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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. How many hours on that save? My 46 and some change hours save is only a bit over 8 meg.......
  2. SLI won't give you that much of a performance bump. 10-15% at the very best. To me, it just isn't a cost effective upgrade. You might be able to run the 2K textures without the upgrade..... depending on the amount of VRAM you have. (and upgrading won't fix that either, unless the other cards come with more vram than your current card. If you already have a one gig card, the upgrade would need to have 4 or more total vram to make it worth while.)
  3. Wouldn't be the first time someone was fired for expressing un-politically-correct views. And not while technically 'representing the company' either. Fair few congressfolk have met the same fate. What I find funniest is, A&E backtracking on their suspension of Phil, 'in support of gays'...... Closely followed by the organization that preaches tolerance, yet doesn't have any of their own. Hypocrits.
  4. have you used tesvedit to clean the mods that need it? Did you fix the navmesh problem in the mod that notes it? There are also a host of warnings about patches for various mods with out of order records......
  5. Download the latest version of NMM, try again.
  6. Rumor has it, you need to upgrade to the latest version of NMM. Give that a shot, see what happens. (provided you are trying to use NMM to download....)
  7. Its real easy, if you ask a controversial question, you should expect a controversial answer. Doesn't that seem reasonable?
  8. Phil was asked his views directly on a TV interview. To expect him to duck (sorry) the question is a bit much, don't you think? The whole flap over it was stupid, and turned out exactly as I expected. Phil didn't even miss one episode. A&E is more concerned about their bottom line, than public perception. People have a right to speak their mind, and express their views. Others have a right to be offended. No one has the right to tell someone that they cannot express their views, because it may hurt someones feelings. That is NOT what the First Amendment is all about. If folks are offended because some bible-thumping redneck disagrees with the gay lifestyle, THEY are the ones with the problem. Not Phil.
  9. You actually have a pretty enlightened attitude about the whole steam workshop thing, but then, you are also an experienced mod user. The problem we run into is the folks that AREN'T, and just 'assume' that the SW will 'take care of' the little quirks involved in modding a complex game. Usually, the first we hear of a user having issues, is when their game has become unplayable..... at which point, the damage is already done. Saves are lost, and it's reinstall time. Of course, the way skyrim handles scripts is at least partly to blame for a fair few of the troubles..... that is one thing where I feel that beth TOTALLY screwed the pooch...... along with a host of others, but, this isn't the place for that discussion... of course, it really isn't the place for the SW pro/con discussion either...... I think the first two posts (after the OP) pretty much sum up this thread.
  10. LOL! Yeah, I may be a bit of a Luddite, but *I* decide what my PC does. I even customise Windows 7 to look as much like Windows 98 as possible as I find the colour scheme and everything else much more relaxed and familiar. I think if I used someone else's Windows 7 machine, I probably would not be able to find anything. And don't even get me started on predictive texting! :verymad: ~.~ I wonder if we are related..... I am still on XP, but, I turn off all the MS doo dads, and my desktop is indistinguishable from a win 98 machine. :) "Themes" just grinds my gears.
  11. Blah blah blah, yes, we know all that. Except that disabling automatic updates only worked for that single session, and you had to be on-line to set it and by then it was too late. Before they enabled running Steam in off-line mode, I had to use a script someone posted on the SPUF forums to stop Steam automatically launching and trying to go on-line every time I booted the machine! I only bought this new PC to play Skyrim (well, not only, but I'd had the DVD since November, 2011, and not been able to play it yet). My well over ten year old heap of junk was quite literally in pieces - mother board on the desk with a desk fan blowing on it to keep it cool etc - fine for Baldur's Gate, Morrowind and Office 2000, but it really needed replacing. I even took Assassin's Creed back to the shop as it required internet connection to even play. I absolutely just will not have that. I will not BE dictated to like that. I have the DVD. Why not give me a 36 character, 24 bit encrypted activation key? I have never cracked or hacked or stolen software in my life. I started Skyrim in March, 2012, with patch 1.4 or 1.5 and took enormous pains to stop this virus accessing my hard drive without permission, downloading code that would change and damage my game and changing system settings I had decided on and fixed. So, new patch 1.6 broke you game? 1.7 broke your game and downloaded silly, broken horse combat and stuff for DLC not released yet? 1.8 downloading more stuff for DLC that has not even been released yet and breaking your map settings? 1.9 downloading more stuff and breaking lip synch yet again? And all of it costing you money from your download allowance? Not for me! Not until SKSE was updated and mod authors had a chance to update their mods. At least SKSE would not let you run the game if the versions did not match, and the author of that usually updated it within 36 hours. My first character lasted 460 hours and got to level 64 and survived all those horrors by not letting them happen until I'd got a lot of feedback from other people via the SPUF forum and had some idea about which of my mods might get trashed. Although I only had about 30 mods in those days. Now I have all the DLC via the Legendary DVD, 179 esp mods and 19 non-esp mods (swf, dll, texture replacers etc). Some of the esp mods have no bsa and no loose files, some have bsa and some have just loose files. My mods have loose files in their own folders, but everything is named in a way that makes manual uninstallation very simple and nothing overwrites or replaces anything in Vanilla, unless it's in the esp. Out of those 179, several require SKSE, but only about two dozen have MCM support. Finally, they implemented the control that Steam does NOT launch at all until I click on the icon to launch it. Then they implemented the choice to run it in on-line or off-line mod. Why on Earth would anyone want to play a