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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. I will have to check that out. Have you also played with precalc much? And mods that alter the world space? My NPCs in my upcoming mod are using customisable encounter zones through placeactoratme function, seems to work fine with the random encounters already there. I'll dig up my original save with Thicket constantly resetting, and I will try this EZ fix you posted. I sincerely hope that is it. BTW I was of the impression even if you set an encounter zone to never reset, you could still change it with script, and also that actors carrying an EZ apply that info to any cell they enter. My mod doesn't seem to do any of these things from what I can tell. Perhaps the wiki is wrong is written incorrectly.
  2. Not without recombining all the precombined meshes used in the game. And regenerated previs. Which doesn't work very well with big fluffy branches.
  3. It should not respond until the cell timer has reset the cell. Otherwise loot mining is a thing. But yes that is exactly what happens. And it's trigger by some combination of data or lack of data or corrupted data or God knows what data in the precalc for the cell, all evidence suggest. I narrowed down the encounter zone idea, that was fine. I spawn actors with custom EZs and everything is good. So that's off the cards too just FYI.
  4. @montky - that is interesting. I'd like to see that. Than I can turn my pipe weapons into axes, and they'll be good for something. I rebalanced my own game, well most weapons anyway among other things. Hitting someone in head for me is goodnight for them. Sneak kills mid is pretty cool too. Overall as a mechanic, it's just in the way of the grenade key. I barely ever use it. I'm glad it's there but I never use it. If it wasn't there, it would be a nexus best selling mod for sure lol.
  5. Truer words have never been spoken.
  6. Try upping these 2 settings from FalloutPrefs: fBlendSplitDirShadow=400.0000 fMaxFocusShadowMapDistance=450.0000
  7. Here is some settings for you. These one is added to FalloutCustom.ini [General] (this is the header, it is not a setting, FalloutCustom.ini has no headers so when adding settings to it you need to put appropriate heading to put setting under)SStartingConsoleCommand = cl off (this is same as DisableFakeLights in ENB Fix) bForceUpdateDiffuseOnly=0 (These 5 settings are for helping with objects not loading in full details. For more info, Google search "Fallout 4 Texture Load Workaround")iTextureUpgradeDistance1=4096 iTextureUpgradeDistance0=2048iTextureDegradeDistance1=5120iTextureDegradeDistance0=3172 [Archive] (THis goes in FalloutCUstom.ini. This is essential for loading custom assets from Mods. Without this, no mods show up properly. You must have this)bInvalidateOlderFiles=1sResourceDataDirsFinal= (These Setting are under FalloutPrefs.ini "Display" section. These are the one worth talking about) [Display] fDirShadowDistance=6000.0000 (This is the main shadows settings. Do not be fooled by others. See mine is 6000 even with high power rig) iShadowMapResolution=4096 (You can set this to 2048 to make shadow resolution even more performance friendly, but shadows will be less sharp) bSAOEnable=1 (this is for enabling Ambient Occlusion) bEnableWetnessMaterials=1 (This is for Wetness effect) iVolumetricLightingQuality=3 (This is Godrays. Set the next one to 0 to turn off. When the top one is less than 3, you get those pixels/blocks all around your character. Best to turn them off, they ugly and performance hungry)bVolumetricLightingEnable=0 fBlendSplitDirShadow=400.0000 (This is the mystical setting that controls how close you see really detailed shadows. I recommend setting between 400-500. IF you see shadow pop in up close, make it higher)fMaxFocusShadowMapDistance=450.0000 (Pretty sure this is related to one above. I usually have same amount) sAntiAliasing=TAA (This is Fallout 4 AA. Use FXAA or TAA. Best to leave at TAA for less jaggies) fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=5000.0000 (Once again this setting is for helping with LOD/low res objects problem. These are good settings at this value)fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=10000.0000 iPresentInterval=1 (This is Fallouts Vsync. It sets your framerate to half you display frequency i.e 60hz/120hz. I have 120Hz monitor so I turn this on. IF you have other refresh rate like 144 etc, you can use Nvidias vysync or some frame limiter)bMaximizeWindow=0 (these are other settings related to WIndow and Vsync etc)bBorderless=0bFull Screen=1iSize H=1080iSize W=1920 iMaxSkinDecalsPerFrame=25 (THis is max decals. Can have performance effect at high number, I use this amount)iMaxDecalsPerFrame=100 iTexMipMapSkip=0 (this is for Texture quality. 0 is Ultra. 1 is high etc etc) (This is for subtitles in FalloutPrefs)[interface]bDialogueSubtitles=1bGeneralSubtitles=1 [imagespace] (this is for games DOF setting, under this header)bDoDepthOfField=1bScreenSpaceBokeh=1bLensFlare=1 (this one for LensFlare effect) (This setting is found in FalloutPrefs.ini and Fallout.ini. NEVER EDIT IT. IT will load only in odd number i.e 5,7,9. That is amount of cells around the player outdoors. Can destroy your performance. IF you set this higher than 5, and you save the game, you cannot set it back to a lower number)[General] uGridsToLoad=5 (This is under FalloutPrefs.ini. This is game difficulty. 