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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. If you drop one does it show up? Take a look at the mods you installed since the last time you played, and they weren't there.... Gotta be one of them. Maybe Wasteland Imports?
  2. I locked the comments on Advanced Magecraft (for oblivion) because I haven't even looked at the code in around 10 years...... :D That, and 99.9% of the bugs already got squashed.
  3. Yeah, Fallout 4 modders are fine, upstanding members of NASA. (national acronym society of america. though, not necessarily american. :) ) There are a LOT of abbreviations/acronyms associated with the game..... Might be better to post in the FO4 General forum, with specific questions. There is almost always someone around that will answer any questions you have.
  4. Wonder why that didn't show up in FO4Edit??? That's strange..... But, at least its fixed. :)
  5. If I am reading it right, you may have the mods installed, but, they are not activated??
  6. Probably not. I have found that most folks don't take requests, unless they are REALLY simple...... What did you have in mind?
  7. Erm, OK..... No text... are you trying to link a video, or some such?
  8. He would never lose a case. He would stare down the opposition, and they would capitulate. :D Unless he was facing Perry Mason.... :smile: That would cause the universe to implode. :)
  9. You fell that far and SURVIVED???? Do you not take damage when falling into water? (never tested that theory myself. :D )
  10. HeyYou

    2mb cap

    So pay for premium. Sorry man, I just have a real problem with folks complaining about a FREE service......
  11. I think that is part of the whole mesh.... Scrap everything *should* just get the pumps/arms/whathave you, not the whole building.
  12. He would never lose a case. He would stare down the opposition, and they would capitulate. :D
  13. I would think that poking yourself with a stimpack should fix it?? Any other odd active affects??
  14. True... but, this is ostensibly the "Debates" forum. What should we be debating here? How weird the thread is? Whether you are under indictment? What you are theoretically under indictment for? Whether the sky is actually blue?
  15. I proved to you that the hiding of mods was agreed with the co-authors, that I was going to open them in a few days in advance and that I respect the community and consider our mods to be their property. and all you can say now is that i called someone Nazis. so shallow.. can you swear on the Bible that the nationalists in Ukraine have not killed over 14 thousand of their citizens in Donbass since 2014? if I'm talking about something, then I'm operating with well-known facts. and I do not justify the war in any way. and there is no need to justify yourself with some far-fetched versions now. you created this post only just for instigation It wasn't emotional, I can repeat every word I said So Russia's answer to a (civil) war in Ukraine, was to invade and start a larger scale war??? Please explain the logic of that to me, because I sure ain't seein' it.
  16. Doesn't Win 10 support ISO natively??? (I know you can mount them.... not sure about creating them, though I wouldn't be surprised.....) Could try a registry cleaner, like CCleaner, or something similar, see if it finds anything.... Or, manually comb thru the registry again, and see if anything turns up. Another possibility might be manually exploring the game disk, for the installer.... and fire it off manually. Once installed, you can either leave it, or, run the stock uninstaller. Should work then.
  17. Even when it is Dark0ne himself that is causing the controversy. :) Like with the change in the deletion policy, that mod authors didn't hear about until a week AFTER it was implemented...... Personally, I saw that move as a usurpation of mod author rights.... but, that particular tempest in a teapot blew up, raged for a little while, then blew over. Nexus didn't fold up, and blow away, and folks are still uploading mods here. And there are still a boat load of mods to be had..... :D
  18. The mod authors are the copyright holders. It is their work. They should be able to do whatever they want with them. Nexus usurping those rights is not acceptable.
  19. Are scripts disabled in your security settings?
  20. That's gotta be some leftover mod stuff, or a conflict of some sort. You are driving the cart, and the doors at helgen don't open when you approach....
  21. Yeah, FPLS is one: https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/57497 I'm using the NSW (no shadows) version. But I don't think that it can lower the FPS, he has exactly the opposite purpose. Some folks have reported problems with FPS with that mod..... Might try running without it, and see if things improve.
  22. What about Pac Man?? Ya you shut em up on that statistic ... Pac Man & Mrs Pac Man ... which was my favorite. So now ya gota bring it back into focus ... what game was that ? I'm bleary eyed with StarCraft & Baldurs . Then there is the "Delta Force" series :smile: Great games imo , especially black hawk down ... for mddding I loved Starcraft. Playing as Protoss was always a gas. :D
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