single-player, non-co-op game on-line? If they've got that kind of money to burn, don't pour it down the drain, send it to me! :D And yet it still from time to time logs me out of Steam, forcing me to log in and update, and cancels all my friends group subscriptions etc etc. And then it constantly says that to update it needs to be on-line, even though it is, and sometimes took 12 to 18 hours to do the simplest update. Sometimes, I am off-line from Steam for months at a time, but other times it just seems to cancel all that and forces me to go on-line again. I signed in today and it thought I was accessing from a new machine, but I think that was because I have a mobile dongle and it gets confused by the server the mobile signal is routing through. None of these headaches with The Nexus. I installed Steam, created an account, logged-in, installed the game, logged-out and that is the end of my relationship with Steam as far as I am concerned. If a Steam account was not required to play Skyrim, I would not have one at all. Skyrim is the only Steam game I have. Mods I get from here. If they are not here, I go to TES Alliance, AFK or Dark Creations etc. If they are only on Steam Workshop, I don't use them at all. The Unofficial Patches do not automatically force themselves onto my hard drive, I have to download them and install them myself. Mods do not uninstall themselves and trash my much loved first character because the author has removed them from Steam. If a new version of a mod is buggy, I just stick with the old version. All that subscribe, download, put it in a zip, unsubscribe and re-install manually - what a faff when you can just get it elsewhere and cut out the middle man. I have the control. Like I did with Win 3.11, DOS 6.22 and games on three 3.5" floppies back in '92. ~.~ Yeah, whatever happened to the good old days, when you put in the disk, installed the game, and PLAYED. I hate steam with a passion. But, it seems publishers don't particularly care about that...
  12. A&E wasn't providing the platform. They are reacting to an interview. Sure, they have the right to decline to continue to employ Phil. The rest of the clan also has the right to decline to continue the series on A&E, without Phil. Will be interesting to see how that one plays out. Will money triumph over "morals"? As for Phil, he may have degrees, he may be educated, but, that does not make him any less of a Redneck.
  13. I really don't think it's a hardware problem. :) I see a lot of mods that have the potential to overlap.... might be having some conflict issues there. Try disabling some of your duplicates. (weather mods, fauna....)
  14. Go to Documents\My Games\Skyrim, and delete everything in that folder. (but, not the Saves folder itself.) Try the game again.
  15. Is there any fix for the forums not remembering what I have read, and what I have not? Also, Mark Forum as read is nonfunctional for me as well.
  16. Where does the chargen.dll file come from?
  17. Not sure what this is all about... but, Topics I have read, can't seem to remember that I read them. Entire sections are marked as unread, and the newest post is several days old. (and the topics were all previously marked as read.) Nothing has changed on my machine, I have not cleared cookies, or changed any settings. From one visit to the next, in the same session, just switching tabs, the forum forgets I have ever been here. Any idea what is going on? Sometimes it will work for several days to weeks, others, it won't remember for two minutes. (the time it takes to switch from one forum, to another, and then back.)
  18. I think the only way to get ALL the DLC's, is to buy the game from steam. I can't find any other sources for it.... unless you play on xbox. You want the GOTY Deluxe edition.
  19. I have the opposite problem, they seem to want to stand in the same place I am..... even got pushed off a cliff once. That didn't make me happy. :)
  20. I've explained why there doesn't need to be any more to it, as the law stands the police had to investigate following a complaint. Anyone who knows anything about the Liberal Democrats will be aware of what an deeply unpleasant bunch they are, the fact that one of their number made the complaint comes as no surprise at all. See Section 5 (1) (a) http://www.legislation.gov.uk/ukpga/1986/64 that's the part the terminally offended always use. @HeyYou There's not much you can do when all you have is various idiots to choose from. Yeah, gotta agree with yout there. Seems all we get is assorted calibers of idiots.... so, ya vote for the lesser of the evils. Of course, that still means you are votiing for evil. I want an option for "None of the Above", and if that choice wins, all the potentials go home, and we start the process all over again.
  21. No there's not, this is the sort of nonsense we have to put up with. Section five of the Public Order Act makes engaging in "insulting words or behaviour" illegal, all someone has to do is tell the police they feel they've been or feel insulted and the police have to investigate, thankfully an act that comes into force next year removes that part. When the law was passed in the mid 80s it wasn't an issue, we didn't have country full of morons with nothing better to do that get offended on the behalf of others. Over the last few years we've had one guy arrested for calling a police horse gay, someone else for making barking noises at dogs, Peter Tatchell was arrested for condemning the treatment of gay people in Islamic counties, the list goes on, I live in a country run by raving lunatics. Don't feel like the lone ranger there. :) Pretty much the same thing here. Why we insist on electing idiots as 'leaders' is beyond me.
  22. The difference between freedom fighters, and terrorists, is determined by who wins the conflict.
  23. So he was released, and not charged? Just out of idle curiosity, what was the expressed reason for arresting him in the first place? Is that listed anywhere? If nothing else, should be on the police report. (which, in the states, is available if you ask for it.... not sure if it works like that there....) If the sole reason he was arrested was because of poor taste in jokes...... There are a BUNCH of comedians here in the states that should stay away from GB......
  24. My major problem with Obama is, I don't particularly care for the direction he is leading us. Of course, the republicans don't have much to offer by way of what I consider the 'right' direction either. Quite frankly, I hold out very little hope for our country. We are going down the tubes, regardless of who is in the White House.
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