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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Khormin, Andalay is working in the background for the moment I think. I'm fairly active at DC, and she is definitely working on it (though I do not know much about the progress).


    And yes, I understand that you mean more than UDRs and ITMs, and that is why I am saying that many people don't really know how to do it, or don't dare to try. I know you covered that in your OP (by saying that it is not targeted at them), but I don't think the number of people deliberately not cleaning their mods out of laziness is that big - I think the number of people not cleaning because they don't know how or why they should clean, or even that mods require cleaning, is the majority.


    Grimy, I would say that comparing a modder to a carjacker or a hacker seems a bit ungrateful. I know that is not Khormin's intent, but if he wants the word to reach the modders, it needs to be written in such a way that instead of feeling disgust towards him because of his wording, they be left with the knowledge of the fact that mods do require cleaning (in most cases).

  2. And the primary thing people are doing is putting words in my mouth.


    I never said they mod "for me". I complain that there is a growing habit of incomplete mods being offered as "complete". So stop jumping to conclusions, and Kraeten, get back under your bridge.

    And I never said that you said that modders mod for you. I said that it SEEMS that you are missing this point. If that is not the case, then good.

    And when I say "mod for you", I don't mean you specifically, but basically everyone that uses the mod.


    Now, we both agree that cleaning with TESVEdit is something everyone should be doing. However, demanding that they do it, and comparing them to hackers and carjackers is not the way to get people to do it.

    Many people are afraid of screwing up with a third party tool, simply don't know about it, or don't even realize that their mod also require cleaning. How can we help them to clean their mod? Well, you can, in the comment section, kindly state that their mod requires cleaning, or PM them about it, perhaps even offer to clean it and send it to them, allowing them to upload the cleaned mod (since you are already prepared to upload cleaned mods).



    And to everyone, let's keep insults and bickering out of the discussion, shall we?

  3. Khormin, the primary thing you seem to be missing when it comes to modding is this:

    Modders don't mod for you, they mod for themselves. They share because they like what they have made.


    Your comparing a modder to a carjacker, a hacker, and a child that breaks your controller... Forgive me, but you are making no sense whatsoever.

    A carjacker is stealing something from you.

    A hacker is doing something to your computer without your consent.

    A child that is breaking your controller... is breaking your controller.

    A modder is offering a free add-on to your game, that you can download if you want or pass up if you do not want to download it.


    Yes, your complaint is free, but unlike a mod, your complaint is targeted at individual users. So no, they should not necessarily be happy about the complaint.


    You are making analogies that make no sense at all.

  4. "that it's now bannable to make a mod that does the same thing as what someone else says their mod does"

    - No, but taking someone else's mod, editing it, and uploading it without the original author's permission is against the rules. But if you are going to make as many edits as you say you are ("by the time it's done, the only resemblence to the original is that they both aimed to achieve the same thing"), you could just as well make your own mod, and not edit someone else's. Ideas are fair game. :wink:


    But yes, thanks for editing your posts - it reads a lot better than what they originally did.



    By the way, after re-reading some of your posts: TESVGecko on Dark Creations is not defunct.

  5. First of all, no modder have any obligation whatsoever to clean their mod. Is it ideal that they do? Yes, of course, and I would recommend everyone to do it. But the way you are wording things are just... no... Be more respectful - there is no need to bash people for not cleaning their mod - just suggest to them to do it.


    Secondly, if you are planning to upload other people's (cleaned) mods... unless you have permission to do so, don't do it. As was stated, you will get banned. Even if you do not agree with the quality of a mod, it does not give you the right to steal the mod and re-upload it.

  6. tristan65487 has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Bashing both mod author and all downloaders of the mod.

    If you have nothing constructive to say, don't say it.


    bethesda has some f***ed up fans 1. the guy who made this, 2. the 2 MILLION PEOPLE that downloaded this, twice as many that downloaded FWE people get a life.





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  7. What you're seeing there is the standard IPB help page. Changing your username is not currently supported here, and as mentioned, admins will only do so in exceptional cases (or if you give them a cookie!).
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