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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. The trouble with Radical Islam is, moderate Islam....... The radicals make a lot of noise, kill a lot of people, and the moderates are extremely quiet. They don't condemn the attacks, they don't say squat, which in most folks views, translates to tacit agreement/support. So, it isn't just the radicals that are seen as the problem, but, Islam as a whole. Of course, some of the tenets of even moderate islam are incompatible with western values....... and the Islamists that come to our shores, be it the US, Europe, UK, don't 'integrate' at all. They form their own small communities, and continue to live by the rules they grew up under, and then act surprised when the 'natives' don't appreciate them, don't want to adapt to THEIR way of life, and most certainly do not accept their values. After all, Islam isn't just a 'religion', it's a political system, that attempts to rule EVERY aspect of your life. One of the suburbs of Detroit USED to be 80% white. Today, it is under 50%.... with about 30% of being of arab descent....... it's like being transported to Iraq... (without the violence....)
  2. Use robots? Would that work? And not have to deal with settlers......
  3. If you plant crops, will they not produce if you don't have settlers tending them??
  4. Only meshes I have installed are for settlement building. I get infinite loading screens on interior/exterior switch, and rarely, on fast travel. The game is still running, but, there is zero disk activity. Sometimes, alt-tabbing out of the game, and back in, will shake it loose, but, not always. I rarely see the splash screens after the initial game load. Sometimes, the first pic will show on the splash screen, but, after that, the text changes, but, the pic is still the same. Most often, I don't see either.... (pic, or text) I have 8 gig of RAM, and when the problem occurs, I still have 3 gig or more free......
  5. Well, then you run into the whole problem of what the people actually want, vs. what the government thinks the people want, and even what the government thinks the people SHOULD want...... Government pretty much, doesn't have a clue.
  6. Same ones we had for Skyrim, to fix the infinite loading screens, etc.
  7. The american government isn't any better. Our troops in afghanistan were ordered specifically NOT to interfere with 'local cultural practices', which was basically, the rape of young boys. Seems this is rather popular amongst the 'elite' in Afghanistan...... One solider was disciplined, and discharged, for rescuing a boy from the local CHIEF OF POLICE...... He has since been reinstated after a hue and cry from multiple directions.....
  8. So they eat dead folks instead...... Yeah, there is an endearing quality...... :D
  9. Really good question. If we look at history, we can get few things straight: Original occupants of North America (who pushed out natives) were all kinds of people consisted of European nations mostly. Legacy of Europe were colonies, which pretty much can be translated as a form of slavery. US used black people and other representatives of different races as slaves in their country. Now, to the question if USA would be less racist if it wasn't on isolated island, I think answer is: no. Because in Europe, same white people who pretty much occupies US, raised biggest racist and nationalist regime, and it wasn't only Germany, more than half of Europe was involved (I don't mention other regions outside of Europe supporting this regime too). USA has long way to walk to this level of racism in all its forms. So, what am I getting at, when certain nation uses another one as slaves for very long time, and considering oppressed pop gained its rights relatively not too long ago, it's hard to imagine issue would just vaporize in the air. I'm sure some of black people still feel angry about it, and I'm sure some white people can't overcome themselves to stop looking down on them. It's very trivialized and simple-looking evaluation of attitudes, but it still be the case considering latest events. There surely might be another reason, but when you read specifically "black killed white" and vice versa, it makes you think that it's one of very valid reasons. Considering cop payment issues which supposedly breeds corruption, I think it's not even half of the problem. Human is corrupt creature by nature, if anyone has access to additional resources and have power to take them without risk of backfire, most will go for it. Very few will resist the temptation, and only thing which may stop individual from it - is inevitable punishment. Corruption happens among most wealthy and rich men, it doesn't have anything to do with stress levels or working conditions. And reading this thread you come to single, pretty terrible realization: there's NO solution to current situation. At least, no workable solution, that society would accept.......
