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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. I'm not holding out a lot of hope here. Beths track record so far, just for mod hosting, is abysmal. They put very little though/effort into the system at all. It was only after a major hue and cry, that things started to improve. And now, they have switched to a new system, that broke everything they had improved previously. I fully expect that when beth makes the foray into pay-to-play mods, they will much it just as badly, if not worse, than what valve did.
  2. Basic memory management is handled by the O/S, yes. But, the application itself is what is making requests. If the application 'forgets' it has reserved blocks, the O/S won't clear them until the application is closed. Hence, memory leaks.
  3. "Poor" doesn't even begin to describe it....... I find it absolutely amazing that unpaid modders can dramatically improve the games memory management, but, beth can't seem to figure it out? What's up with that?
  4. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    At this point, our country is so far in debt, we are NEVER going to dig ourselves out of this hole. And the debt is going to continue to grow, so long as folks are willing to loan the US money. They all seem to think it isn't a bad idea, even though there are some European countries with a tiny fraction of that debt, they are being forced to implement rather severe 'austerity' measures. And their debt vs GDP isn't nearly as bad as ours.... Various presidents have talked about the debt over the years, but, very few of them have actually made any difference whatsoever. It still continues to rise at an alarming rate. I am curious how trade tariffs with china have any relation to debt.......
  5. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    "win" the debate? Seriously? I invite you to look back thru the multitude of pages of 'debates' here, and show me even one, where someone actually 'wins'. Trump won because hilary was unelectable, and had the view that she was untouchable. (which, apparently, is at least partially true.....) That, and we have gotten tired of Dem policies over the last eight years. There is nothing new going on here. If you check back thru history, you will find that follow 8 years of a party's dominance, it is invariable followed by the other party gaining control. Besides, this isn't even really a debate. Its a collection of folks stating their views, there is little, if any, "debate" about it.
  6. you coulda voted 3rd party -shrug- Neither of them were capable, we just got the short end of the stick. A third-party candidate has zero chance of winning here. It was be akin to simply not voting at all. At least a vote for trump (or, really, a vote AGAINST Hilary) would count for something.
  7. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    Right up there with Ronnie Reagan?
  8. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    Yeah, but, when you talk about a "New Tax", a fairly significant percentage of the population will automatically say "NO!!!". Of course, its not like we aren't well aware the many ways our government squanders the tax dollars they are getting already. They are about as fiscally responsible as a two-year-old. Maybe not even that good. I will grant you, a single-payer system would be a good solution, provide the payer could actually manage the funds...... But, it would also tend to wipe out a significant revenue stream for the insurance industry.... and for-profit health care providers would be whining about how their payments for services got dramatically cut. They would no longer be able to charge folks 600 bucks for a friggin' towel.......
  9. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    George Carlin would have made an AWESOME president. :D
  10. If you are still an exclamation point even when naked, your body replace mod is not installed properly.
  11. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease. Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example? I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention). Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling. Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people... In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended..... Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf... :smile: I'm a "he", last I checked. Can't have too many friends. :D This is starting to annoy me,i can't remember why i blocked you,what the bloody hell did you do to me and how many times?Even more annoying is that i like what you're saying,stop it.Hehe...Now i have to unblock you,even more annoying because you're causing me to act.I don't like that ,i prefer passivity i don't enjoy acting look what you've done to me!!!!Damn you!!! I haven't the faintest what I could have said/done to prompt you to block me. In all reality, I don't remember that many interactions between us.... Am I really that annoying? :D (are we there yet?) If folks actually said what they meant, and didn't try and couch it in pretty words, there would be far fewer misunderstandings in the world.
  12. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease. Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example? I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention). Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling. Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people... In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended..... Ok,i'm trying to figure why i have HeyYou blocked...i have no idea except that you/he/she pissed me off somewhere,i'm not sure.Anyway i like what you're saying here and perhaps we can go back to being friendly until you piss me off again.Love Gandalf... :) I'm a "he", last I checked. Can't have too many friends. :D
  13. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    Indeed the Trump supporters are in for a HUGE shock.Mainly because what they expect is not going to happen.What do you mean by," What we say and think will be socially manipulated to serve our masters."I'm apolitical i'm not at all impressed by political figures so i can't see how i could be manipulated.Self censorship will be one way, unless one really is willing to go the distance... Which could be very ugly. Another way is the changing and selecting of context. Taking what people say and changing its meaning to serve political ends. Lastly being disengaged and ambivalent will not stop people speaking for you and signing you up to things you may not agree with or even know about.This isn't to even confront the problem of 'real' and 'fake' news which if not intentionally misleading, still makes it next to impossible to know what you believe is true or gather enough support to fight for that truth. Even if you are and you can, they will still crush most opposition wuth relative ease. Self censorship?I don't even understand the concept,why in Zeus would anyone that respects their own perception want to censor themselves?I censor nothing,ask my friends they hate me sometimes.What do you mean by,"changing and selecting of context"Could you give an example? I am very much the same and get into hot water with folks all the time. Even through the choice of words we self censor, it is a human natural trait for creating social constructs. This is looking at it from a most fundamental level. In fact the only people I've met who were properly 'uncensored' would be considered autistic or learning disabled (this is one example of the other point about the changing of context and intention). Another example of changing what people mean is evident in the art world, or religion. Taking things and applying a narrative and subjection to what was originally intended. This happens all the time, it is what inherently defines Propaganda, and most things are Propaganda from one perspective or another. Thus the importance of finding different sources and applying critcal thinking. Unfortunately the number of people willing and able to apply the time and resources to do so is dwindling. Welcome to a new dark ages, or enlightenment depending on your disposition and research on the subject! :D I never "self-censor" I always say exactly what i want when i want without compunction.I don't f***ing care how anyone takes it i am who i am.Have you ever seen Ozzy and the Osmonds.Well i would fit in quite well with these wonderful people... In all reality, I wish more people would take that attitude. Call it what it is. Don't dance around the topic like it was plutonium or something. Spit it out. TELL ME WHAT YOU THINK. Don't worry about offending me, or anyone else. You can't toss an honorific in this society without pissing off someone. Screw 'em. I don't recall reading anywhere that you have the right to never be offended.....
