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Posts posted by Zaldir


    I haven't played with RTS yet...so that mod has functioning C4? I tried to get it but can't seem to download from that site for some reason :unsure:

    Oh, no - I meant as in how they place the buildings and such. So you can see the transparent object while in "placement" mode. The same could be done for the C4 - so you go into placement mode when you equip/activate it. Could make for some cool things like placing a sticky C4 on a wall or something. And if not, it could just be placed on the ground where the player stands.

  2. What about an item that you place on the ground (Could be any item - just attach a script that tells it to place it on the ground when equipped). Then have a separate remote which adds an explosion effect to the item you placed on the ground once equipped.

    I'm not sure how it works in Fallout, but in Oblivion you could add a spell effect to an object and it would go off. I reckon something similar can be done in Fallout?


    The placement of the C4 could be done similar to how it is done in Realtime Settlers - so you see the C4 while placing it, and then you just press fire to place it or something like that.

    The remote could work the same way a gun works, but instead of shooting, it activates the C4.

  3. Skyrim comes in only two versions:

    Steam version

    and Pirate version

    Depends on your definition of "Steam version". Some refer only to the Steam-bought versions as the Steam versions, others are using cracks so they won't have to use Steam.

  4. MrFlamingFenix has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Constructive feedback is the way to go. Stating that something is a "messy piece of crap" is in no way constructive!


    "I don't see how its bad it mad as bandits have crossbows its cool TRY IT OUT FIRST"

    Adding crossbows to enemies does not make a mod good. This is just a messy piece of crap.





    This warning was issued for what took place here




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    Our terms of service

  5. samiamari has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    If you have any criticism for a mod, keep it constructive. Saying that a mod is terrible or a waste of time is in no way constructive!


    this is terriable mod! it crashs right when the game launchs and dont give that "oh order last" bull crap! This mod is a waste of time!





    This warning was issued for what took place here




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    Our terms of service


    There is no "whole point" of uploading something to the Nexus. Everyone has a different reason. Just because your reason is to get as much popularity as possible does not make that the "whole point" about it.

    Either you try to be the best at something, or you are content to wallow in mediocrity. How is trying to succeed a bad thing again?

    Did I ever say that to succeed is a bad thing? Nope...

    You said that the whole point of uploading something to the Nexus was for popularity, and I totally disagree - that was the extent of it. If you want to read more into it than what was actually written, that's your call.


    Success is not divided into "poor" / "mediocre" / "best" . I am more than content with not being the best at something - that does not mean I don't want to be great at it.


    Being "Best" at something takes other people's success into the equation, and might not even mean that you are really that great at something - you are just better than others who have tried to be good. Being "Great" at something is solely based on you, and your skills - I do not need to look at other people's work to push myself to be better. The challenge alone is enough for me.

  7. The whole point of uploading a mod on the Nexus is so people can download it, so anyone claiming they don't care about popularity is by definition wrong.

    Uhm... You are by definition wrong now.


    There is no "whole point" of uploading something to the Nexus. Everyone has a different reason. Just because your reason is to get as much popularity as possible does not make that the "whole point" about it.

    I upload my mods because I simply want to share what I have made. Not for popularity, not so everyone can praise me for what I have done, but so that people can download and have fun playing the mods. Personally, I think getting feedback is great, but not the "whole point" - it is not the reason I do it.


    If you are modding for popularity, you are (in my opinion) modding for the wrong reasons.



    Mandamus' quote fits quite nice here...

    Some people seem to forget that modding is supposed to be fun :/


    Mod because you like it, not because someone else wants you to. Mod what you want, not what someone else wants. Mod for yourself, but share it with others.


    I want to play Morrowind, since it must have a better spell system than oblivion, and far better quests and such.


    Unfortunately, I can't buy it in stores, and I don't know anyone who has it. Anyone who did, and let me play it, I only was able to play for like 20 minutes or so.

    Have you tried steam or GOG.com?

    You do know that you are replying to a 4 year old post, right? :P

  9. In response to post #7983016.

    I think this may be because the search is based on Unique Downloads, while what is shown is the total downloads.

    I guess the best thing would be if what was shown was the unique downloads, as that represents how many uses it the most.
  10. CarsonRoberts banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy of Skyrim. It does not matter if you bought it on the console. If you want to play it on the PC, you'll just have to buy it again.


    So I downloaded Skyrim to try it and see how it was. I liked the game and I have played it on the Xbox but I wanted to try out modding on PC. So I beat the game and I installed the Dawngaurd DLC. I installed the and installed Dawngaurd. It started up perfectly and and loaded fine. I am at the second mission when I noticed that my attack isn't working. I have to hold down the left click for 2-3 seconds to attack, the right click works fine. I don't have any mods installed, I've tried two different mouses and it won't work. If you know what is happening or a way to fix it please let me know. :biggrin:




    (On the PC it is torrented because I didn't want to buy it twice)




    Edit - I have installed mods and they work properly but it's just re-installed and not working.


    Reference post

  11. cesarpeninck banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy of Skyrim.


    sorry for my bad english.


    what I mean is that I used NMM to install gpuboost, I thought it would be a more "safe" to install it, but it seems that it was worse than I thought, and I tried using the NMM to uninstall gpuboost because I thought what it would restore it to normal files. And to further complicate matters, I use the pirated version, lol... so I have to download another new skyrim, right? "/ I'll be more careful in the next time :|


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