6 is Survival, less is other modes)[GamePlay]iDifficulty=6 (these are in FalloutPrefs. These are important for long distance rendering. This is the Ultra setting)[TerrainManager]fTreeLoadDistance=75000.0000fBlockMaximumDistance=250000.0000fBlockLevel2Distance=100000.0000fBlockLevel1Distance=80000.0000fBlockLevel0Distance=50000.0000fSplitDistanceMult=1.5000 (This one is particularly for scaling the distance. Setting it to 2 may increase LOD distance) (This is in FalloutPrefs. These are grass distance. Good enough on vanilla setting to me, but can affect performance)[Grass]fGrassStartFadeDistance=7000.0000fGrassMaxStartFadeDistance=7850.0000fGrassMinStartFadeDistance=400.0000 (There is also a Decals section in FalloutPrefs. Can have affect on performance at high numbers. These are good enough)[Decals]uMaxDecals=1000bDecals=1bSkinnedDecals=1uMaxSkinDecals=100uMaxSkinDecalsPerActor=40 (This is NV HBAO. Turn it on from here. OTher settings are for advanced users. This is in FalloutPrefs.)[NVHBAO]bEnable=1 (this is for NV Flex, the particle system when you shoot walls etc and debris comes out. In FalloutPrefs. This can have big effect on performance with high amount of debris/particles)[NVFlex]bNVFlexEnable=1iQuality=2(Personally I think there is a bug in this system, where it is possible to make framerate crawl at 1fps or less with melee weapons when hitting something. IT is rare bug but I am sure it is caused by this system.) Now lets look at some settings in Fallout.Ini, these are more generalized. You might see some the same as FalloutPrefs, make sure they are the same or FalloutPrefs will override most of the time [General] bUseCombinedObjects=1 (turning this to 0 disables Precombined meshes in game and destroysd performance. USe this if you want to see new tress and things or scrap everything, but say goodbye to framerate) uExterior Cell Buffer=49 ( iset this to 49 purposely so that the outer cells from the the normal uGridstoLoad 5 would be loader faster, as they are buffered but not loaded. Try for yourself) iNumHWThreads=7 (this is how many CPU cores you have. Always set -1. So for you have 6 cores with hyperthreading, you have 12 logical cores. Set this to 11) [Display] iPresentInterval=1 (Another Vsync, FalloutPrefs overrides)bDeferredCommands=1 (leave me alone)fShadowLODMaxStartFade=2000.0 (these are for distance details of Shadow and Specular. These are good values from vanilla)fSpecularLODMaxStartFade=4000.0fLightLODMaxStartFade=8192.0 (Distance of lights. Important setting. 8192 is best IMO)iShadowMapResolutionPrimary=4096 (Same as FalloutPRefs, set this as well if changing to 2048)bAllowScreenshot=0 (Allow press PRtScn to take screeny)fMeshLODLevel1FadeDist=3500.0000 (this is for distant detail on meshes. Same as FalloutPRefs but FalloutPrefs overrides it)fMeshLODLevel2FadeDist=2000.0000fMeshLODFadePercentDefault=1.2000bNvGodraysEnable=0 (this doesnt seem to do anything. I can turn them back on from FalloutPrefs even if this is 0)bDynamicObjectQueryManager=1 (wondering if this is to do with Previs. Leave me alone)bMultiThreadedAccumulation=1 (leave me alone, I'm for multithreading stuff)bMultiThreadedRenderingUNP=1fDefaultWorldFOV=80 (FOV settings. Its not quite this simple though, ther ei s some otehr fix you have to apply from console but I cant remember. Probably leave these alone)fDefault1stPersonFOV=80fSunUpdateThreshold:Display=0.5f (These 2 control how fast the sun updates, the shadows that is. You see them move a lot)fSunShadowUpdateTime=1.0 [Grass] (More grass settings)iMinGrassSize=20 (This one has performance impact at LOWER settings. Its for grass density. I think they reworked it for this game so value different from Skyrim, or maybe its just different grass thats less expansive. 20 seems fine)bAllowCreateGrass=1 That is about all that should matter for you. Possibly more than you needed to know lol :)
  8. What ini files you edit exactly?Do you know some ini guides for novice? I don't know any guides that are good, a lot of them tell lies and tell you to edit unsafe settings. The INI are located in My Documents/My games/Fallout 4 folder, you've got Fallout.ini, FalloutPrefs.ini and FalloutCustom.ini. Most edits are just placed in FalloutCustom.ini but it's all the same if you do them in the others as well, they already have most of them. I will make a list for you when I am at my PC
  9. BTW folks if anyone is interested in what the menu code looks like so far, have a go at this mammoth:
  10. Have not tried the command, I have my doubts though. It's weird how it works, it has something to do with the state of the precalc, I just don't know what. Not all of Mojave Imports edited cells reset, but a lot of them do and all that is done is a few items added, he has not poked a single vanilla ref. You could be on to something, perhaps vanilla precombined need to change? Or be regenerated even when no vanilla ref is touched? Strange strange strange. I've got precombined set up in that Concord cell right now and I also manually fixed up the conflict with BT and Poe fighting for that shop front, it's not instantly resetting for me atm. Found a little camp-site west of Sanctuary, north of Abernathy that has some MI added alcohol and it always resets. Im trying to tell if the reset issue affects the single cell or a 3x3 grid. It seems like it's a 3x3 grid, which would suggest previs is the culprit. Now that I think about it, I wonder if it's got something to do with the "dynamic" part of previs mentioned briefly on the wiki
  11. I would be looking deeper for code that cleans her up somewhere. I'm thinking it's like when a settler dies and you try to resurrect them, they do sweet FA, they are just zombies standing there. Maybe look for events being sent to other scripts and see if you can find it from there. Otherwise sorry no idea.
