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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Ok, now for something really new and different.... :) Create a new account on your computer. Log out of your existing account, log in to the new account. Install Fallout4 (and steam, if necessary). Try the game in THAT profile. See what ya get.
  2. Huh? I completely ignore my missing kid for quite some time. Nothing stops. The world goes on as usual.
  3. Yep. I use it for the Raiders in Concorde, but, after that, I rarely do anything with it. Once I am high enough level, I start collecting the X-01 armor, I may even trick it out, but, being the sneaky sort that I am, Power Armor just doesn't work well. :D
  4. Can you point steam at the correct folder, so it realizes its actually there?
  5. Lose the graphics pack altogether. That is likely why skyland doesn't appear to be working. They are both trying to do the same thing. Don't think it matters where Immerisive movement is, as you don't have anything else (that I see...) affecting animations. Don't think you need the skeleton mod either, unless one of your other mods has it as a requirement??
  6. Do a clean uninstall of the game. Run the uninstaller, delete the install folder, the folder in my games, and the folder in \username\appdata. (purge all your mods first, if you have any installed.) Might even wanna use Revo Uninstaller portable for the uninstall. It finds leftover files/folders/registry settings the installer will generally miss. Once that is done, restart your computer. Reinstall the game, and see how JUST the game itself runs. (you can aso grab the official DLC.....) See what ya get.
  7. Well, the population can't build shelters, can't make beds, can't plant crops, need to be told what to do, and where to do it.... Basically, they are all just big children, with a lot of the same attitudes...... Its absolutely amazing ANYONE is alive at all. Brother, I think we're talking about the game. Not the real world. :pinch: :laugh: :laugh: Oh, right. My bad. :D
  8. Well, the population can't build shelters, can't make beds, can't plant crops, need to be told what to do, and where to do it.... Basically, they are all just big children, with a lot of the same attitudes...... Its absolutely amazing ANYONE is alive at all.
  9. Yeah, if the card is newer than what the game has info for, it won't identify it..... What background processes are running? (Task manager, startup tab.)
  10. You should get much better performance than that with that hardware. What version of windows are you running, and are your graphics drivers properly installed? May also wanna look at what device manager things your monitor is.....
  11. What hardware in your computer?? Your machine IS 8 years old...... Though it should run oblivion ok.
  12. Don't happen to have smartbyte installed on your PC by any chance do ya?
  13. Stuff washing up on shore would be neat. Heaven only knows what the ocean can dredge up. :) Even visitors from far lands. :D
  14. PS/4? That's gonna be a problem.... as it doesn't allow external assets, so, no new textures, etc.....
  15. There are CK tutorials on youtube, and various other places. :) The learning curve is pretty steep though, so, use a separate profile for mod testing. :D
  16. Duke Patrick! Wondered what happened to ya. :D Good to see you are around. I fully expect the script extender folks to support starfield as well, and, given it's 'creation engine 2', I would expect a more robust scripting engine to go with it. Probably still gonna be papyrus though.... which saddens me, as I like scripting a WHOLE lot better in Oblivion..... I also liked how it worked in Oblivion..... But, oh well. We'll see what we get. :D
  17. Bet has flatly stated that they will support mods, in the same fashion as Fallout 4, and Skyrim. 76 is a multiplayer game, so, mods complicate matters there. Starfield, however, will be exclusively single player, so, I would expect that some time after the games release, we will see the CK for it released as well.
  18. Finding your kid is a goal. Being the 'concerned parent' is the role that beth decided we should start the game with. Not a good decision in my opinion. Of course, you have the option to completely ignore that aspect of the game..... as getting to diamond city in level 2 or 3 is gonna be an exercise......
  19. I seem to remember that button actually being a button, and doing something when you clicked on it???
  20. Thank You. :smile: Ok, I am not able to reduce it to less than 250kb.... Even if I crop it WAY down..... But, essentially, it looks the same as yours. The 'download:' button isn't a button. Looks exactly like yours.
  21. Yep, mine looks the same. Edit. Well that didn't work.... lets try this.... Edit 2, well that didn't work either.... hhhmmm..... Not sure how to actually post a frigging screenshot....
  22. My download button is still broken, and it is for EVERY mod. I am using the latest version of firefox, with UBlock Origin. Disabling my ad-blocker changes nothing, and that is the only extension I am running. I get the same thing with MS Edge.... (also the latest version, and disabling the adblock does nothing.) Just for clarity, this is the button in the upper right between vote, and vortex..... I can still download mods normally it seems.
  23. Fallout 4 mods site is still up. Which is handing you the error?
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