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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. Now if I have ever seen a truer statement, not sure I can remember it. :D Todd/Beth do some TRULY odd things.... for no apparent reason. Some days, I wonder if they have brainstorming sessions: "How can we screw modders today?" I think he uses the same team as the current whitehouse administration...... That would certainly explain a lot....... :)
  2. Also, wanted to mention that the problem more so is not fps in of itself, it's the dipping of fps, and it constantly dipping 20-30 fps every time I'm going somewhere, or in an interior location with a bunch of assets. Keeping a steady fps count of 60 is my current priority with the mod load order. If you are having the same issue in interior cells.... that's gotta be a hardware issue.
  3. Yep. But, as they don't seem to be able to reproduce biologically, it becomes a non-issue. :D
  4. I am really not a fan of 'gaming laptops'. To me, that's a misnomer. There really isn't any such thing. They are extremely limited in hardware, there are no upgrades, aside from maybe more ram, and there is the VERY rare laptop that allows you to upgrade the vid card, but, those are EXTREMELY rare.... if one component fails, the whole thing is toast, unless you want to send it in for repair.... (not cheap.) And they are hideously expensive as well. For the money you spend on a 'gaming capable' laptop, you could build a REALLY nice desktop. Most of that, isn't true (anymore). I configured mine myself, with an i9 10th gen and geforce RTX, the (then) fastest SSD's & ram. All 'desktop versions'. Nothing rare about that (anymore) All at a price >below< that of a comparable Dell gaming PC. You where right, some 10 years ago. (at least on my part of the globe) A desktop video card in a laptop????? Now there is something I have never seen. Got a link?
  5. Had Putin minded his own business, and not invaded a sovereign country, we wouldn't be in this position either. Putin started this war based on lies, and false assumptions. Of course, all of that was fed by his advisors, that are too scared to tell him the truth. This is what you get for surrounding yourself with 'yes men', whom are more corrupt than the government they are condemning. They have skimmed so much money from military contracts, etc, that the direct result of that, is a military that looks good on paper, but, in reality, are incapable of doing the job they have been asked to perform.
  6. Could you put a triggerbox around the flight model?? (and would it keep up with it?????) Maybe have it track inflicted damage, and once it reaches the proper amount, trigger the crashed version? (and would that appear in the proper spot?? Or is the crash a fixed location??) I would love to be able to knock it out of the sky, without going thru the whole 'liberty prime' scenario.... Kill the Prydwen before the BOS sets up their base at the airport, and the base never happens. (nor do any of the BoS questline. :) ) I am just not a fan of BoS.... I take great pleasure in shooting down their vertibirds, and wiping out their patrols. Their whole attitude really annoys me, so, I get MUCH more annoying right back. They never seem to designate me as 'an enemy' though.... Which is kinda odd, after I have killed a few dozen of their knights.
  7. I am really not a fan of 'gaming laptops'. To me, that's a misnomer. There really isn't any such thing. They are extremely limited in hardware, there are no upgrades, aside from maybe more ram, and there is the VERY rare laptop that allows you to upgrade the vid card, but, those are EXTREMELY rare.... if one component fails, the whole thing is toast, unless you want to send it in for repair.... (not cheap.) And they are hideously expensive as well. For the money you spend on a 'gaming capable' laptop, you could build a REALLY nice desktop.
  8. Essentially, it says something we already knew... Putin is a dictator in everything but name. He is technically elected, but, the way the system works, he was assured of winning even before the first vote was cast. Though I wonder, are the various ministers and such, now claiming they "did not expect him to invade", saying things of that nature, in order to cover their keesters when Putin eventually is taken out of power? (which is something I see happening.... one way, or another.) After all, these guys are first and foremost, politicians..... The whole "CYA" thing is second nature to them.
  9. Depends on which mod manager you use..... Some, removing the zip archives really offends them, and it then wants to uninstall the mod..... (I am looking at YOU NMM.....) I create a folder specifically to store archives. Currently, it's in my Download folder. (my NAS died, unfortunately) Keeps 'em out of the way, and I know where to find them.
  10. Now if I have ever seen a truer statement, not sure I can remember it. :D Todd/Beth do some TRULY odd things.... for no apparent reason. Some days, I wonder if they have brainstorming sessions: "How can we screw modders today?"