  12. You should be getting good rates on that hardware at Ultra however I would advise to turn God rays off and lower shadow distance to 6000. Ultra is like 20000 for shadows and it crippling. For shadow boost I would use 3000 Min and 6000 Max. I cannot advise you to use ENBoost because it does not work properly for me on any settings, some users this will fix Lod issues etc but unfortunately not for me so can't comment on it.
  13. Just mention some names Armorsmith extended Armorsmith and Weapon keyword community resource Settlement keywords expanded Homemaker VAFS Weaponsmith if your up for its install Elis Armor Compendium Better Settlers Unique NPCs Vivid Fallout textures FlaconOil textures Any weapon texture made by dpillari Vivid weather Darker nights Interior lighting overhaul or ELFX Vanilla ENB or Subtle ENB Dynamic interior fog remover Functional displays PCDugs Build a wall Aug A1 mod and M4A1/M16 mod DEFUI and Valdacils item sorting Custom combat armor Raider Overhaul Just to name a few.
  14. There's a mod by Neanka or registrator2000 called Holotime. I am pretty sure you can configure it to show real time. It works off the HUD so it's always displayed. You can customise position and size.
  15. I've been able to reproduce the bug reliably with 3 factors. One the Beantown mod, Two the Plenty O Exploration mod and 3 precombined meshes. With Beantown it adds a small shop in Concord, the nuka world shop. By default BT has no precombined. I added in PoE and it adds places nearby in same cell. The bug happens, everything reset instantly. I changed the load order to load PoE after BT. Bug goes away. In both cases precombined was disabled. So I regenerated precombined for performance and bug returns. However when I started a new game the bug went away, with or without precombineds. Strange as hell. Now there is a good one in Mojave Imports. Front of Super Duper Mart. Always reset. Does not touch anything in vanilla this mod, only add items in cell, precombineds remain enabled naturally. So bloody bizarre. There is something among all this in common but I have not found it, apart from what I have already said. Something is corrupting? Or God knows what and causes that cell to never save or save data to be always corrupt. I will try to examine save game in depth at some point. For now mind blown.
  16. There is a setting, I think bblenddirshadow or something, by default this is set low like 250 units. I set this to 500 and it's much better. I'll try to find it for you
  17. Install game and NMM fresh after taking a backup of Fallout 4 Data folder and also Appdata/local/fallout 4 folder, as well as backup of NMM folders, then after installing fresh drop the old folder straight on top of the new ones. Make sure to set up NMM directories in the fresh install first before dropping old folder on top. Should pick up where it left off. I've done this a few times now.
  18. No worries. We can thank Bethesda for implementing proprietary garbage systems designed to allow crazy unoptimized world building for this game. I tried my hand at regenerating the summer mod but the tree leaves being able to move causes occlusion bugs when they do as previs works from static position calculation, but because tree is mostly static it calculates the leaves/branches too unfortunately.
  19. OK so finished the Master menu. Mod is usable without advanced settings, just with presets I have set up. We've run into a road block with Ai packages however so that's why we aren't posting an teaser/alpha. In the meantime I will start making the advanced menu for NPCs and the main Random Spawns system menu.
  20. Â I love how people make "bland" statements and have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. I refer you to the SECOND part of my post... Â Â This was directed towards Fallout New Vegas, YES, I can run 182 mods, NOT 138 like my old rig I beg your pardon bud, I was simply stating a fact for clarity. I do not care about your failed experience at getting more than 180 odd plugins working, and to state another fact yet again Fallout 4 has no problem with maxing 255 plugins provided you know how to look after a load order. So yeah I hate it too when people post garbage comments that they really have no idea what they are on about. Get back in that armchair of yours and stroke that beard a bit harder before posting again.
  21. There is something wrong with the starting stages of that quest, I think it's mostly harmless but would be nice if it stopped spamming. I'm sure I saw UFO4P talking about this, whether they fixed it yet or not idk. I'll try to take a look at that script at some point when I'm cleaning things up.
  22. I can hear you cackling from here ;) @OP - this is a big job you're hoping to do here, you'd have to be a skilled animator and somewhat programmer to be able achieve this.
  23. You might cast the projectile as a reference first, saying adding Form kPlasmaExplosion = PlasmaExp Player.PlaceAtMe(kPlasmaExp) Utility. Wait(time it takes for explosion that you know) kPlasmaExplosion.Delete() Etc etc I'm not familiar with projectiles and script for them but I do similar thing to clean up actors. On my phone typing this so hopefully. It makes sense
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