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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Trouble is, the racism (the underlying cause of the issues here) is coming from both sides. It isn't just one-way. There are some in both communities that simply don't WANT to understand the other. They want everything 'their way', and anything less is unaccpetable. Impasse. Oh yes, racism is alive and well in the US. No doubt about it. And the mass media is one of the major contributors to the problem. If a white cop shoots a non-white person, it is plastered all over the media. You will rarely, if ever, see anything about a non-white cop shooting a non-white, or a non-white cop shooting a white person. Why? Because that doesn't stir the pot of emotional reaction. You don't see rioting, and whole neighborhoods destroyed in those cases either. Not to mention the 'communities' banding together (intentionally, or not.....) and supporting a story that paints the cop in the worst possible lite. Recently, a cop shot an 18 year old non-white, who had ostenisbly fired HIS weapon at the police first. The community reaction? "The cop planted the gun, and the empty cartridges around the body, to frame the kid."....... And the Micheal Brown case as well. It was demonstrated that a fair few of the witnesses flat out LIED about what happened. Some of them, weren't even near the scene.... yet they saw what happened..... Unfortunately, I see this as a problem, that does not have a solution. At least, not something that would be acceptable to all parties concerned. This is a problem we have been poking at for decades, and quite frankly, not much has changed.....
  2. :laugh: Now THAT was funny. :) Thank You.
  3. If the UK is anything like the US in this respect, how is borrowing money from one country, simply to give it away to another country, with zero chance of it ever being paid back.... make any sense whatsoever? Especially when a fair bit of that foreign aid goes to countries that actually hate us? How is sabotaging our own national budget helping US??? I will grant, that its pretty much a drop in the bucket in the overall scheme of things.... (right about 50 billion per year for the US.) But, if we are going to borrow money, I am thinkin' that 50 billion per year could go a long way towards upgrading our failing infrastructure.......
  4. Once you click "apply" to sort your load order, LOOT will generate a report. Just click on the 'details' tab, and it will tell you which mods need cleaned.
  5. I had considered upping my system ram to like 64, or 128 gig, creating a "ramdrive" at about 35 gig or so, and have the entire game loading from ram. THAT would yeild some good performance. (at the price of waiting initially for everything to load to the ramdrive.) You *might* be able to bump settings, ugrids, texture res, when loading directly from ram... but, you wouldn't be able to load the whole game. As bben stated, the 32 bit architecture makes sure of that..... I would love to see an option for a 64 bit game engine in the next round of Beth releases..... considering most newer machines are going that direction anyway..... it wouldn't cut substantially into the customer base.
  6. Well then, that was certainly convoluted.......
  7. Now that, I don't know...... it's possible, but, I haven't heard anything about it yet. Probably DX12 isn't common enough for them to play with just yet. After all, it's a Win10 thing, and Win10 hasn't even made it to a "real" release yet. Probably within six months of that event though.... maybe. :)
  8. Nope. Skyrim uses DX9, it doesn't understand any of the new stuff in 12. (or 10, or 11.....)
  9. conservatives giving away power? That's odd.... As for getting stupid with it........ Don't hold out a lotta hope there. :D
  10. What makes a house "Green"? Is it a lack of walls you cant see thru? How much energy it uses? Where it gets its energy from? Is a greenhouse really green???
  11. If there were any gangs/cartels nearby, I would agree with you...... Personally, I think someone higher up on the food chain in the police department wanted a "tank" to play with, discovered that they break when folks that don't have a clue play with 'em, and are hideously expensive to fix....... I live in a podunk little county, thats main source of employment, is farming...... (legal stuff.... for the most part.) I think we aren't big enough for any large organization to pay any attention to. (cartels) there are zero gangs, aside from some assorted bikers, but, they don't seem to be really into the drug scene... (from a money-making standpoint, using, on the other hand.......) Nope, there was no reason to have it, that made any sense to the casual observer.... (that wasn't hyped on testosterone anyway....) But then, I gave up expecting government to be "intelligent" a LONG time ago. In fact, the outright stupidity our government can demonstrate on too regular of a basis, has now come to be expected. Want to REALLY screw something up? Put a government agency in charge........
