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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Windows also has a couple partitions you don't see for boot, and other mysterious purposes. :) (a 16mb unformatted partition? WHY????)
  2. In the unmodded game, there are limits to how much excess resources you can have layin' about. Water is one of those. I know there is a calculation for the max value, before it stops producing, but, I don't recall what that was. That said, there ARE mods out there that remove limits on gathered/produced resources.... So, if you produce a boatload of water.... and are gone for a few days, you will have several boatloads of water. :D
  3. Earth.... Theoretically, we destroyed our homeworld.... And the one shot of the arch over a wasted landscape looks a LOT like the St. Louis arch....... But, in that shot, there is NOTHING left of the city...... :)
  4. Yeah, although it has little to do with the first two seasons and is more like an eighth season of TNG, it gave them a proper send off after the movies failed to. I saw this on Twitter and it just about says it all. Gonna have to watch that...... :D
  5. It can be turned around, look at Picard, the first two seasons were some of the worst TV ever made but then they got a showrunner in who understood Star Trek and who was a fan, the result was a season of Star Trek that was right up there with the best. Is there a Picard Season 3?????
  6. Here you go Sir. https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/9424 I have never tested the mod myself so try at own risk. :smile: I have been using it for years without issue. I love it. :D take this mod care for existing and conflicting precombines ? if not it can severely cripple game performance using it in a low fps/busy surrounding. so just be aware of the built in fo4 performance optimization "previs/precombines". it exists everywhere and you can destroy it. Previs and Precombines don't exist in settlement areas in my game.
  7. we have 5 types confirmed but two of them are unknown. laser, missile and particle are confirmed and i'm guessing the other 2 are electromagnetic and plasma Cool. :) Thank you. I am REALLY looking forward to this game, I hope it lives up to its hype...... Given that Beth has delayed it twice, maybe they have learned something from their past. :D
  8. You can add an exception for various folders to your anti-virus...... Also, some AV suites are a LOT less intrusive than others..... I am on windows 10, and I just let Defender do its thing. There is zero need for any third party AV software.... Harddrives including SSDs, have gotten dirt cheap of late. Not too much of an ordeal to upgrade either. Lots o' software out there (for free) to make it easy. I use Macrium Reflect at work, and there is a free version you can download, to clone your existing drive to a larger SSD. Works a treat.
  9. I am just thinking back to Privateer, and Privateer 2. :) I was hoping they would get more in-depth on weapons available for ships. I saw a few beam weapons, but, don't recall any rockets/missiles.....
  10. How far back in your playthru did you complete Blind Betrayal?
  11. Well, there are 'cowlings' you can put on your ship..... so, you could probably get any look you want with the appropriate cowlings. :D
  12. With Vortex, your mod staging folder needs to be on the same drive as the game. Your downloads folder can be anywhere.
  13. I came to the conclusion that what race you choose, only has any real impact in the early stages of the game. Once you get up some levels, there is essentially no difference between the races.....
  14. You are likely bumping up against one of the other, less understood, limits then. You can only have so-many esl files, which is a dramatically variable number. You are also limited in how many bsa/ba2 archives you can load. There are likely others we aren't aware of yet as well.
  15. Supposedly, being considered "Hostile" by the BoS *should* open up Railroad quests again, but, it seems even the vanilla game has issues actually doing that..... I am not sure if there IS a fix for it..... aside from completing the quest via console command?
  16. 655 files? How many of those are ESLs? I bet it ain't 400...... You are over the 255 file hard limit. It's a wonder the game even starts.
  17. And there ya have it. Completing blind betrayal locks you out of further railroad quests. You would have to revert to a save before you finished that one.
  18. Any idea WHY it is stopped?? Console prolly won't tell ya that.....
  19. In the SFD vid, I do believe Todd (or someone) mentioned that "You can land anywhere you want." Including various points of interest.
  20. The only way to fix that, is going to be loading a save from BEFORE you installed the train mod. Either that, or start a new game. Adding/removing mods mid playthrough is pretty much a guarantee that your save is going to get borked.
  21. Have you tried starting the quest via console first, then doing a setstage to the appropriate point?
  22. Disney is just being politically correct. Unfortunately, they have gone overboard on it, and they are not alone in that. Most of the recent movies/tv series I have seen are going this route. I find it depressing.
  23. And any reasonable sentient being would agree with you, trouble is, given some of the things Putin has said and done, I am not sure if 'reasonable' is word I would use to describe him. If it looks to him like he is going to lose in Ukraine..... I would not bet against him using a nuke...... That will put a whole new perspective on the situation......
  24. If you get easily annoyed by specific questions and don't feel like helping with answers, don't join a discussion. Well that's just it, you HAVE the answers. And it's pretty much "No", you can't upload mod packs here. In all reality, I seriously doubt you would be able to put together much of a pack in any event. Mod packs got a bad name back when folks were doing them without any permissions, and simply uploading them to various sites. (but, not here.....) One of the major objections to collections was, they were viewed as 'mod packs 2.0', which they essentially are... however, folks have to visit each mod page and download it. (except premium members, but, that is a very tiny minority of membership here.) And of course, taking another authors work, including it in YOUR mod, without permission, is also a violation of copyright. Some folks don't care, other folks simply aren't around any more to care, still other folks will allow you to do so, if you give them credit, etc. Including the entirety of someone elses mod in yours without permission, will get you banned here.
  25. I think the major problem folks have with it, is the distribution method, as I described above. No way you are going to get around that. Authors WANT folks to visit their mod page, download/endorse their mod from there. A mod pack, as you want to implement, deprives them of all of that.
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