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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. And that's a relatively recent phenomenon..... Started in the last decade. I don't recall any constitutional conventions that added the 'right to never be exposed to something you may find offensive'......... Our society is in serious decline.... The cops in Portland Oregon are going to no longer refer to gang members, as 'gang members'..... as it hurts their employability when they get out of prison....... We are going to 'politically correct' ourselves into our graves.
  2. Before Nixon "opened the gates the China" our country lost exactly zero jobs to artificially cheap Communist labor, because the global free market was properly limited to free countries. Regardless of anyone's political bent, the bottom line is that freedom isn't free, and individual rights (not to mention environmental and 1,000 other standards which all businesses in all capitalist countries are required to follow) cost enormous amounts of money. Communist countries including China simply wash their hands of these costs simply because they can do so, and are accountable to nobody. No possibility of competition with free market capitalism exists, yet our federal government has been forcing this competition for 45 years now. My only surprise is that it took this long for our country to wind up in de facto bankruptcy with our trade and treasury wide open to totalitarian Communism. Trouble is, there are too many people in power, or, with LOTS of money, that profit heavily from the status quo. These are the very same people that have the ability to change things. They won't though, as that would not put as much money in their own pockets. They really couldn't care less about disappearance of the middle class in America.
  3. Pete is just the mouthpiece for someone elses policy. He is a lot like a politician here..... making statements he knows to be false, but, couching it in phrases that make it seem true. Mincing terms on a grand scale. He uses the same tactics to deny season pass holders what beth promised them as well. ALL future DLC they make. If someone wanted to get a class action suit together, they would have a high chance of winning......
  4. Yep, just send the original author a PM, asking for permission. Might also check the permission tab on the mods' page, and see if they haven't already put something in there about it.
  5. That's the same response I had for TexMex477. It's not only basic logic and human nature but established history. Look at the list for any WMD, e.g.: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chemical_weapon_proliferation and tell us how many of these countries are friends of the U.S. Our own WMD arsenal is responsible for a major portion of the list. Iraq being on the list doesn't really do much for their credibility, considering we spent YEARS looking for WMD's in Iraq, after taking out Saddam, and found some ancient artillery shells (which WE had sold Saddam) and that was it. Regardless, it seems to me the US has more enemies than friends, which only reinforces my contention that folks are going to be very unwilling to give up their nukes, if they already have them, and we can look forward to other folks developing them.
  6. How was there even logic involved in that? That is the same nonsense saying if you outlaw all guns criminals won't break the law to use a gun. It's no stretch of logic at all to claim a defense issue is created for everyone, as long as anyone possesses WMD. And so long as someone has them, everyone else is going to want them as well. As I said before, you can't put the genie back in the bottle.
  7. Life isn't fair. Neither is international relations. Just ask China. :) People NEED someone to hate..... it distracts them from the woes of their own life. Governments like to give folks a target for their hate, so the folks aren't hating on THEM. Yet another example of the US governments hypocrisy: We won't do anything with Cuba, because of their 'human rights' record, and, they are a communist government.... But, China, with a worse human rights record, and a communist government, gets 'most favored nation' status.... And yes, Saudi Arabia is yet another shining example. Some of our 'friends' are MUCH worse than the folks we try and vilify....... But anyway...... getting back to the original topic, :) Personally, I don't think there is ANYTHING we can do to 'defuse' america. This is yet another genie that we can't put back in the bottle. So long as one side absolutely refuses to admit that their current "I am a victim" culture is the leading cause of their problems, nothing is going to change. In fact, I expect it to get worse, before things get any better. If they EVER get any better.... Maybe in a few thousand years, when mankind has interbred enough that we are all pretty much the same color...... providing we can last that long, without killing ourselves off.
  8. imo that's beyond myopic, but it's the typical "good guys" justification for possessing nuclear, chemical and other WMD. The perspective of most of the rest of the world is very different.. Our federal government is the world's primary engine for the development and sales of these military weapons and systems etc and they're among our country's biggest exports. Speaking of Iran, our military has been exporting terror at least since Operation Ajax in 1953. They've had nothing else to do since 1945. We aren't generally in the habit of selling nukes to anyone..... (aside from perhaps Israel.....) We did indeed stupidly sell 'dual use' items to Iraq though.... Yeah, Saddam got his WMD capability from the US...... Then we killed him for having it. Nice, don't you think? (even though he had already sent most of it away......) The US has had nuclear weapons since 1944, so far, out of the thousands that we have, we have used...... two. Nowhere have we threatened anyone with nuclear weapons. Not even when they are threatening US with them..... What I find REALLY interesting though, is we invaded Iraq because we 'thought' they were attempting to make nukes. At the time, we knew NK had a nuclear weapons program as well, and even after they tested a couple we still didn't do anything about it. Why? No oil. The whole "WMD" thing was just a smokescreen, the REAL reason we went into Iraq was for the oil. The government lied, and thousand of americans died. (and hundreds of thousands of Iraqis.....) If you look around, you will find articles with statements from the residents of the various countries we have screwed up, that they were BETTER OFF BEFORE we showed up. And it isn't just a few of the residents, it's the majority of them. Yep, the good ol' US of A is a terrorist state. We just put a prettier name on it. Yes, there are a lot of issues with our foreign policy, and it's implementation, but, still, I don't see the world EVER being 'nuclear free' again. Do I AGREE with what our government is doing? Not hardly. We have done more to destabilize the middle east than ANY (all?) terrorist group. And what's even worse is, our government won't admit the major blunder they have perpetrated, and think we should keep going on our present course..... Lets pile some flat out stupidity on top of our previous idiocy. What's worse is, Bush senior KNEW this would happen, TOLD his boy, and his boy ignored him. He wanted his war, Cheney wanted the oil. Now we have the middle east in flames. And it is COMPLETELY OUR FAULT. Basically, all we have accomplished is turn the entire area into a terrorist training ground, complete with real americans to shoot at/blow up. Yeah, that was a good plan.......
