do to convince the cs to save the 'new' size? (the original size box was still there) Also, I simply moved one of the border tiles on the Y axis. Saved the mod, opened it in xEdit, and the border tile shows as "unable to resolve". (placed object, shows as REFR, and not Static, as I would expect.) I am obviously missing a trick here, but, the CS wiki is no help at all. I am open to any suggestions/pointers/whathaveyou. I would REALLY like to know just WHY this isn't working the way I think it should. Edit: Do I need to make build high an esm file in order to use it as a master for my changes??
  14. 2 works, but, it scales the object in ALL dimensions, not just the one I an interested in. Not sure if it is supposed to work that way.
  15. HeyYou

    NMM and D drive

    You want the top level directory for the game then. Where "Skyrim.exe" resides.
  16. Creation kit is free. No need to pay for it. It's also pretty much the best tool to use for creating mods...... Of course, depending on what you want to do, you will likely require other tools. (most of which are also free.....) SkyrimSE uses papyrus for scripting, and I *think* we have some tutorials on TES Alliance. (and also some classes to get you familiar with how the CK works..... Link in my sig.) It's not real comprehensive, but, it will get you started.
  17. Ok, I seem to have the build area sorted, still have some odd stuff I can't scrap though. I am trying to move the visible border walls next, and once again, failing miserably. I can move them, put them in the right spot, add the proper keyword, but, if I look at the mod in xEdit, to remove inadvertent changes (darn clouds), the 'placed objects' that are highly likely to be the border tiles, have errors. "unresolved", or some such, and they don't show up in game, border is still in the old location, and next time I open the mod in the CS, it deletes them, and I get to do it over again. That is getting rather old after the fourth attempt. I just don't get it. Everything looks good in the cs, but, after I save, close it out, look in xEdit, same old errors, and same result in game. One thing I note, even though I loaded build high, but, did not set it as active file, and created a new plugin for my changes, Build High does NOT show as a master for my plugin. Could that be the root cause of the errors I am seeing? If so, how do I correct that? Edit: Also, How do I resize them? The only thing I can find is the 'scale' tool, and no matter which axis I try and shrink, it shrinks the whole thing. I don't need it very wide (Y axis), but, when I shrink it down to the correct length, it's way too short (Z axis) in comparison to the other border tiles..... Is there a way to make it grow on ONLY one axis??
  18. Yep. :) Discovered that. So, added the appropriate links, and it now works. Sorta. There is an area of overlap between two of the build area rectangles that I put in, that its really random whether I can build there, or scrap certain items. Some debris decals I can get, others I cannot. Same goes for leaf piles, and various branches. Some of the grass I can get, but, there might be a clump right next to one I just scrapped, that I cannot highlight/target/scrap. There is no previs or precombine data for the cells I am in, so far as I am aware. xEdit shows I am only changing two cells, and none of that data is present in either Build high, or, my extension to it. Is overlapping build areas not a good idea? I think, once I get a good handle on how all this is supposed to work, I may just nuke the current esp, and start fresh. Maybe do things a bit different. If overlap isn't an issue though....... I may just try and shuffle the visible borders around, to more reflect the new situation, and call it a day. I WOULD like to solve the unscrappable stuff problem though. Seeing debris floating a few inches above the ground (where a road used to be....), disturbs me. :D I think those are scrappable due to scrap everything, and the 'extra object selection' in place everywhere?? Not sure on that.
  19. Gonna have to check that.... Started a new game, got out of the vault, went directly to starlight drive in. No changes at all. I think speedy is correct. Duplicating the buildbox did NOT copy over keywords, or other pertinent data, so, no larger build area. That still doesn't explain why the border marker (in game) didn't move either. (though I did find a bad reference in the mod via FO4Edit...... looking at the form ID, I am pretty sure it was the border I moved.) I went so far as to check my plugins.txt to make sure that the mod was actually listed. It was. The only mod that loads after it is scrap everything, and the only conflict I saw there was the same one it has with build high.... I have no clue what's going on. :D
  20. HeyYou

    NMM and D drive

    You can mod ESO???? You should have the option to TELL NMM where the game is.....
  21. Well, went back to my save right before exiting the vault. Still no new build area. The boxes I moved were the 'build high yada yada' boxes, sandbox box... wasn't touched. (and yep, I saw that one.) I had moved one of the borders for the build area as well, just to have some obvious indication of whether what I had done made any difference, but, that was still in the original place as well. Not entirely sure what's going on here..... I grabbed SKK50's 'fast start' mod, will try that later on today with a new game.
  22. Skyrim SE? Or Legendary Edition? What is the text of the error messages you are getting?
  23. There is a lot to be said for being boring. I had friends that were 'exciting', but, after a few visits by officer UNfriendly, that got old quick. Now, I enjoy my boring life. :) I am perfectly content to stay home, play my games, play with mods, or other things of that nature. One of the reasons I live where I do. (out in the sticks) Folks don't just 'show up', without calling first. :D
  24. The description page supports bbcode, as I recall, there is a button in the upper right of the data entry panel that says "bbcode", or some such, and then you can just add your tags, or whatever. Another option would be to use something like Notepad ++ to write your description, including the code.... and then just copy paste into the description window. (in bbcode mode most likely)
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