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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. EbrithilUmaroth has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Attacking another user.


    f*** you. That's not an incompatibility, it doesn't cause any CTDs or errors or stuttering or papyrus warnings, you just have to choose whether you want an HD statue or a statue with snow on it.


    Oh yeah, and may I reiterate: f*** you. a**hole.





    This warning was issued for what took place here,




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, EbrithilUmaroth has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot post comments on the sites or forums for 3 days




    Important links:

    Our terms of service

  2. uteliukas banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy of Skyrim.


    Greetings fellow moders~! So, Ive downlaoded Skyrim (dont judge... Im poor kay?) and would like to know how many are there, can someone list all of the updates/patches of the game to me(as for what ive seen, there are 13.)? Do i have to install the earliet updates/patches or i can install the latest and im ready to go? And how to install DLCs and patches/updates?




    Reference post

  3. I must remind everyone to stay civil. No need to become hostile to one another.

    Octopuss, if someone is trying to help you, and they are being civil about it, you should never reply with hostile remarks. Ever.




    And to add to the matter, yes, there have been cases of Read-Only ini files, so it was not an unthinkable reason for your issues. Remember, the people trying to help you do not know your whole story unless you explain your whole story.



    Nexus Staff

  4. *waves extremely nervously*


    I really hope I'm not doing anything wrong by asking this here ^^; Is this why it's on Maintenance Mode right now? Is there any way to determine when it'll be back up? If I upgraded to Premium would it still be on Maintenance for me? Sorry if I'm asking in the wrong place. I saw others had asked questions/got them answered so I figured it was okay to. ^^;

    Thanks, guys, and I appreciate the hard work y'all put into this service. I'm guessing it can't be easy. *hug!*

    It is in maintenance mode because the programmers are working on fixing/changing/adding something. Most often, it will be back up in a few minutes.

    Premium Members gets the Maintenance Mode page as well.

  5. To be honest I'm extremely surprised this hasn't been mentioned more. To me, locational damage seems very important to combat, especially as an archer. I also imagine it wouldn't be that hard of a mod to make, given the right knowledge.

    Given your knowledge about modding (which, since you don't even know which piece of software is used, is zero), I don't think you should be making claims about how hard or simple it can be. That essentially becomes uneducated guesses.

    Being the author of a "best mods" list, you really should put more effort into knowing how modding actually works.


    Also, I didn't bash the author I never said anything about him other than the fact that he's mia. I don't think I bashed the mod either, I simply stated facts but I can see how that can be interpreted as bashing.

    By saying a mod is crappy, you are bashing the author as well, no matter how indirect that is, and you are definitely bashing the mod by stating these so-called "facts".




    Now, if you want to continue this thread, please do so in a manner that follows Nexus ToS, or else the thread will be closed, and more severe actions may be employed, depending on the manner of your continuation.

  6. EbrithilUmaroth:

    Calling a mod "horrible", or a "joke" is not really the way to go about things around here. You being the author of a post on Reddit does not give you the rights to bash mods and their authors.
    We are all modding as a hobby, and we are limited by the tools we have, so if something is not working as you would like it to, try changing it to your desires yourself, instead of bashing the ones who have given it a shot.

    Please refrain from mod bashing in the future.


    In response to post #15482745.

    Zaldiir - I'm surprised you use Malwarebytes with MSE. Malwarebytes is basically holding up MSE in this case. I did a test in 2012, comparing MSE against AVG free, norton and a few other big names and found that even then, it couldn't automatically see the test virus found here http://www.eicar.org/86-0-Intended-use.html I know it's an old test virus, but if MSE can't see it unless i tell it to scan the file first as compared to AVG not even letting me download the thing, I'd have to say MSE is far worse than AVG. I've also cleaned computers that has MSE on them and found multiple bugs.


    I'm not saying that MSE is completely bad, i just wouldn't recommend it to anybody. I'd rate it slightly above Norton as you don't have to pay for it, unlike norton.


    MSE is there simply in case Malwarebytes fails. MSE takes up almost no resources at all, so that is why I chose that as the backup.

  8. JobVanDam banned.

    Reason for the ban
    Spewing profanity-riddled, vulgar, and degrading posts directed at other members. You've been warned before (Ref 1, Ref 2), but it seems that you simply do not get it. If you can't take the warnings to heart, you can stay out, indefinitely.

    Two of the recent gems:

    In response to post #15538025.

    Bull s***. Post it... motherf***er.

    Oh s*** your back! What hoops did you have to jump through to get back here?
    I can imagine that one girl who can't stand you, she's probably bouncing off the walls right now just seething that your back. She's probably talking to anyone who will listen "Can you believe he's back?! OMG!! He stole my assets blah bleh bluh"

    Reference post

    Reference post


    In response to post #15480995. #15481145 is also a reply to the same post.

    Thanks! I was always wary of Norton as I never paid for my antivirus before. I always got the free stuff. But that never worked. Then I tried Kaspersky which was okay for a time. But with new computers came new viruses and so far, only AVG seems competent enough to keep me safe. That and Addblock. I am at peace...for now!


    I would recommend Malwarebytes instead of AVG. A setup with both Malwarebytes and MSE is so far the best setup I have used. Just make sure to have them exclude one another from the scans/Real-time protection.


    And swap out Adblock Plus with Adblock Edge (and to those who are not Premium, remember to disable AdBlock on Nexus). ;)

  10. Sn4rk has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Copyright infringement.


    Uploading music from 'Thief'.





    This warning was issued for what took place here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, Sn4rk has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload files for 7 days




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