  9. IMO logically only two eventualities exist: a global ban on nuclear weapons, or something close to all countries developing them. It's simple logic, and a question nobody has credibly answered in over a half century is, which angel of the lord descended and decreed that certain countries have a right to global nuclear terror and all the rest do not? At least according to today's earthquake maps, the era of trying to keep them only in the hands of "good guys" around the world is officially over. I think Trump is working overtime to either generate this conflict, or at a minimum, milk it as a wedge issue with China. I doubt he will, even once, acknowledge that the entirety of our China problem is the fault of nobody other than Richard Nixon and Henry Kissinger, and Reagan and every U.S. president and Congress since 1971. It's wholesale treason imo to force free market capitalism to compete with totalitarian Communism, because competition is not even within the realm of possibility. From what I see, the only country threatening 'global nuclear terror' is North Korea. The US hasn't threatened anyone with nukes. NK, on the other hand, REGULARLY goes off on a nut threatening everyone and their cousin with 'destruction in nuclear fires'....... Even Pakistan, a country that openly supports terrorism, hasn't threatened anyone with their nukes. Nor have they used on. (much as I am sure they would like to drop a couple on India.....) You can't put the Genie back in the bottle. You will never get everyone to disarm. (nuclear weapons) It just isn't going to happen. What is far more likely is that more countries are going to develop them. I suspect Iran will be next.....
  10. Both major parties have some serious issues.. The dems want to take care of everyone, and think everything should be free. The repubbies don't want to take care of anyone, and think everyone should pay for what they get. The latter position being far more reasonable to me. Of course, the repubbies also want to legislate your morality. They say "no" to abortion, and also birth control. They even say no to education about birth control. They are of the opinion that if you get pregnant, no matter how that comes about, you are REQUIRED to carry to term. Of course, once the child is born, the repubbies pretty much wash their hands of the issue. The dems, on the other hand..... ALSO want to legislate morality. They want to tell you how you should feel about other races/sexual orientations/etc, even though what they want to dictate is in direct violation of your beliefs. (and thus, violating your constitutional right to freely practice your religion.) They want to deprive us of the ability to protect ourselves. (violating the 2nd amendment) They seem to be under the impression that everyone has the right to NOT be offended by anything, and move to dispose of/remove/destroy anything that someone finds offensive, and as a consequence, pretty much re-writing our history. ALL of them seem to think that they know better than the rest of us, how we should live our lives, even though their views are pretty much polar opposites..... Both sides, while touting "smaller government", or "less intrusive government", inflict yet more regulations, government agencies, etc, on the population at large. We have folks making laws about subjects they know absolutely nothing about. (gasohol anyone?) And they STILL claim to have 'the best interests of the country' at heart. That hasn't been true for decades. They ALL have their OWN best interests at heart. Passing laws that would be good for the average american would be BAD for their wallets, therefore, those laws don't get passed. A potential law that would make them wealthier, on the other hand, is pretty much guaranteed to pass. And the american people seem to be too stupid to realize what is going on. We continue to put the same criminals back into office year after year. We scream about 'government needs to change', but, when the opportunity to implement any sort of change (election cycles....) comes along, we STILL vote along party lines, and the whole fiasco continues without anything changing at all. Trump make a lot of promises to 'clean up the swamp'. Trouble is, the president isn't in any position to do so. he cannot make law, he can only approve/disapprove of what comes across his desk, from the very people he is attempting to rein in. So, what we have is, the perfect storm of circumstances, that pretty much assure us that absolutely nothing is going to change. We will continue down the current course, right up to the economic meltdown that is most certainly coming.
  11. Isn't there a keypress to go back to world map?
  12. Try disabling your anti-virus, or adding an exception for the game.
  13. It didn't used to be that way. At one time, both parties could come together, and come up with a compromise that would benefit most. (certainly not "all") That died completely when Obama was elected, and it became more important to make sure the 'other guy' doesn't do anything useful, than it was to do the business of the country. To me, that is one of THE most important reasons congress needs term limits.