  10. Some cops abuse their power. Not all. Not even a majority. Trouble is, as you say, mass media, and everyone and their cousin with camera, it gets a LOT more press than it used to. That gives the appearance of rampant abuse. That isn't really the case. Unarmed is also a relative term. Michael Brown for instance. Here he is up against a cop, he outweighs the cop by a factor of 2...... What do you expect the cop to do when he charges? I have been dealing with cops for quite a while. (since before I was a teen......) I have actually worked in law enforcement. (military, different kettle of fish, I know, but, a lot of the same problems apply.) Most cops are just happy to do their job, and go home at night. I have had more positive experiences with police, than I have negative. Even when I was the target of the ire. (and most of the time, rightfully so.....) The cops that are basically a blue suit, god complex, and a gun... are the problem. Trouble is, if you have to work with/around them every day, turning them against you, by leveling any allegations of wrongdoing, can make your life a LOT more interesting. What happens when you are up against armed opponents, the the guy you accused is sent as your backup? Yeah, he is going to take his jolly sweet time showing up, and in the meantime, you are on your own. Make a name for yourself as a whistleblower, (say, your accusations where true, and someone lost their job/went to jail) that is NOT going to endear you with the rest of the force, and you end up in the same position, but, this time, it is almost EVERYONE else. Calling for backup becomes an exercise in futility. So, yes, even the "good" cops have a hard time getting rid of the 'bad' cops. The entire system really is broken. Justice is neither blind, nor equal. What color you are, and how much money you have at your disposal determines what justice looks like for you. Case in point: Rich, white, college kid rapes unconscious girl. He gets six months in jail. Poor, black college kid rapes unconscious girl. He gets 15 years..... That, most certainly, is NOT justice, so, is it any wonder that the people of color are somewhat leery (putting it mildly) of the police? Of course, prejudice has been around longer than corrupt cops. Are some of the cops prejudiced? You bet. Are some of the black folks they encounter prejudiced? Once again, you bet. But, since blacks make up about 30 percent of the population, the represent about 60% of prison populations. Now, prejudice, and injustice can account for some of that, but, all of it? I don't think so. There IS a problem, and its one of perception. On BOTH sides of the coin.
  11. I saw in a documentary that the Dark Ages, seen as a period in which technology did not progress, does not exist. While civilization was indeed a bit less complex compared to the Roman period, the medieval period actually had noteworthy advancements. Among them are gunpowder and numerous advancements in agriculture and architecture. The massive population loss of the black plague even forced people to advance their agricultural technology, to make up for the loss of their workforce. Here is a list of inventions made in the Middle Ages we either still use or opened new technological paths for us: http://listverse.com/2007/09/22/top-10-inventions-of-the-middle-ages/ The inclusion of magic actually makes things more confusing, as magic gives Tamriellic society the chance to surpass our society. Throughout the games we have seen magical feats that would change an entire society. To name a few examples: teleportation, instantly healing wounds and curing diseases, instant improvement of ones body and abilities without nasty side effects (fortify skill and attribute) and the generation of cold, fire and electricity. If these things were discovered in our society, it would probably make great changes. Yet, nothing in Tamriellic society reflects how magic has influence on the life of the average civilian. Regular displays of magic seem to be isolated to the Mages Guild, Telvanni and other rogue magical factions, such as necromancers and conjurors. If this is because the mages in this world like to keep the magic to themselves, then I wonder why the non-magic people don't try to invent stuff to make their lives easier. You have a point there. However, seeing as Tamriel is a huge continent, I can also imagine factions forming who don't care what happened to the Dwemer and just want to see if they can reach that technological level. So a small society of technologically savvy mages living in a restored Dwemer city does not sound far fetched to me. Would be an interesting premise for a quest-line. :)
  12. If you have no arguement then leave it at that. Much, if not all has been manufatured in your mind as examples to do nothing and allow the staus qoe. Our society needs to move foreword and it can't do that if the tough decisions are not made. I would ask you to provide your own alternative programs so we could look at all the opptions, but you have concentrated on what you see as the negatives of mine without entering in any positive program that I might just agree with you about. I am not an idealog with a stringent mind, but I do know how to defend myslf from a neyseyer. Being so, you've not brought anything to thr table and that is intensly unlike you, because I know your mind through several hundred discussions. What is the deal with this. I have awaited what I thought would be a positive program that we could hash out with everyone else here, instead of you going completely dark on me. If that is the way you've become, then I agree with you that we should not discuss this and maybe any other topic. I am very sorry you've determined not to suggest anything that might well have been better than mine, but that was your dissision, not mine. LOLOLOL Now THAT is funny. I invite you to name ONE occasion where military forces were used to quell violence, that didn't turn out as a disaster. I HAVE arguments, which I have stated, you are just to caught up in your own beliefs to recognize the truth when you see it. Military intervention, and that is EXACTLY what it is, is NOT the answer. You would just end up with a whole lot more