  12. Your logic is impeccable. Again. So, I am going to go install another door in my window. :)
  13. Yeah, just because a solution is logical, does not imply that it will actually work. Humans have this odd tendency to be totally ILLOGICAL...... and that tends to throw the proverbial wrench into the works. The last round of mid-term elections were indeed at least partially about money, but, it was also a LOUD statement from the american people on the direction the dems were taking national policy. Sometimes, elections actually serve the purpose they were intended for, although, I will admit, that has become an extreme rarity of late...... If we ever want to get our country back from career politicians, and their corporate masters, (or, their union masters for that matter) we need to get the money out of politics. I don't see that happening voluntarily though..... too many people with money (or, politicians wanting money....) are dead-set against it. So, short of a second civil war, nothing is going to change. As for armed police..... They have to be. As you pointed out, with private ownership of firearms being commonplace, and therefore, CRIMINAL posession of firearms.... the cops also need to be armed. Militarizing the cops does seem a bit over the top to me though..... (why some city with a population of less than 50K needs an APC for their SWAT team is beyond me.....) Although, there was a point when the criminals were MUCH better armed than the cops...... Still holds true in too many cases, but, not nearly so bad as it once was. What I found amusing...... The city nearby, (population around 35K) Got an APC for their drug enforcement 'special' group....... they had it for about two years, of which, it was operational for about three months...... they finally came to the determination that they simply couldn't afford it, and gave it back. :) (and they had gotten it for FREE.....)
  14. Ever hear of a "window wall"? :D You have a valid point though...... Just because you can see thru it, doesn't make it any less of a "wall"......
  15. Of course they do. :D They have both fixed windows, that simply allow light in, and they also sometimes have windows that can open, to allow air circulation.
  16. People still make their own ammo in their garage. Ban it, and the illicit manufacture of ammo would become a new cottage industry. Not to mention, our government has already tried banning ammunition of certain types, some, they have succeeded, (black talon ammo) others, they failed miserably. (tracer ammo..... which struck me as kinda odd, I don't really see the point in civilian use of tracers...... but hey....) Long guns are not registered, are not tracked, nor are records kept for more than three years of who bought them. That means that the AR rifle variants..... aren't tracked.... neither are shotguns, or any other firearm classified as a 'long' gun. That represents the bulk of firearms in the US. Fully one-third of the population of the US are gun owners. Wanna see a whole bunch of people heading for washington DC with guns? Try and ban them. Simply passing legislation isn't going to magically make them go away, no matter how much you may want to think so. Americans are NOT Europeans/British. If our government attempts to take away our guns, we WILL fight back, first at the soap box, then at the ballot box, and as a last resort, the cartridge box. We WILL fight for our right to keep and bear arms. It would also be political suicide for any administration to attempt anything like that. Even if they managed to pass it, (and they would have to control both house, plus the whitehouse to get it thru) you can bet your bottom dollar that come the next election cycle (two years) EVERY member of the party that passed it that was up for re-election, would be replaced with a member from the other party. Once the dust settled from that, control of at least one house would likely have changed hands, and there would be a barrage of legislation to overturn any bans. (be they ammo, or weapons) Statistics are meaningless without knowing what the questions were, who was asking them, and whom they asked. The polls/studies are pretty inaccurate predictors of legislation passing in any event, as even when the 'polls' were saying 90% of people wanted stronger gun laws, congress STILL could not pass a single one. And then what happened the next election cycle? The republicans (pro-gun) won in a landslide in almost every district that was up for grabs. Kinda puts the lie to "Americans WANT gun control!"........ So, let me qualify my 'impossible' statement...... It is impossilbe to disarm the american people without STAGGERING loss of life. Far more than would die if we did just the opposite, and let anyone and their cousin carry a gun. If you think the gun-toting crowd would simply shrug their shoulders, and turn in their guns..... well, I would suggest that you don't know americans very well...... And regardless of what legislation passed, the criminal element still would not turn in theirs..... considering that most of them would be in trouble if caught with one in any event. So what would be the point of hundreds of thousands, if not millions dieing, to remove a tool from the populace that actually kills about 13000 people per year? (I don't count suicides, as they would just find another way to kill themselves.) I would point out that there are MANY FAR more dangerous objects in circulation...... cars, doctors....... alcohol, that kill 10's, and sometimes hundreds of times more people every year than guns do. They tried banning alcohol, we can see how that turned out.......
  17. Removing all privately owned guns from their owners, at the government's behest, isn't merely 'difficult', it is impossible. It would mean instant civil war. The government's only option for implementing said policy, would be to have the army go door to door, and search each house.......Somewhat less than practical, and also unconstitutional..... (using the army against private citizens is a big no-no.) Assuming that the army would even follow such an order...... The end result would be death on a grand scale. A 'solution' that would be far worse than doing nothing at all. Sure, some folks would turn in their weapons voluntarily, most, would not. NONE of the criminals would turn in their already illegal weapons..... initially, all this would do would be to remove firearms from the law-abiding....... I suspect we would see crime spike right along with this. Cops are already issued tasers, and pepper spray...... at least, in larger police departments..... I don't know if officer wilson had either of them though. But, given that Mr. Brown was 6'4", and 295 pounds, and charging at him.... not sure I would have trusted my life to a taser, and certainly not to pepper spray....... He was a threat, and needed to be put down. Officer Wilson did what he had to do. He did not TARGET Mr. Brown, he asked him to not walk down the middle of the street. Brown escalated the encounter, and is completely responsible for his own death. I have no sympathy for him whatsoever.
