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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Ehm.. Could you explain a little?

    Are you saying that when you reset/change your password, the new password doesn't work?


    And by the way, using Caps Lock like that is not really a good way to go, as you just sound angry and pissed off, thus fewer people will want to help.

  2. That isn't a bad idea actually, LHammonds!

    I would be more than happy letting Dark0ne access my computer for testing and debugging if it helps the Nexus. :)

    Though, Norway isn't so far from England, so I don't know how much help that would be, but in other parts of the world, like America or Asia, it would probably be useful... :)

  3. Praise you oh, great Dark0ne!! :woot:


    This is the feature I've always dreamed about! I absolutely love you, Rob! :wub:


    It's moments like this, I realize how great it is (Beside supporting you) to be a premium member! :thumbsup:


    And how a small price I had to pay for such great features! :D


    I could go on and on forever with my praising, but no, this will have to do, I'm terribly sorry... 8)


    (Yes, I do like smileys... :sweat:)

  4. Back in the days when I actually played the game, I always went to Vilverin and slew the two bandits there - then I when to Roxie inn or what it was called, and did the witch Quest, before I headed up to Aleswell to do that quest.

    This was always my routine, since the first time I played the game! :)


    Now though, I just mod, so the first thing I do when I create a character is to test the mod^^

  5. Then it shouldn't be counted as foul necromancy. (Nexus Rules: Chapter V - Thread Necromancy)


    1. It's a strategy Guide, then imo, it is never necromancy - as it is there to help people, and people might have questions regarding the guide, and thus have to post a comment to get help, so...

    2. You have something very relevant to the thread to add.


    By the way, Mass Effect 2 is among my favorites!! :D


    128000x128000 pixels in size!? Huvavahh!? Whhaaat!!?


    Yeah, that part bugs me too.. How the hell can a computer even run a game that uses such textures??^^


    But, to quote Bauul on that site:

    "The megatexture works by having a SINGLE texture that contains the visual images for the entire map. It doesn't mean it all gets loaded at once (duh), just that all the texture information is held in one single file. Takes ages to render, but takes less time to display when playing the game. It's a brilliant idea (naturally, this is id) and should do wonders for the game's look. But obviously, calculating the display map and shadow map for a texture that's 8 square miles would take an age, hence their comment. It's nothing to do with consoles, and it's everything to do with a better end experience for the player. Now stop your trolling all of you and calm down."

  7. ...

    Let's say you're looking forward to game "X". The pre-order content seems worth it, but you don't know if the SDK allows for extensive modding. So my question is this: is it possible to find out early?

    Well, a search on google would be your best bet. Just search fro the game + SDK, and you will most likely find a topic about it.

    Though this was not the case with two worlds 2, as when I searched for that + SDK, all I got was the SDK for two worlds 1. :/

  8. Well, as long as you don't use any OBSE Mods, you should be fine - although mods using OBSE have some extra functionality. :/


    I know of only one way to get past D2D's paranoia, but the admins is not so very fond of those things, so... well... :/

  9. You don't HAVE to, but it is recommended.


    For people new to mods, it should be sufficient with just the Oblivion Mod Manager, but when you have become more experienced with mods, I recommend to also use Wrye Bash.



    It is also recommended to use the latest official Patch, if not even required. But I think the GOTY Version from Direct2Drive includes the latest version though.

  10. Welcome to the forums! :)

    yes, there's quite a lot of mods out there, and it can be hard to find the mods you want.


    Some mods that really makes Oblivion a totally new experience: (For the better of course)


    Unofficial Oblivion Patch

    Oscuro's Oblivion Overhaul

    The Unique Landscapes

    Natural Environments

    Bananasplit Better Cities

    Reneer's Guard Overhaul

    The Lost Spires

    Kvatch Rebuilt


    There's A LOT of other mods you should try as well, but these were the one's I could think of right now.




    pst.. also try Delivery Job & Creature Diversity ;)

  11. Then it is probably another reason to it.

    Does it happen often, or just occasionally? I have got that myself a few times before, but not much, so it may be something you just have to live with.^^

  12. The problem with the <i>, <b>, <br>, <u>, etc, may occur when enabling Rich Text Editor when it's not supported by the browser, though there might be another reason to it.

    As with the problem, like Eiries said, patience is a virtue.

  13. It seems Two Worlds had a SDK, though not so very open. It's only for people that apply to be a modifications Developer at InsideTwoWorlds

    So, there is a chance the sequel will have a SDK as well. :) (Hopefully more open to the players)


    And about Mount & Blade - This is a great game, and it has a SDK. It's more complex modding than Oblivion though, using Python. (I think it's more complex, but that may just be me..^^)

    It would be great to see a Nexus site for this game as well, although the site already there is quite good as well, it's nothing like a Nexus Site! (M&B Repository)

  14. Could you explain what's not clear?

    I find it quite clear really: Click the mail icon on the top, and there you find all your conversations. :)


    And about the lagging, was this with the Dark Theme? Cause I'm using that and I don't notice any lag^^

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