dead, to no good purpose. Once the troops were gone, things would go right back to what they were before. Maybe not the same people, but, there are market forces are work there, and someone is going to come along and fill the void. Unless you propose leaving troops in place..... That should go over well. Want to make things better there? Deprive them of their markets. Legalize recreational drugs. Regulate, and tax them, just like alcohol and tobacco. Use the proceeds to set up rehab centers for those that WANT to kick their habits, those that don't want to, or simply can't, will soon take care of themselves. Without markets, the gangs will have nothing to do, no revenue stream, so, no money to do anything else either. They will need to find something better to do with themselves, than sell drugs, which folks would be able to get elsewhere for less money, and better controls on quality/potency. Of course, we would then need to find something for all those unemployed gangster to do... so, cancel ALL free trade agreements. Tax imports. Bring our manufacturing BACK to our shores. Maybe then some of the once prosperous cities that have since basically disappeared, or, descended into the chaos we see in places like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, etc, will start improving. Is that 'isolationist'? Perhaps, but, american workers simply cannot compete with third-world countries with citizens that are willing to work for a couple bucks per day. STOP improving China's economy at the expense of our own. Stop selling off bits and pieces of our country to foreign investors. The problem there is, the rich folks won't like it. And as they are the ones that pretty much control government, it won't happen. So, look forward to our society continuing its death spiral down into economic collapse. I asked you for suggestions that we could hash over and All you give me is sarcasm and negativity that I could expel as quickly as your other paranoid fabrications. You talk about me having beliefs, when it is you that has beliefs.Beliefs in an ideology that military force will never bring good, when all the examples you brought out were situations that were of chaos being brought to the knees of order by that same military force. What I have is hope in the future that can only begin when order is established. That can't be accomplished unless the forces that thrive from the chaos aren't subdued. You speak of what these gang members will do and you ignore the very programs that I've suggested after the NG has done it's work. There are chooses to be made and those who had had little options other than gang violence will have those choices open to the and the opportunities that they can exploit by making those choices. Wow. And once again, you are so far off base, that I just don't know what to say. So, I am not going to say anything. I am out.
  13. If you have no arguement then leave it at that. Much, if not all has been manufatured in your mind as examples to do nothing and allow the staus qoe. Our society needs to move foreword and it can't do that if the tough decisions are not made. I would ask you to provide your own alternative programs so we could look at all the opptions, but you have concentrated on what you see as the negatives of mine without entering in any positive program that I might just agree with you about. I am not an idealog with a stringent mind, but I do know how to defend myslf from a neyseyer. Being so, you've not brought anything to thr table and that is intensly unlike you, because I know your mind through several hundred discussions. What is the deal with this. I have awaited what I thought would be a positive program that we could hash out with everyone else here, instead of you going completely dark on me. If that is the way you've become, then I agree with you that we should not discuss this and maybe any other topic. I am very sorry you've determined not to suggest anything that might well have been better than mine, but that was your dissision, not mine. LOLOLOL Now THAT is funny. I invite you to name ONE occasion where military forces were used to quell violence, that didn't turn out as a disaster. I HAVE arguments, which I have stated, you are just to caught up in your own beliefs to recognize the truth when you see it. Military intervention, and that is EXACTLY what it is, is NOT the answer. You would just end up with a whole lot more dead, to no good purpose. Once the troops were gone, things would go right back to what they were before. Maybe not the same people, but, there are market forces are work there, and someone is going to come along and fill the void. Unless you propose leaving troops in place..... That should go over well. Want to make things better there? Deprive them of their markets. Legalize recreational drugs. Regulate, and tax them, just like alcohol and tobacco. Use the proceeds to set up rehab centers for those that WANT to kick their habits, those that don't want to, or simply can't, will soon take care of themselves. Without markets, the gangs will have nothing to do, no revenue stream, so, no money to do anything else either. They will need to find something better to do with themselves, than sell drugs, which folks would be able to get elsewhere for less money, and better controls on quality/potency. Of course, we would then need to find something for all those unemployed gangster to do... so, cancel ALL free trade agreements. Tax imports. Bring our manufacturing BACK to our shores. Maybe then some of the once prosperous cities that have since basically disappeared, or, descended into the chaos we see in places like Chicago, Detroit, Flint, etc, will start improving. Is that 'isolationist'? Perhaps, but, american workers simply cannot compete with third-world countries with citizens that are willing to work for a couple bucks per day. STOP improving China's economy at the expense of our own. Stop selling off bits and pieces of our country to foreign investors. The problem there is, the rich folks won't like it. And as they are the ones that pretty much control government, it won't happen. So, look forward to our society continuing its death spiral down into economic collapse.
