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Everything posted by HeyYou

  1. A month game time seems reasonable to me. A year would just take to long...... you would finish the game before she became marriage eligible. Maybe even three weeks, since she didn't like him anyway. :D And of course, the player has to do things that would prompt her to be WILLING to marry...... and NOT do things that were bad experiences in her previous marriage. So, the player should be at least reasonably law-abiding..... (unless she joins the thieves guild??) Etc.
  2. Not a lot has changed over the years, so, even the older guides are likely still pretty accurate. Some of the mods may have been updated, but, that shouldn't really be an issue. If you are feeling REALLY adventurous, might try installing the full FCOM suite. It makes for a whole different game. :D
  3. Ok, you win the prize for the weirdest issue I have run into for a while. :D I have no clue why that texture isn't showing up. Supposedly, none of your mods touch tires, and all of your files are correct. Maybe dig thru you data directory, and see if there are any 'tire.nif's in the Data\setdressing\tires folder. If there are, delete them. (it might be Data\meshes\setdressing\tires as well.)
  4. Steam should have an option somewhere to move the entire library.... Will this work?
  5. Putin is pulling a Bush. Starting a war based on lies.
  6. You're not wrong that the forums are a bit old. The problem is they are hard-coded into major parts of the website. We've been decoupling it piece by piece over the last few years (user service and membership system are the main changes you may have noticed). Old though it may be, I still like this forum, and its functionality MUCH better than the "modern" crap beth went to. Please, please, for the love of all that's right in the world, DON'T do that. :D
  7. That's the first problem. :) You can move your steam folders elsewhere, which is HIGHLY recommended. If you have a second drive, that would be best, or, just do something like C:\Steam...... and have everything installed there. Other option would be to add an exclusion for the Steam directory in Program files. Keep in mind, if you go that route, do ONLY the steam folder (and it's sub-folders) NOT the whole Program files folder.
  8. All bow down to your mighty overlord Google! You WILL surrender all of your personal info to them, including your web surfing habits. Your dreams of privacy are just that, dreams. Google is all-knowing, all-seeing, and you WILL support that. That said, I don't have any desire to hand google any more information about me than they can already collect.... I don't have any type of google account, and I don't want one.
  9. That's the automated load screen replacer..... No idea if that's a mod, or something else. See This post. :D
  10. Did you have all of your mods loaded there? If so, that is REALLY odd, as it appears there aren't ANY other mods affecting tires...... So, where is the texture????? Have you used steam to verify your game cache???
  11. I don't think you want to run both at the same time....
  12. But not all social media platforms are created equal..... At least, as far as 'protections' go. Craigslist.org is a flavor of 'social media', yet the government decided they needed to be held responsible for what folks were offering on their site. (to wit, sex, either for free, or for money.) It was decided that they were going to become responsible for other people offering up illegal activities on their site..... The consequence was, that entire section went away. There was no reasonable way for craigslist to police that section, so, they simply nuked it. A tiny, tiny, minuscule percentage of users tanked the section for EVERYONE.
  13. Type "CMD" in the run box, and that will open a command line windows. Do the tracert there, and the window *should* remain open until YOU close it out. :D
  14. "Best" is REALLY subjective..... It just depends on what you are looking for. For a good idea of the most popular mods, sort by endorsements, or downloads. I think there is a 'most popular' category that differentiates between this week, and all time as well.