  18. Very Dramatic.... but, not really relevant. It wasn't a 'militarized policeman' that shot Brown, it was a uniformed cop, with a pistol. The reaction by the residents there was also somewhat less than intelligent..... The whole "we are mad at the cops, so we are going to loot, and burn our neighborhood" just doesn't make any sense.... yet this is what we see whenever a white cop shoots a black man. Now, I will grant you, in some cases, the cop is most certainly not correct..... yet in others, he is. Each and every time, the COP is portrayed as a jack-booted thug, and the dead guy is depicted as a 'good boy, that just wanted to get home', or some such nonsense. Also, the video of Brown robbing the store, and his treatment of the clerk, WAS relevant, as it speaks to Brown's behavior in general. I would also point out, that Darren Wilson was not charged with ANY crime, the Grand Jury refused to indict him. And the community response? Burn and loot some more of their neighborhood....... But, Mr. Oliver would have us attempt to treat the mod as individuals? Terribly sorry, but when you have a crowd of folks, some of which are tossing rocks, and molotov's, ALL of them are a threat. What did he expect the mayor to do? "If you want to riot, and raise hell, you have to stay home, but, if you are just out for an evening stroll, then you are fine."????? Right, that would work really well....... Somewhere....... Maybe........ Sorry Mr. Oliver, but, you don't have a clue either.
  19. One of the major problems we have here in this country, (USA) is a lack of money for police. So, while 'theoretically' we should have more cops to cover the area involved, in reality, we actually have fewer. And that number keeps dropping as budgets get stretched more and more. The days of 'two cops per car' are long gone, and not likely to return. When money gets tight, the first thing to get cut are police, and fire department....... Banning private ownership of firearms in the USA is simply unworkable. You (daedthr) come from a society where private ownership of 'weapons' in general has been pretty much a no-no for centuries, which is most certainly not the case here. You have an entirely different mindset on the problem, that is totally alien to most americans. (yes, there are some that would agree with you, but, the vast majority, do not.) If the government ever tried to ban guns in general, it would mean instant revolution here. Hell, Obama couldn't even pass expanded background checks....... What does THAT tell you? But, debating 'gun control' here, always seems to turn out poorly, so, that subject really shouldn't even be included here. So, getting back to Mr. Brown..... Arrest him at home? Hhhhmmmm.... where do most folks that have guns keep them..... Oh, right, at HOME..... So, cops showing up at his doorstep is no guarantee of him 'coming along quietly', and there is actually an even chance that it would have resulted in MORE deaths, not fewer. Brown was a thug. He was stupid, and it got him dead. I just don't have a problem with that.
  20. Trouble is, the 'baddies' can show up while you are elsewhere, and you never even know they are around, until the courrier comes up to give you your 'inheritance' from whomever died. :) Besides, it makes a LOT more sense for folks to run and hide, and let actual FIGHTERS deal with such problems. Somehow, I just don't see folks like Belethor, or his wood-chopping buddy, as "fighters"...... they tend to get dead right quick.
  21. I completely agree with your second point. Money in politics is a MAJOR problem here in the states. Trouble is, (and you are correct there too....) the only way that is going to change is via revolution. The people are going to have to rise up, and take back their government from the wealthy. Do I ever see that happening? Nope. At least, not until things get MUCH worse than they are already. Currently, the ONLY folks that can actually change things for the better, are the very same folks that profit the most from NOT changing anything. Several times, bills have been introduced that would overturn citizens united, (via campaign finance reform legislation) and various other 'loopholes' that make it possible to purchase your very own personal politiician. Those bills never even make it out of committee. When the Supreme Court decided that "money=Free speech", they spelled the death knell for american society.
  22. If Wilson hadn't had a gun, HE would be the one that was dead. When seconds count, backup (or, police in general) are only minutes away. It is not in the best interests of society to allow criminals to simply walk away, because the cops are afriad of them. Whose to say Mr. Brown wouldn't go home, and pick up some nice piece of hardware, and see how many cops he could take with him before he was killed/arrested? You obviously don't have any police training, weapons training, military experience..... so, in all reality, you have no idea what you are talking about. Bear in mind also, that police in the US have significantly larger area to cover, and a lot more people as well. Some of whom, aren't very nice, and don't really care if their weapons are legal or not. We can't keep illegal immigrants out of our country, what makes you think illegal guns would be any better?
  23. You should also have "when vampires attack", and "run for your lives" installed then too... so they will at least run for shelter when the truly-bad bad guys show up. :D
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