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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Need to purge all mods. Otherwise, it leaves stuff behind that can cause issues.
  2. I use vortex as well, and for the life of me, I can't figger out how to export the load list.
  3. What mod manager are you using? Most of 'em have the ability to export your load list as a text file... which you can then just copy and paste. It's easier. :) (for me....)
  4. Community Uncapper. Very configurable. Make it do only what you want.
  5. That's not nearly 100...... Not really seein' anything in there that should be causing problems though. Maybe vivid weather??
  6. That's weird...... It really shouldn't do that. Might be an interaction between mods, but, one would think not EVERY mod would give you the same result.... Post your current load list that works?
  7. Make sure you don't have anything blocking java script. Are you in China? That seems to be a problem at the moment as well. (china blocking cloudflare website)
  8. Does it matter WHICH mod you load to break that barrier?
  9. May not be an issue on your laptop, but, that setting restricts framerate to screen refresh speed. If you never hit 60FPS, it's not an issue, but, if you go over 60, physics gets REALLY weird.
  10. I run modern firearms, (along with modern armors....) and then another mod that un-levels all the guns. So pretty much anything can show up anywhere, at any time. (raiders with atchinson assault shotguns at level 1 are friggin' deadly.....) I don't think I have used a vanilla weapon in years. :D
  11. When Freedom Calls Quest Tweak mod. That mod terminates the quest when you return to Preston in the Museum - i.e. you get your XP for finishing it and you have no more open quests for the Minutemen - and won't unless you return to Sanctuary and talk to Preston - which as we all know every time you talk to Preston he gives you like 5 quests..... Brilliant. There is a mod that limits the number of quests from preston that can be active at any one time. I have it set to something like 1... or maybe 3. Works great.
  12. I use the Vertical conduits mod. Comes with switches, radiators, non-radiators, and wall pass-throughs. Works great.
  13. Morrowind would run on integrated video..... :) It is more heavily CPU dependent, than GPU.
  14. Car companies make parts that are designed to last as long as the warranty. After that, they don't care any more. They also only stock parts for 'old models' for about ten years. Given the complexity of todays automobiles, (as opposed to those in the 70's, and earlier) a vehicle can become 'obsolete' simply because you can't get parts for it any more. If a critical part fails, for instance, a 30 dollar crankshaft position sensor, something your engine absolutely needs to run, and you can't get a replacement part, you vehicle just became a paper weight. This is already happening today..... and on vehicles that aren't even ten years old yet. (I'm lookin' at YOU dodge) I suppose thought, that doesn't technically make that vehicle 'obsolete'.... or does it? Thing is, the car companies WANT you to replace your car every few years. Keeps them in business. The dealers, on the other hand, want you to FIX your car, as that is where the bulk of their money comes from.
  15. I don't see anything in your load order that should cause problems...... I run several of the same mods, but, you have a BUNCH in there that I know nothing about. I don't remember what I did to fix this..... its been several years ago.
  16. Xbox has some limitations that PC players don't have.... You might be over the storage limit of mods, or, the update may have changed that limit, or any of a number of other things.....
  17. I have seen this behavior before, but, its been a while.... and I think it was an ini setting that caused it...... Maybe rename your various fallout4.ini files, (can likely skip renderer) and see if that takes care of it.
  18. That should run the game just fine...... :) If you fire off the launcher, does it properly detect your video card? Laptop or desktop? Is there also an integrated video solution in there?
  19. You can also use Alt + Print Screen, to take a snapshot of the current window. Open Paint, (comes with windows) paste it into there (ctrl + V) save it, remember what you called it, and where you put it, then attach it to your post. :D
  20. And lets look at what goes into all those "Green" projects...... First, you have the rare-earths the need to be mined (strip mined, for the most part, at the moment) and all the polution from the heavy equipment to do so, then it needs to be refined, another process that is VERY bad on the environment.... then it needs to be shipped to the manufacturer, (more fossil fuel usage there) refined further, (more mess) finally implemented into the finished product, be it solar panels, windmills, batteries, (read: electric cars...) But, what happens then? After they live their useful life, somewhere between 5 and 7 years for a battery for an electric car) what happens to it? It gets tossed into a land fill, for all those rude, nasty chemicals to leach out into the ground water. Batteries can be repurposed, but, very little in them is recyclable at this point. Solar cells? Into the landfill they go. Unless your electric car is powered PURELY by renewable energy, it is actually LESS environmentally friendly than a gasoline powered car..... but even then, not by much. So, lets take a different perspective here. The goal is to reduce carbon emissions, right? So, first, get rid of the alcohol mandate for gasoline. EVERY car on the road instantly gets 10-15% better gas mileage. The need for tens of thousands of acres of corn just went away as well, so the agricultural component also goes away. Food gets cheaper, as feed isn't being redirected to fuel production. Farmers lose out, as they won't be getting that government mandated money for raising corn..... So, the farm lobby will make sure this NEVER happens.....
  21. For a fair bit of that, I have no idea how things actually work under the hood. But, I would suspect that even 'injected' LL have to exist somewhere, and F4Edit can likely find them. No idea what criteria it uses to merge them though.... I would think it would prioritize by your load order.... That whole 'last thing loaded wins' deal.
  22. What hardware are you trying to run the game on? Especially the Vid card. Has the game EVER worked properly on your machine?
  23. Back in the early 2000's, I was Tech Services Manager for a local ISP. I LOVED the job, for the most part, as I got to play with really cool toys all day. I had a company issued cell phone though, that I HAD to answer..... And of course, work would call at the least convenient times, sometimes for truly stupid stuff, that had my questioning their sanity...... And of course, there were always those calls that I hated the most...... Phone would ring... Yeah, what's up? The server is down, you need to come in and fix it. I'm on vacation........ But, but, the SERVER is DOWN! You HAVE to come in....... I'm in Cleveland........ How soon can you be here??? See ya in about four hours........ Really turned me off on cell phones. The phone went away, when the job went away. Talk about relief..... And today, almost 20 years later, I STILL do NOT have one. :D
  24. Could always spend a couple bucks, become a supporter, and stop getting ads as well. :)
  25. Look at the file sizes of the mods in the list. See how much ya got. :) Keep in mind, as a "Member" your download is capped at 2mb/s. (1 if you use an ad blocker.)
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