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Posts posted by Zaldir

  1. Later in the demo, I came to a ridge with an enemy who I sent flying off the mountain with a a fire blast. His lifeless body hit the side of the mountain and rag-dolled down for ages, causing another outburst. Bethesda's Todd Howard laughed along after the enemy went tumbling down the large face of the mountain.


    You would think I want to see the enemy flying off the mountain the most, but no, I want to see Todd laugh out loud! ;D

  2. I like the extended width of the news/blog section on the main page. But the hot files/latest files/images have their text all crammed together on the right side. :/


    Could you also center those boxes for Premium members? Looks odd when there is a grey area on the side.

  3. New Interview here:


    100% confirms that the player can become a vampire.

    Your spouses cook you a meal every day!

    Dwemer Centurions are back!

    Dwemer Centurion? That's like... one of the first things we knew. ;D


    The other info, awesome! :D

  4. @DeepSoul Just because it's a trend doesn't mean it's good.

    In most cases though, it does - hence the reason it is the trend.

    If it wasn't good for the majority of people, it would not become a trend. Simple as that.


    Well, with the exception of things becoming a trend because popular people does something, I'll give you that - it's not always good. :P

  5. @tigger2,

    There is always a reason to upgrade your browser! If you're using XP, IE 8 gives much more functionality, better performance and better security! And if you're using Vista or Win7, well then get IE9 already! It gives you all the previous mentioned stuff just a lot better!


    And if you REALLY want better performance, functionality and security, well, then you should go ahead and download Mozilla Firefox or Google Chrome! (Internet Explorer is really lacking on all areas compared to those two.)


    Robin is not jumping too far at all! He is taking the leap everyone should have taken years ago - there is NO reason whatsoever to keep compatibility with Internet explorer 7.

  6. Hopefully, it is a little new footage. Not too much though, as I really don't want to see too much of Skyrim yet. ;)









    ... Oh, who am I fooling, of course I want to see much of Skyrim! ;D

  7. @ozziefire:

    When the new coding is in, I am sure we will have a lot increased efficiency and functionality. ;)

    You got to remember that this is the early stage in the new design, so we just have to be patient and let Robin and Axel work out the bugs and implement the new features. Of course, bug reports and such are always a good thing. :)


    By the way, which browser are you using, and which version? I'll see if I can reproduce the issue.

  8. The site works perfectly on Firefox 5, 6, and 7 beta (No extensions installed), so for those having issues when using Firefox; it's not the browser itself causing the issues. Most likely, it's a plugin, an extension or a script that is causing it.
  9. Not only at PAX!


    "We teamed up with Microsoft to create a handful of limited edition consoles for fans. Between now and 11.11.11, we’ll share details on other ways to win. Even if you don’t win the Xbox 360, you’ll still get a plush Dragonborn helmet."

  10. @Codor, it's definitely not a problem with Firefox 6.0, as that is what I am using as well. Now, some add-ons that might conflict is NoScript and AdBlock. (Just make an exception for AdBlock, allowing ads on the Nexus. (This also helps Dark0ne, as he gets revenue for the ads. ;)


    I also want to add that the Random Image/Random File Userscript is working just like before. You do have to scroll all to the bottom though, but that is as easy as pressing "End" on your keyboard. ;)

  11. Okay, so you can set butterflies on fire, and there are too many fish in the water... That is.. just... wow! :D

    The amount of detail is astonishing!


    There must be a mix-up: THIS is the game that has been in development for 12 years, not Duke Nukem Forever! ;D

  12. Anyone else seeing something weird in this comment section now? Like this...


    @GTA44, I tested some more, and yes, you are certainly right. I was only using the ones that worked earlier apparently. I am certain Robin will fix this. :)


    EDIT: I know you wouldn't, but who knew, could have been on your side only. ;)

  13. I'm pretty sure basic BBCode is working. At least I used it a couple of minutes ago.









    • nop



    There is a reason for this change, and if he were to give people the option to go back to the old design, that reason would be void. It's about the efficiency, stability, user-friendliness and functionality.

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