  11. Apparently, it's available here. No idea if it was uploaded by the original author, or someone swiped it... also, no clue which version it is.
  12. First, you need a good gaming PC. :) Those are NOT inexpensive. Figger at least 1500 for a 'decent' one, closer to 2K for a good one. Once you have that, post in the Stardew Valley forums. I am sure some of the experienced modders there will be willing to help you out.
  13. INDEED! Vegetation has lost me some loot on many occasions! I even lost a behemoth once, cuz it flew off my screen (yeah, Bethe$da.... we're looking at YOU there) due to physics glitch, and I couldnt find his fat arse in the field! Was Not happy. Reminds me of that saying about any situation can be fixed with the right application of explosives :laugh: :laugh: But yeah. I tend to do the same thing. Carpet bombing! Works miracles with THIS mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28277 Blasts the li'l ugly bastrds while they're still underground! :D We need napalm. If the blast don't get them the fire will. :sleep: Well, the game already has molotov cocktails, you just need to add some polystyrene (like the Ukrainians), backing soda or washing powder to make it sticky & you have napalm to throw around. (just don't ask me to put that in a mod :cool:) Wasn't napalm banned by the Geneva convention? Will the Molerat consortium file a grievance??
  14. INDEED! Vegetation has lost me some loot on many occasions! I even lost a behemoth once, cuz it flew off my screen (yeah, Bethe$da.... we're looking at YOU there) due to physics glitch, and I couldnt find his fat arse in the field! Was Not happy. Reminds me of that saying about any situation can be fixed with the right application of explosives :laugh: :laugh: But yeah. I tend to do the same thing. Carpet bombing! Works miracles with THIS mod https://www.nexusmods.com/fallout4/mods/28277 Blasts the li'l ugly bastrds while they're still underground! :D We need napalm. If the blast don't get them the fire will. :sleep: Oooo, OUCH! I run modern firearms in my loadout, so various 40mm grenade launchers are unfortunately, all to common...... as they are technically 'indirect fire' weapons, you won't necessarily even see the guy that just blew you up. :D
  15. As a "Member", I believe you are capped 1mbs. (at least, that used to be the case, supporters got 2mb.) And that is TOTAL bandwidth available, not on a per-mod basis. If you download one at a time, what kind of speed do you get?
  16. Yeah, I use the Verdant Wasteland mod, so, there is a LOT of vegetation, and losing bodies becomes really easy. Even WITH the highlight, they are sometimes fun to find. :D When I do the molerat disease quest, I just try and make sure I don't get bitten. :D Tossing grenades into rooms tends to bring out the molerats... with the side benefit of killing a few of 'em as well. :D
  17. There is a mod that lets you run your power lines underground.... Here.
  18. Yeah, I can get 'em at our cost... which isn't a lot cheaper than retail, but, it's cheaper..... I figger about the time the 40 series cards come out, the 30 series will get cheap. :D
  19. You can already harvest your own plants. There are even mods that alter how often you can harvest them. I haven't seen anything about watering/weeding/caring for your plants though.
  20. Kinda makes ya wonder if/when white supremacist groups are going to institute DNA testing ... and then what that would do to their group numbers ... hehe LOL ! But seriously ... I would bet this Ukrainian group is ran from the Kremlin . That would be absolutely hilarious. I would pay real money to be the fly on the wall when they were handing out results. :D
  21. That is bizarre..... I know XB has space limitations for mods, are you exceeding those? This is one of the reasons I play on PC.......
  22. GPU temps are ok, but, I would question why the fan is ramping up with temp. That may be adjustable, (MSI Afterburner?) Skyrim LE should be capped at 60FPS, as going over that, physics start to get weird. :D I believe there is a SKSE plugin that alleviates that, but, I haven't tried it/looked at it, as 60FPS is perfectly fine for Skyrim. Your 144hz monitor should work just fine.
  23. We just got some 3080ti's in at work..... I was REAL tempted to spring for one..... even though my 3070 is only about six months old. :D
  24. Thanks. :) I knew the projectile was an issue, and I have that set at 30,000. Should be plenty for my UGrids at 7. Video was very interesting. Thank You. Gonna go tweak some numbers again. :D
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