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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. What mods did you add/remove? Anything changing explosions? or their textures?
  2. Make sure that your texture mod loads AFTER the mod you are trying to change.
  3. Hhhhmmm...... Ok, guess I need to do some experimentation then. One of the weapons I had in my inventory when I made the change to max range, the displayed stat didn't change, however, another weapon I had in inventory, the stat DID change...... The problem I am trying to circumvent is, with a sniper rifle, and LONG barrel, there are some targets at longer range that I simply cannot hit. The target does not react to my shots at all. Doesn't even seem to notice it is being fired at. Standing on the roof of the corvega factory, firing at the molerats at the junkyard to the west?, one molerat near the fence was an easy, one-shot kill, another molerat, that was nearer the far fence, I simply could not hit. At all. And weapon ranges in Fallout 4 are just stupid. :) With a weapon specifically designed for long-range shooting, if I can see it, I should be able to hit it, and at stock numbers, weapon range is woefully short.
  4. Interesting. I never expect a mod/tool thread to be in that particular forum. :) Thanks Guys.
  5. I abused myself for many decades in various fashions..... In my 40's, I was diagnosed with MS... and that REALLY put a damper on things. I don't abuse myself quite as much now..... but, I don't feel like engaging in abusive behaviors either. :D Am I growing up? Or am I growing old? :D
  6. I would point out that there are WSM/s in many countries. They are not the bulk of the population, quite the contrary, they are a minority, just a rather vocal one. We have them here in the US as well.... Should other countries not support us because of them?? Or should Putin invade the US as well, to 'free us from our evil masters'.... Or something equally as stupid.
  7. If you mouse over his username, his "Member Since:" date is indeed March 31st.
  8. This one. In the site news forum. I see lots of replies, but, the buttons tell me I can't post in that forum, or, reply to that thread. What's that all about?
  9. I have an eyewear mod that highlights folks for me. Red for enemies, Blue for friendlys, and yellow for corpses. Darn convenient, as I tend to play the sneaky sniper as well. Of course, the guards at the insane asylum show as hostile..... when they really aren't. :D I think it just goes by the faction they are in, and gunners, by and large, are pretty hostile. :) Not sure just how they managed to make the guys there fairly accepting.
  10. That's all well and good, but, not what I am looking for. I want to adjust some stats, to increase the range of a few weapons. I play at ugrids=7, and I can see folks a LOT further away than I can actually hit them. There are various stats in the CS, but, the "weapon min/max range" has zero effect on a weapons effective range. Change the barrel range modifier does indeed increase range, but, it's just a modifier, I and trying to find out what it is actually modifying. I think the min/max range values are used by NPCs to determine if they need to be closer to their target... that, and EVERY weapon has the exact same values. I tried changing them, but, it had zero effect on the Range stat displayed for the weapon.
  11. That is pure supposition and you have no proof to backup that claim. Wishing it were so certainly does not make it true. By the sheer number of reports from people who do have reported issues with mods breaking previs and/or precombines I would say that it is either a lie or ignorance. I'm willing to give you the benefit of the doubt and say you are just not well educated on the subject since you haven't made a single mod. Breaking precombines and previs will and does cause issues for a lot of people. Whether you believe it to be true or not or whether you have a massively beefy rig that takes longer for the problems to become apparent is irrelevant. BWA HA HA HAAA. You so funny. And also, not very observant. First, go to the comments section for build high, how many folks there are talking about broken precombines/previs? Any of them? Gee, I would deduce that means it isn't as much of an issue as you seem to think it is. Second, go to my NexusMods profile, and you will see that I do indeed have mods out there. (one is for oblivion, and I am co-author, so, it is one of the files I am 'responsible' for, but, the site doesn't credit me as an author.) I also have a minor mod published for Fallout 4. So, I am not a rookie here, nor am I 'uninformed'. Breaking pre-combines/preivs for the ENTIRE MAP is indeed problematic. However, doing so only for certain areas, (settlements, for instance) is a lot less of an issue, unless, of course, the hardware you are running the game is weak to begin with. That said, FO4 ran just fine for me on an ancient AMD 965 Black, and a GTX 1060 6GB vid card, with pretty much the same loadout I run today, on a significantly higher-horsepower machine.
  12. :) Nice to "see" you again. Wolfgang? The guy that sold a bunch o' jet to Trudy's son? I chased him off, never to be seen again..... Rather curious where he actually goes, or if he simply ceases to exist.
  13. I am real curious how this actually works. Apparently, barrel length is the key here, but, it is just a modifier, what, exactly, is it modifying?? I would love to see the actually equation for calculating a weapons max range..... But, that information seems to be beyond my ability to find.
  14. Where is the other merchant? I note that Carla visits Drumlin on the regular, but, so far, she is the only wandering merchant I have seen there.
  15. It's the same ram..... Look at the part numbers. They are exact.
  16. I think that is an LOD issue, and is fixed with an ini edit..... Have a look here.
  17. I would like to think that even Putin isn't that crazy. He HAS to know what will happen if he lights off a nuke. But then, I don't know what his REAL motivations are, or his actual end goals...... Maybe he is just looking for an excuse to light one off, and start WWIII....... After, it's quite likely that he will survive, at least for a while.....
  18. In previous playthroughs, once I exited the cryo-pod in the vault, there were a couple "military backpacks" in the vault. These were upgradeable, and allowed other modifications as well. However, due to trouble with my Steam account, I had to reinstall FO4, and since my NAS died, all of my backup archives are gone as well. (need to do some data recovery, but, need the right stuff for it....) So, after reinstalling my mods, starting a new game, no backpack..... Digging thru my previous load list, it appears the only backpacks were added by Modern Firearms, at least, those are the only ones I could find. I am not using any CC content, and don't appear to have installed any specific backpack mods.... I DID update a fair few of my mods though... so, it's possible, they just aren't appearing in the vault by design.... Anyone have any idea?
  19. I have been using build high for years, and it has not caused me any difficulties. Also, if it does anything at all with precombines/previs, it is ONLY in the expanded settlement areas, so folks that also use 'scrap everything' (yet another mod that some folks consider 'dangerous'....) can REALLY clean up their settlements. Do some folks have issues with it? You bet. Do the majority? Nope.
  20. Putin is pretty much in control here. He is the one that dictates the direction this goes. I know Biden is extremely reluctant to come into direct conflict with Russian troops..... Which is likely a healthy attitude..... However, Putin seems to be slowly escalating... and now that his offensive has stalled, and doesn't look like it is going to achieve his major goals.... Will he resort to the use of tactical nuclear weapons??? THAT would be a MAJOR escalation, and I fear would lead directly to WWIII.... which no one will 'win'...... and could very well lead to the end of the human race....
  21. Iteresting post count " 0 " are you going to keep it there ? Posts in a few forums don't increment your post count. :D Also, I see I need to change my vote here.... I seem to have moved up a category. (well, ok, down really.....) Thanks Hey ... now I'm wondering about what the order shown in the list means. Does closer to the bottom hold any implications? Should I be worried when I need to take that one more step down to a lower rung? Hhmmm.... Closer to the bottom? Means we are getting old. :) I hear that's hereditary. We can blame it on our parents. :D
  22. Concrete with Glass. Custom concrete walls with glass.
  23. Have you written a script to track that for you? :D
  24. Iteresting post count " 0 " are you going to keep it there ? Posts in a few forums don't increment your post count. :D Also, I see I need to change my vote here.... I seem to have moved up a category. (well, ok, down really.....)
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