  14. There are so many problems with what you propose, some of which I have already detailed, that I am not even going to bother to go any further with this. Face it, NO ONE is going to invite the NG in to enforce laws, as that is EXACTLY what they will be doing. You can try and pass me off as just some prejudiced, biased, whatever, that has no clue of the reality on the ground, but, you would be wrong. There is NO easy solution here. Involving the military, in any form, isn't the answer. These communities need to work from within to solve their issues. Unfortunately, they don't seem able to do so. They seem to expect the government to solve all their problems, and the government has proven terribly inept at solving anything.
  15. The gangs are not the community leaders. They don't care about the community other than what they can take from it. These are not radicalized idealist. They are people fighting other people such as themselves for the spoils they can take from a public that can't defend against them. You really don't know what's going on up there do you. It is not the public that is armed. It is the gangs that will kill you for speaking out, because they know that they and the police are to only one's armed. They also know that they outgun the police in manpower and firepower. I would care less what a politician thought, since they want to look good by doing as little as possible, instead of taken care of a situation. Chicago has been a corupt city from it's earliest roots and is still that way today. And don't expect that to change. The ONLY way the NG would be called out, is if the Governor asked for it to happen. That would be his last term as governor, and the end of his career in politics. YOU may not care about that, but, you can bet your bottom dollar the governor would care. (and thus, will never do it.) I should have put 'leaders' in quotes..... as they may not meet the connotations of being community leaders, they are, in fact, the ones that are in control. At least, of their respective 'territories'. Now, you think sending a bunch of white guys with automatic weapons into that situation, and telling them to 'clean it up' is a good idea? That is a recipe for disaster. The military is, by no stretch of the imagination, an arm of law enforcement. They have zero training to such an end, and we see how well it worked out in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Turning Chicago into even more of a war zone than it is now, is just a bad plan. The press would have a field day with it..... "Martial law declared in chicago."....... Wouldn't that be fun? And with it only happening in the predominately black neighborhoods..... Oh my.... You wouldn't solve any problems. You would introduce more, and start a race war too boot. Please don't try to channel black people and what they think or want based on what you've heard, either here or wherever you are from. As far as gangs being in control, you have to be apart of one to know they are never in control, not even of themselves. What you have is nothing more than chaos on the barrel of the gun and the illusion of being apart of something based on the number of people their instead of any sense of brotherhood. These people prey on anyone and anything, which is why gangs form. First for protection and the for profit and once the money becomes the issue the camaraderie goes out the door. Do you really think that the rest of the community who are being victimized by the relative small percentage of them that join gangs really want them there. Do you think they want these people beating up their kids, doing drive bys that kill innocent children or extorting money from neighborhood businesses that the local's utilize? I think it's quite telling that you equate the national guard with quote/unquote a bunch of white people. The lions share of the national guard are minorities and all of them are from that state, with most of them coming from that area of the state. I don't think I said anything about the national guard doing law enforcement, They would restrict the freedoms of those who are in gangs to do their business and that would be enough to give breathing room to those who would implient the rest of what I stated. You keep on bringing in Iraq as if the people in these gangs are the same religious fanatics that they were fighting over there. Those who fought over there were fighting infidels in an area of the world where religion holds entire counties in it's iron fist. But you still completely ignore the political reality of the situation. Simply calling in the national guard would be a political nightmare. Any politician that advocated/supported such an action would be kissing their political career goodbye. The press would do their best to paint it in the worst light possible. "Martial Law", and they would be correct. Using the NG to 'restrict the freedoms' of the gangs IS martial law/law enforcement. Suspending constitutional rights of freedom of movement/gathering, etc, would have every civil rights organization up in arms. You think there is chaos NOW? Put military in their, and you would go from chaos, to war zone in short order. The violence would only get worse. But now, you would have the NG in there with heavy weapons, able to kill on a grand scale. There is a REASON the constitution forbids use of the army to 'keep the peace' in anything other than a dire emergency. Now, do you think the folks that live there, would actually WANT to see something like this happen? How would the NG tell who was a gang member, and who was just walking to the corner store? Are you going to restrict EVERYONES rights in the area? Checkpoints? I.D.s? How long are you going to keep them there? Who is going to pay for it? No, there is a reason this hasn't already been done. Remember the Watts riots? Or the riots in Detroit back in the 60's? Different motivations, but, you would get the same results.