  14. That would really screw up the game in Morrowind. :) Trick was, to turn it ALMOST all the way down. Leaving it at one notch made sure you didn't hear the music, but, the game still ran just fine. While I don't see beth updating TES/FO to a new engine anytime soon, (just an updated creation engine, again.) We may be pleasantly surprised when they do. They are well aware of what modding his done for their games, and I don't see them forgoing that anytime soon. :D
  15. I heard they were both living in Vegas.......
  16. Look at the mess career politicians have gotten us into. Do you think 'amateurs' would do worse? When you are NOT more concerned about your re-election campaign, than doing the business of the country, maybe the business of the country will actually get done......
  17. I did up one of these for Morrowind...... Used a resource for the model, and the scripting was interesting...... (MWSE required) But, once I got it working, it was AWESOME. VERY overpowered though. :smile: Actually, upon looking, there already IS a vanhelsing crossbow, and various automatic crossbow mods. :)
  18. What O/S? What else is running in the background? (things like your virus scanner, any facebook apps, onedrive, googledrive, etc.)
  19. The depression, WWII, and a host of other significant events. (He was turned down for service in WWII, because of a heart murmur.) Color film..... television.... computers..... Yeah, the world changed a LOT during his lifetime. :D
  20. Did you install updated drivers for the new card? (and not the ones from the disc.... drivers have probably updated several times since that disc was pressed.) Might also want to rename the .ini files for Skyrim/FO4 as well, then start the game launcher, and have it re-detect your hardware. And you can do both with a toddler on your lap. :D
  21. Except for one annoying little detail that keeps tickling the back of my mind. In America, the people are the government. It says so right here on the label. What it says on the label, and what's actually in the bottle, are two entirely different things. "The people" haven't counted much to the government for quite some time now. I agree in principle with PA...but practice and theory are distinctly separate realities. Out of the 535 people we have sent to Congress how many would one estimate are there for altruistic purposes? Given the constant flow of federal indictments for corruption / malfeasance every year since I can recall. My bet is that, there is a comfortable minority that went to DC to line their pockets rather than serve the nation. So in that sense I agree with HY's deep skepticism about who runs the country. What's even more pathetic to me is they don't even line their pockets with much, relatively speaking. They're very cheap. A 25k donation here, a 50k one here, a house here.. 100k on a very good day. They're a complete joke compared to actual wealth.. but they sell themselves and our country out for these small numbers. I could almost respect an expensive prostitute. But these are the elite's equivalent of crackheads. 500,000 dollar speaking fees?
  22. Except for one annoying little detail that keeps tickling the back of my mind. In America, the people are the government. It says so right here on the label. What it says on the label, and what's actually in the bottle, are two entirely different things. "The people" haven't counted much to the government for quite some time now.
  23. Politicians are Evil. THAT I would most certainly agree with, considering it seems to have become the national passtime to vilify the 'other guys', regardless of if you are in power or not. It also seems to be political fashion not to pass laws that help the people, but to UNDO what your predecessor (of the other party) did. And the minority partys' sole purpose in life becomes making sure the party in power doesn't get anything of significance done. Currently, the government only seems to pass laws that benefit THEM. Of course, they have been doing that for the last several decades..... If you aren't wealthy when you go in to congress, you most certainly are by the time you come out.... and NOT from the nice salary that they are able to legislate themselves....... Our GOVERNMENT is our biggest problem in this country. They try and legislate morality. For the last three or four decades, they have been more interested in dictating how we live our lives, rather than finding ways to improve them. And each and every additional step they take makes our lives WORSE, not better. Why does it happen that way? Because it puts more money in THEIR pocket. (all of them, doesn't matter which party) Want to improve the country? Improve the government. Think you can do it with your vote? Think again. If it hasn't become patently obvious that our votes don't mean a tinkers damn any more, then you need to crawl out from under your rock, and take a look around. Things need to change, but, attempting to work within the system is doomed to failure before you even start, as the only folks that have the ability to change anything, are the very same folks that benefit the most from NOT changing anything. Term limits? Salary caps? Campaign finance reform? None of that will happen under the current conditions. Much as Trump may want to do some of it, congress won't pass it.
  24. Don't forget to copy your ini files (in My games\Fallout4) and your plugins.txt in App Data. (hidden folder, you will have to change folder options to show hidden files/folders in order to see it.) No idea where NMM stores it's info for what is installed, in what order, and info on overwrites....... When I find myself in your situation, I usually get windows up and running, updated, all drivers installed, then actually reinstall the base game, and any other utilities, (NMM.....) then simply copy over the folder holding the original installation. That way you get all the correct registry entries, and your other programs know where to find *stuff*.... :) Getting NMM set back up? Sorry, can't help ya there.
  25. That would make an interesting premise for the next installation. (Fallout 5) Going by today's weapons count though..... The US has VASTLY more weapons than the Chinese. So, it's entirely possible the Chinese mainland took much more serious damage than did the US. So, a lot would depend on just how prepared the Chinese were, to survive a nuclear war. You can bet the top level folks in government had their bunkers to retreat to, but, what percentage of the population would as well?
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