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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Are they using papyrus for scripting again???? I was hoping they would move to something else...... and since they seem to be doing better with multi-core support, running the scripts every frame again would be cool to.
  2. More ram reduces the number of times the machine needs to hit the storage drive for more assets. At least, on a reasonably optimized program..... Having the info already in RAM, does make for better performance. It will be interesting to see what changes they have made to the creation engine..... Hopefully it will be 'smarter'.... :D
  3. So does this imply that 3DSMax 2013 will still work with Starfield??
  4. It'll probably run, but, you are gonna have to turn down some of the settings to get a playable framerate. Will it still be an acceptable experience? That's up to you.
  5. CPU, then GPU. 16 gb Ram *should* be adequate, more is better, no such thing as too much. I don't know about creation engine 2.0, but, previous versions were more about clock speed than number of cores.... I would like to think that the new iteration will actually be able to use more than 2.... but, won't know till I try. Considering they want a six core (eight??) for Starfield, I would like to think it will. And don't neglect VRAM either. :D
  6. Windows will download files to generally your "downloads" folder. These are generally archives of some sort, be it .zip, .7z, .rar, etc. So, first you need to "unzip" the archive, then place the extracted files in your data folder. (or, use a mod manager to do that for you, which is generally the best plan for a beginner) Of course, this assumes you have the game installed on PC as well. (and if you do, why don't you just play on PC???) Once the mod is actually installed to the game folder, the CK will then see 'em, and you can edit them to your hearts content. Bear in mind, if you are going to upload those files to Bethesda's site, you need permission from the original author. No permissions, no uploading.
  7. Intel will downclock some processors, and sell 'em cheaper, for whatever reason. Sometimes it is indeed because they don't run stable at the higher rated speed.... but, Intel being intel, their reasons can be pretty nebulous. :D The pump block is just secured to the proc by a few screws, or clips, or whathaveyou. Once unscrewed, or whatever, you can just carefully move it out of the way. Some of the coolant hoses are stiffer than others..... :) Just be gentle with it. And don't forget the thermal paste. Don't need much. About the size of a grain of rice. it will squish out nicely when you re-mount the pump. You do NOT need to disconnect the coolant lines from anything. They are sealed systems, and the lines don't normally come apart. They break. :D
  8. Well, beth's game engine has never had very good multi-core support, so for the older games, clock speed was more important than number of cores.... If you got a guy to install it, I'd say go for it. More performance is more performance, no matter how you slice it. :D That said, if you are careful, you could swap it yourself in just few quick minutes......
  9. Check out some of the follower mods. Amazing follower tweaks comes immediately to mind. :) I think you will find something at least close to what you are looking for.
  10. Is that bit of improvement worth it to you though? That's the question you need to ask. I am running a 9th gen i7, and I am in no hurry to upgrade. I expect it will run any games I want just fine. Including Starfield.
  11. 30% improvment , you mean when going from i9 10900kf to i9 13900 or do you mean i7 9700k to i9 10900kf ? Going to the i9 13th gen. That is pretty much in line with Intel though. 10% improvement per generation.
  12. Wow. The CPU upgrade looks like 30% or so performance improvement.... If you are going to upgrade, might just as well go whole hog, and go to DDR5 as well.
  13. Check out the Piles of Corpses mod.
  14. I am running an i7-9700KF, and DDR4 Ram. Performance is more than acceptable. :D
  15. HeyYou: Where do you live? :smile: Clayton Michigan. Tiny little burg just north of the ohio line, 'bout 80 miles west of Detroit. :D I am sadly not very close. Florida here Well, same continent at least. :D
  16. The "Ultimate" edition is offered when the installer runs. Its an option. Don't select it. :D If what they claim ISN'T true, it'll be mentioned in the comments for the mod. I run Verdant Wasteland, and didn't notice any performance problems. :D
  17. Just don't install the ultimate edition of Scrap Everything. I think that one breaks previs/precombines for the entire map, and that WILL have a negative effect on performance. :) Texture mods, or high-poly meshes aren't your friend. At least, not running too many of them. (I have 'green commonwealth, or somesuch, and that's the only one.) I turn off some of the 'prettys' in the launcher as well. Script heavy mods can be problematic..... but, with your hardware, you would have to have a fair few of 'em to start being a problem. Check background processes, see what else is running. Put in an exception for your anti-virus for the game, and associated folders. (wherever your mod manager stashes the mods as well.) Windows tends to come with a fair of crap running at startup, that you have zero use for.... Kill those. :D
  18. Yeah, you have WAY more than the recommended specs there. The stutters and such may still be due to having to load from the drive, or, it might be a background process interfering as well.
  19. If the CC content comes with an archive, yes, that counts.
  20. Well, even now, it seems we have treatments to dramatically reduce the affects of aging on mice..... How long before that translates to humans? Remember the Star Trek (ToS) episode Miri? :D
  21. thanks! I seems some PCs FS that were i9 13900 and had DDR4 RAM. I think for gaming i saw some comparisons of over 100% faster. Or I could wait for the i9 14900 to come out.. Or the 15900.... :D There is always something better coming down the pipe. :D that will be years. But the 14900 may only be months away. then i might as well upgrade to DDR5 too or a faster SSD. :smile: Scope Creep. :D Some days, I think it is a disease.
  22. thanks! I seems some PCs FS that were i9 13900 and had DDR4 RAM. I think for gaming i saw some comparisons of over 100% faster. Or I could wait for the i9 14900 to come out.. Or the 15900.... :D There is always something better coming down the pipe. :D
  23. HeyYou: Where do you live? :smile: Clayton Michigan. Tiny little burg just north of the ohio line, 'bout 80 miles west of Detroit. :D
  24. Amos was awesome. :D I loved his character. I will pick one of the presets, and tweak it a bit, and that'll be it. I play in first person for the most part, so, what "I" look like, simply doesn't matter.
  25. One would think that powered armor would indeed be a thing in 2330...... If it isn't in the game to begin with, it will most certainly show up as a mod. But, given that characters don't seem to have stats, per-se.... not sure how that's gonna be handled.
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