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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Have you tried all the different servers? If not, you could give that a go, and see if any one of them gives you good enough download speed.

    How is your download speed when downloading manually (not through NMM)?


    Oh, and though NMM says you are downloading at 20kbps, you are actually downloading at 20KBps, just so that is clear.




    As for which ports NMM uses, you will have to wait for someone higher up to reply.

  2. Yeah, I'll be using the IsModLoaded function from OBSE to check if the mod is loaded, and if it is, teleportation is enabled. I'll be using that function for FCOM/OOO as well. The Unique Landscapes and Werewolves patches are more landscape incompatibilities (land tears), so hopefully, the existing ones still functions, but if not, I'll be making new ones.

  3. channing84 banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy of Skyrim.


    so i basically redled skyrim and redled nexus mod manager. i finally got things up and running and was putting a few mods on then i was like oh s*** i forgot skse. so i go and dl their new nifty manager and install it. then im like crap...i didnt purge my old skse when i purged my old nexus manager and skyrim. so i try out my old one and my new one. and the oddest thing happens....half my mods play on one and half on the other....i really dont know what to think. how do i consolidate the mods running on the old one to the new one. the location of the old one is in C:GamesSteamSteamAppscommonskyrim . (btw the skyrim i dled is a torret not from steam) and the new skse is located in C:Program Files (x86)The Elder Scrolls V Skyrim


    both have shortcuts on my desktop. i dont really understand how th old one is even working considering i purged the copy of skyrim it was attached too. any advice or fixes are welcomed. (i cant really move on with this large of a problem)

    if you need any extra info please ask me to include it.


    Reference post

  4. SunnyDelight has received a formal warning. This user has now received 1 formal warnings. The warning was given for the following reason:


    Uploading copyrighted material to the Nexus.





    This warning was issued for what took place here, here




    Restrictions in place

    As part of the warning, SunnyDelight has had the following restrictions placed on his or her account:


    This user cannot upload files for 7 days




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    Our terms of service



    In your honest opinion what do you think the future holds for Skyrim Mod authors?

    Fallout 4, TES 6, and whatever comes along :smile: I think Skyrim modding has been done to death, I would make more mods(than I already have lined up, picking at slowly) but most of the stuff that is needed or wanted is there for the taking so adding more of the same isn't that important...for me at least but I don't ask for much. I just want to play with some new toys now, until then might get into TESO.



    TES 6 ??? ... nope. they already stated that tes online will NOT be able to be modded. its because its an online game, gamers would have to run the same mods, thats simply impossible, so they said NO to MODS FOR TES ONLINE. actually they said that already several times. considering the amount of bugs in a regular tes-game... well, i dunno about you, im gonna say "thx, im gonna skip this one".



    TES Online != TES 6

  6. Yeah i know but its a mod, people dont get paid for that do they? it shouldnt matter. If it does, screw the copyright people id doubt theyd find out anyway.

    "screw the copyright people"..? The musicians who pay their bills by making music? The developers who make games to pay their bills? The artists who paint for a living? The list goes on and on.

    If not for copyright, all of this great music you listen to may not have existed, because they couldn't make a living off of it, and therefore had to stop making the music.


    We support people's right to have control over their own work, and this also includes modders. If you don't care about copyright, then good luck finding anyone who would be willing to make a mod for you here on the Nexus.

  7. MiaHanoka banned.




    Reason for the ban

    Piracy of Skyrim, and probably a lot of other things as well, being a true born pirate...




    well all I wanted to ask was why my skyrim data files thing does not work


    MiaHanoka, where did you get your Skyrim?


    I am a true born pirate sadly

  8. Other than doing some level design for Beyond Skyrim, I don't think I will be doing any Skyrim modding. Most of the things I had planned but never got to, is already done, so I guess I'll be waiting until the next TES before I do some serious modding again. Who knows though - I might change my mind. Only time will show. ;)

  9. the last piece of the puzzle that is called "complete oblivion experience"


    would be a great new year's present :smile:

    That is what I am aiming for. Working hard to make that happen. Getting some off-time here and there to finish up the work that is left.

    The most annoying thing is trying to get it compatible with earlier versions of the Kvatch Rebuilt. I can't get it 100% compatible, but I can at least make it so you won't have to start all over again. :)



    By the way, if someone here is an expert on scripting, and would be willing to help me out with a certain script I am working on, please PM me! :D



    Yeah use Fraps. I have all my screenshots in the main FNV folder like normal with Windows 7, but that might be because I have the original steamless DVD.


    There is no such thing as a Steamless DVD, all copies use Steam including the DVD.


    Mine doesn't? I never had to fanangle with Steam to run New Vegas.

    I never even installed it. I never even knew it existed.

    I just play new vegas. My screencaps show up in C:\Program Files (x86)\Fallout New Vegas. Ultimate Edition


    Where did you get New Vegas then? I don't know of any place where they sell copies that doesn't require Steam.

  11. @ Dark0ne

    it's be good as gold for you because the Nexus knows who is it's master! :laugh:

    Everyone knows Dark0ne has no true control over the Nexus...


    SiteBot rules with an iron fist! And She decides who can surf when! All bow to the almighty SiteBot! http://www.darkcreations.org/forums/public/style_emoticons/default/unworthy.gif

    (She also likes pink)



    ...but seriously; I haven't noticed those exact errors myself. Ob/Mw Nexus has been sluggish for me, but they always go through eventually.

  12. Have you updated USKP to version 2.0? If you haven't, that would be the reason.


    By the way, as user047 said, the load order should be as such:

    Unofficial Skyrim Patch.esp
    Unofficial Dawnguard Patch.esp
    Unofficial Hearthfire Patch.esp
    Unofficial Dragonborn Patch.esp

    And I would recommend using BOSS to sort your mods. It will do all this for you automatically.

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