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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Oh come on now, it wouldn't be THAT difficult to arrange the concerts, now, having them actually show up? That would be the interesting part..... although, you gotta admit, there are STILL folks that swear up and down that Elvis is still alive. :)
  2. Can you even GET critical hits outside of vats? (aside from sneak attacks.....)
  3. HeyYou


    We already have the tech to do it. As demonstrated already, what we DON'T have, is the money to make it happen..... Unfortunately, our government would prefer to fritter away money on meaningless projects, because 'they look good'... rather than spend the money on something that will actually HELP.
  4. According to beth, the engine for Skyrim was 'all new'. Which only took modders about two minutes to discover that was patently NOT the case. Now, if beth REWROTE the engine, to take better advantages of newer tech, THAT might win some points for them. But, simply shuffling stuff under the hood a bit, really isn't going to work out well. That said, just because it is old, and somewhat dated, does NOT imply that it cannot be improved.
  5. Yes, he was. He was still under the "it won't happen to me" delusion, or maybe "mommy and her money will always bail me out." And it cost him his life. He violated Rule Number 1 of the cowboy code. He found himself in a hole, (north korea) and he kept digging. (stealing)
  6. It seems that some have learned nothing, though I had a mild hope that the experience of Coventry would have had some ameliorative effect, evidently not . :facepalm: A leopard cannot change its spots.
  7. I agree with you brother. There is no such thing as common sense there is only perception and we all perceive differently according to our upbringing and accumulated life experience.Those that want to feel superior to this young man are,of course,going to want to express that superiority for their fellows to admire.Forums are perfect for displaying superiority ,doesn't matter if it's true all that matters is the projection without contention.No contention means the illusion of belief and then they can continue their desperate longing to feel superior in another post. Empathy is discarded by these addicts of ego projection for obviously empathy gets in the way of self aggrandizement. "I have no sympathy for him",means- look at me,i am superior and i want recognition and applause from the others in this thread that are like-minded.This is the world we live in today,this is the world of youtube,of the internet. And then we have those that like to pretend they are superior, by assigning motivations to folks they have never met.
  8. Quite likely. SKSE doesn't change anything in game, in just adds more powerful scripting functions. So, unless you added mod that REQUIRED starting a new game, you could go on about your business without trouble.
  9. I would consider this thread on the subject to be finished. Seems unnecessary to revive a fairly old thread, so if you'd wish to debate the matter further, I'd be happy to do so via PM. What fun would that be?
  10. CC content will be compatible with all other OFFICIAL content. Beth is well aware that they have no control over the free mods folks may install.
  11. Exactly, the blatant disregard, in all these posts in this thread, for the young man that lost his life is indecent and uncivilized. The young mans blatant disregard for common sense is what got him dead. And I am supposed to feel sympathy for him? Not happening. If that makes me indecent, and uncivilized, I can live with that. How much of what you call now, common sense did you have when you were his age? common sense is not as common as people put out and many times the good sense we have, today is because of the rocky road of bad decisions we've navigated in our youth. We also need to understand that the world was a different place in our youth and that the miracles of technology, today has made the world a smaller place, without granting anyone any better grasp of this thing called wisdom. When I was his age, I was in the Air Force. I had the sense NOT to thumb my nose at another countries laws, and I also had the sense NOT to travel to countries where americans were hated, and vilified. Of course, I wasn't a rich white kid, that had had everything handed to him either.
  12. Lord forbid anyone make money putting hundreds of hours to make a mod. Might I suggest this hobby if you want to make money: You can make as much money as you like without screwing over a community of your fellow hobbyists. I understand this is pretty much a lost cause, as you have already formed your opinion, and no amount of logical, or rational arguments is going to change your mind..... but..... Just how is working with beth to create new official content "screwing over" anyone?
  13. Did you solve your script problem yet? Is it possible to have an 'on activate' check, and see just what it is the character is activating, and if it's a rideable object, force third person?
  14. Did you miss on mod on the reinstall? Try renaming the various ini's, and let the game redetect hardware. See if that doesn't improve its attitude.
  15. Back up your current save. install the uncategorized version, enable it, disable the categorized version, and see how it goes.....
  16. Go back a couple more saves, and see what happens.
  17. For most weapon mods, you can revert back to the basic model for free, so, just remove all the mods you want before you scrap the weapon.
  18. Well, consider, Shaun was taken as an infant, and didn't really know his parents. All he knows for the last 60 years, is that he was raised by the institute. His bio-parents are probably pretty much not even a concern for him. He may have been curious at some point.... but, it's been decades. He doesn't have ANY memories of his 'real' parents. So, there is no real bond there.
  19. Check out the faq on Beths site. It is going to be a rather exclusive 'club', and you are not going to see a mass exodus of modders joining up. Mainly because you have to be ACCEPTED into the program. Basically, it just a way for beth to continuously turn out content for Skyrim/FO4. It isn't going to change free mods in any way.
  20. I really don't think you will see much of a difference between 8, and 16 gig of RAM. I can run Oldrim on ultra, with UGrids set to 9, and it is butter smooth, even around open towns. SE likely handles memory 'better'..... but, I am still using a utility for FO4 (same engine) to improve it. I run 30 or so mods, and the game runs great, and I think it has crashed on me twice. Both times were heat related.... (machine shut itself down...) And my hardware is also pretty old. (AMD Phenom II X4 965 Black.)
  21. New motherboard would allow you to upgrade to a newer, more powerful, processor. Down side is, ram would need to be replaced as well. You will still be looking at 6-700 bucks to make the upgrade worth while, and last for quite some time..... I am thinkin' a sixth gen i7 (around 300) MB, (likely another 200 or so, possibly less, and then RAM. Cost there just depends on how much you want. 8gb is probably still plenty, though, 16 has a certain amount of appeal to it. :) Though it costs more.... Of course.
  22. I suspect that they are more profit-driven than that though...... and keeping ALL the profits, while paying the modder to work for them, probably looks MUCH better on the bottom line. For them.
  23. What you have isn't really all that bad. Trouble is, the socket 1155 is going to be the problem. Unless you change the system board as well, about the best you can do for the processor is a 3rd gen i7, for almost 500 bucks..... it would be an improvement, but, in my opinion, not worth the money. Now, if you want to change the the System board as well...... then you could get a nice bump, but, that would likely also require upgrading your ram. (I don't think it would go in the new MB.) So, question becomes, how much are you willing to spend? (and what country are you in?)
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