  14. HeyYou

    Why Trump Won

    Fox News without the propaganda would be dead air. Same for CNN, MSNBC, and a host of other networks. It isn't news any more, it's a fight for ratings, and honesty and accuracy don't seem to matter. To any of them. Assuming that anyone that watches X channel, is some simpleton that can't think for themselves, does a major disservice to a majority of the population. Doing so simply proves that you are also one of them, just from the other side of the aisle.
  15. IMO fusion energy will revolutionize the world, and while my irony meter is absolutely pegged on the claim, if the rise of China has any silver lining, it's that the world finally has an advocate for popular will that is not (or at least is less) beholden to the multinational corporate mafia that now controls most Western governments. Watch what happens to our fusion energy programs once Trump is in office. With Rick Perry running our DOE and ExxonMobil's CEO as our Secretary of State I'd look for either no or virtually no advancement. Think dirty coal and fracking in Texas instead. Meanwhile China is going to the moon to begin mining helium-3 for their fusion energy program. As I've mentioned elsewhere, experts tell us we could finish the fusion job for substantially less than a single year's tax subsidies to ExxonMobil. Yet we have spent significantly more than those subsidies on fusion research, and we still don't have it....... Throwing yet more money at the problem isn't going to make it happen overnight. This is something folks have been poking at for decades, and from what I have seen, we are no closer now, to a viable commercial fusion reactor, than we were 30 years ago. We have just spent a few more billions and research.
  16. I wish folks WOULD decide to NOT vote for any incumbent. Do that for a couple election cycles, and maybe we would have a chance of congress doing what is in the best interests of america, instead of the best interests of their wallet. I would point out that most american are already squishy road kill. Look at the choices we are offered for President.... The same folks that thought up that contest are the very same folks that decide who runs where, and pretty much, who is going to win. There isn't going to be any significant change in washington, from WITHIN washington. It is going to HAVE to be pressure from an outside source. I have little faith that the american people could come together on anything even remotely resembling a 'viable solution' at this point in time. We are too divided, to set in our ways, and to loyal to political parties that regularly s#*! on us. It is truly a mystery to me just WHY we keep putting the same jokers if office, when we know for a fact that they do NOT represent US. Here in america, we do indeed have some smart individuals. However, taken collectively, we got nothin' on a box o' rocks.
  17. Have you visited the location previously with that save? Might be 'baked in' already.... Any other mods affecting that area that load later??
  18. While I agree with most of your points, thinking that anyone is going to be held responsible for anything in washington DC, is likely a pipe dream. It has become the norm, not the exception. Our government is broken. Its as simple as that. No one person is going to be able to fix it. It's likely they won't even be able to make a significant dent in what is wrong. It has taken us decades to get to this point, it isn't something that is going to be fixed in one or two presidential terms. I doubt that it even CAN be fixed at all, short of a complete re-working of our government. (revolution.) Of course, that would have consequences all its own, and I would likely be a casualty of such a happening...... A LOT needs to happen for our government to fix itself.... The problem is, the only folks that CAN make the changes, are the very same folks that benefit the most from NOT changing a damn thing. Some of Trumps ideas are actually right in line with what needs to happen. (as relates to term limits, lobbyists, etc.) But, congress will never pass into law, the changes he wants to make. They would cutting off their own gravy train. I don't see that ever happening.
  19. A politician lied. Oh, now there is some new headlines....... I think it's more newsworthy when one actually tells the TRUTH about something. It happens so rarely, the media probably wouldn't know how to cover it..... Trump isn't the first liar in chief, nor will he be the last. He is a bit more 'boisterous' than what we are used to, but, I wonder if that isn't what the country NEEDS about now... As for browbeating companies..... He is doing that to keep jobs here in America. I see that as a good thing. I suspect the bulk of the republican party doesn't exactly agree with his position there... as they are all about making the maximum profit in the shortest amount of time, even though they are selling out the very same people they want to sell their products TO. I am real curious why our voting system is even subject to hacking...... It would be a simple matter to have the entire system isolated from the internet at large..... but, that seems to be too simple of a solution for our government.
  20. I haven't been very happy with EITHER party for quite some time now...... The sole difference between the two is the set of special interests the parties represent. From federal court decisions to federal laws to budgets we've been moreless entirely disenfranchised since at least 1971, when Nixon -- without a popular vote -- sold our middle class and labor force down the Yellow River. We didn't even normalize relations with the PRC until eight years after these economic ties were created. And, they were granted 'most favored nation' status without much ado as well. Which seriously screwed the american worker.
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