  16. The gangs are not the community leaders. They don't care about the community other than what they can take from it. These are not radicalized idealist. They are people fighting other people such as themselves for the spoils they can take from a public that can't defend against them. You really don't know what's going on up there do you. It is not the public that is armed. It is the gangs that will kill you for speaking out, because they know that they and the police are to only one's armed. They also know that they outgun the police in manpower and firepower. I would care less what a politician thought, since they want to look good by doing as little as possible, instead of taken care of a situation. Chicago has been a corupt city from it's earliest roots and is still that way today. And don't expect that to change. The ONLY way the NG would be called out, is if the Governor asked for it to happen. That would be his last term as governor, and the end of his career in politics. YOU may not care about that, but, you can bet your bottom dollar the governor would care. (and thus, will never do it.) I should have put 'leaders' in quotes..... as they may not meet the connotations of being community leaders, they are, in fact, the ones that are in control. At least, of their respective 'territories'. Now, you think sending a bunch of white guys with automatic weapons into that situation, and telling them to 'clean it up' is a good idea? That is a recipe for disaster. The military is, by no stretch of the imagination, an arm of law enforcement. They have zero training to such an end, and we see how well it worked out in Iraq, and Afghanistan. Turning Chicago into even more of a war zone than it is now, is just a bad plan. The press would have a field day with it..... "Martial law declared in chicago."....... Wouldn't that be fun? And with it only happening in the predominately black neighborhoods..... Oh my.... You wouldn't solve any problems. You would introduce more, and start a race war too boot.
  17. The national guard would only increase the violence. The community leaders there ARE the gangs.... Chicago would end up looking a lot like fallujah. Not to mention it would be Political Suicide for any politician that authorized it.......
  18. National Guard? Seriously? Do you want to start a war?? Do you think the folks that are running those communities now, are going to just roll over, and give up? No. It will be a blood bath, and in the end, you will have made the situation worse.
  19. So your plan is to make it worse by encouraging closed borders and giving the people who are actually a problem more support. This is exactly what terrorists want, to spread fear, ignorance and hatred around so they can use it to make their enemies into the bad guy. Brexit-like solutions is not the answer nor was it even a smart idea. At this point we've reached to the fact you can't simply ignore people and close down borders and just hope it all gets better. Because it won't get better, playing not at home with heavy locks just makes it worse How is that 'making matters worse'? Here in the states, we want to curtail ILLEGAL immigration. You know, folks entering the country ILLEGALLY. And you consider this Fascist/Racist??? Seriously?? It's to late to do anything about it and the only things to do about it would cause numerous problems both budget wise and social wise. It's way to late to stop it and the border is so huge there won't be an effective way to do anything about it. We've tried for over 20 years to solve this issue and nothing has worked. Border walls haven't worked, large border patrols haven't worked, large scale deportation hasn't worked. At this point it's useless to do anything about illegal immigrants from Mexico besides just giving up and helping them integrate into America. That's not to mention that once we do actually try large scale deportation all it's going to do is lead to people rioting, attacks from both sides of the issue (though white supremacists are already firing the first shot) and large scale problems. Oh, "It is hard, therefore, we shouldn't do it." When was the last time 'large-scale' deportation was tried? I don't seem to recall anything of that nature. We tried amnesty a couple times too, as I recall, and all that got us was MORE illegal immigration.
  20. Sounds like the democratic party here in the states. :) "we know better than you how you should live your life, and raise your children." Even though the folks screaming the loudest don't have any kids. :D
  21. So what do you propose? How do we provide opportunity in places where most businesses (and some law enforcement) fear to tread? How do you convince the folks in those areas that we actually ARE trying to improve things? Most of what you get is a lot like what happens in Iraq... During the day, folks kinda/sorta work at whatever project, but, at night, they same people come in and strip the place of anything valuable. There were so many projects that had they been able to be completed, WOULD have made a difference, but, the very people we were trying to help screwed it all up. I suggest, that NOTHING the outside world does in going make the least bit of difference, until the communities themselves step up to the plate, and take responsibility of their own actions, or lack thereof. It's a crappy situation, yeah, but, you can't help folks that would rather play the victim card, than actually have to take responsibility for themselves.
  22. So your plan is to make it worse by encouraging closed borders and giving the people who are actually a problem more support. This is exactly what terrorists want, to spread fear, ignorance and hatred around so they can use it to make their enemies into the bad guy. Brexit-like solutions is not the answer nor was it even a smart idea. At this point we've reached to the fact you can't simply ignore people and close down borders and just hope it all gets better. Because it won't get better, playing not at home with heavy locks just makes it worse How is that 'making matters worse'? Here in the states, we want to curtail ILLEGAL immigration. You know, folks entering the country ILLEGALLY. And you consider this Fascist/Racist??? Seriously??
  23. Reagan started out in life as an actor. :) As for politicians, I lean more toward "imbeciles"......
  24. When the BLM folks start protesting black on black crime, and not just when white cops shoot blacks, then I might give them some credit, until then... Nope.
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