  15. Ahh ... so has the forums become so dead you are willing to slum with me ? Hehe ... do you remember me from year err 2 ago ? But actually I have spent most my debate time with opposite leaning people ... I guess maybe that is a norm . Cuz all the agreement and people saying 100% is just sickening. So me personally likes to figure out what motivates some ones opinion , then maybe come to some kind of consensus no matter how small it may be. That is what I feel is winning a debate :wink: By the way ... you seem a lot more chill than I remember you ... have we been sliding toward center / mutually ? On that news channel ... was that a local chanel ? Which yep they can have their small community built that sorta rules the day ... kinda what I was mentioning to Perraine about community banning ... and whether that would be considered evil censorship ??? Slumming? Nah. I just kinda like this section, for the most part..... And yes, I remember you. Vaguely.... Of course, that was before lunch yesterday..... so things aren't precisely clear. :D No worries. What happens here really isn't all that important in the overall scheme of things, that, and holding grudges is too much work. :D Am I more chill? It's possible...... I really don't know. But then, maybe I am not in the best position to judge either. :) If I remember right, it was the main abc news website...... It's been a while ago, and the memory ain't what it once was. (maybe I am mellowing with age. :) )
  16. No worries. Not agreeing with everything I think or say, does NOT make you my enemy. :D It makes you more fun to chat with. Drive space has gotten dirt cheap over the years, and has become a LOT less of an issue that it has been in the past. I remember paying close to 100 bucks for a 40 GB drive in the not so distant past. (relatively speaking......) Today, you can get a couple terrabytes for that kind of money. That, and drives last a fair bit longer as well...... So, not really one of the major expenses. Bandwidth I would expect is one of the chief costs..... Dark0ne could probably speak more to that aspect of things though. As for who gets censored, depends on the platform, and what THEIR core beliefs are. Wanna post on facebook? Better not lean too far to the right..... I got banned from the ABC news site, for pointing out the errors (with sources) in a previous posters comment. Imagine my surprise the next time I tried to log in, and discovered I had been banned....... There wasn't anything untoward in my post.... (bad language, insulting anyone, etc.) I got banned because I pointed out some inconvenient truths..... Censorship at it's finest. But yeah, there are some sites out there, that won't let you access them, if you don't turn off your ad blocker. I just don't go to them, and find what I am looking for elsewhere, as their ads are notoriously the the scam fellers. And those ads are one of the main reasons I got an ad blocker in the first place. (not to mention, it helps pages load faster on my slower connection. :) )
  17. Well the way I see it ... nobody is actually getting silenced as in a public square burning , even virtual ... with regard to the social media site giants. Because people just go some where else , and even create new accounts. Plus there is no way to have one big social media square ... it always needs delineated down into smaller chat rooms so to speak. But what say you about the block feature ? And if people start making posts to block said person ... err why can't they be kicked into another forum channel because said community doesn't appreciate their spamming (not adverts) ? IDK just wondering your thoughts on the block feature derived for the community to use at their discretion ? But here is another thought , which is a censorship that happened to me on Youtube a few months ago on an account I have had since 2011. They turned off my "Reply" feature ... or more precisely ghosted my replies so that only I can see them. I can however make an original thread comment ... but no I can't even reply to my own comment. So anyways ... I wondered what could have caused them to do this to me ... obviously probably to many contentious replies/reports. But I would say I do a heck of lot better than most in my discourse. So anyways ... I had a thought as to why could be the case. Being something brought about by an algorithm policy since I have used add blocker for the majority of my time on youtube. That the amount of space on their server I took up personally , and the lengthy amount of replies I would elicite ... caused them to put the kabosh on my reply feature. And not saying it was a me personally thing ... just that I fit into a group (millions) who are taxing their servers for space. IDK ... does that sound crazy ? Yes, You are obviously insane. You should seek help. Paranoia and all that. :D (just to be sure, I am kidding here.) YouTube is pretty famous for silencing folks that don't toe the party line. Make statements that the 'powers that be' there dislike, and odd and strange things happen. Censorship is alive and well on youtube. They aren't the only ones either. Facebook goes out of their way to suppress views they don't agree with. (or, views that don't agree with them.....) Any level is dissent is pretty much stepped on. Twitter, instagram, et al, are the same way. Of course, it IS their platform, so, technically, they have the legal "right" to do so..... but, advertising yourself as a 'free speech advocate' and then turning around and censoring folks...... Yeah. Say one thing, do something entirely different. They would make GREAT politicians.
  18. I don't think Putin, or the events in Ukraine really have anything to do with it. It appears that the OP plays on xbox though, and beth has done some major shuffling on their site, which makes it FAR less appealing to modders to upload there. I suspect THAT is the biggest problem.
  19. In this case I got the skeleton's id number and did moveto plaver as a console command, that doesn't really count as in game does it? Since presumably the game doesn't count console commands as "normal" game play. Yeah, you should be golden. If it was part of a pre-combine, then the moveto command would have gotten you everything else with it as well. :D
  20. I think its more about drive space, and loading times in menus for load/save. The game needs to load all of those...... so yeah, takes some time. I usually keep it under 100.
  21. No, pretty much anything you do IN GAME won't affect precombines. What I do find amusing though, is I can move dead bodies around, (raiders I have killed) but, when I try to move a skeleton, I'm told its too heavy. :D
  22. A lot depends on whose games you are playing. For Beth games, clock speed is more important than the number of cores, as the game engine doesn't know what to do with any more than 2. Ram? These days, 8gb is minimum, 16 is good, more than that? I don't think it helps. Vid card is also an important piece, likely an RTX 3060, (or AMD equivalent) or better. Some variety of solid state drive to run the game from dramatically reduces loading times. And then various mods to uncap framerate during loading screens, and whatever textures you want. Keep in mind, the more 'prettyfication' mods you run, the meaner the vid card you are going to need to maintain an acceptable framerate. :D
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