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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Not yet. Night light is actually based from the sun as back in the original you could only have 4 dynamic lights (lights that cast shadows). They haven't updated this system. Similar if not same in F4
  2. Yeah it came in an update for F4, I'd expect them to do something similar here for relevance sake but I'm not counting on it.
  3. Whoa thats a hell of a ride. Perhaps it uninstalled some of the various frameworks needed by the games, I'd be reporting that to them as a major problem.
  4. Gods they better update it, for SKSE sake. Apparently they got some "jump table" serup which is used for their diagnostic purposes. And perhaps they'll introduce HBAO :D
  5. Wahaha the scene these days reminds me if hollywood actors and the many that become washed up junkies after they fail/get beat by better candidates (cough* teenage director pets *cough). You need to find a unique spot to slot in. If you're dungeon mod is the same as another well defined mod, your trying to compete in a space that doesn't really need competition, only fulfillment of demand. Maybe take what parts (as in ideas not assets lol) you do like from those mods and create something unique that you yourself would play. And probably a good idea to do some research on those mods pages to see what users complain about. I find most people are pessimistic these days, quick to conclude. PM me if you wanna chat.
  6. A lot of work went into it. Guess I'll read the whole thing when I'm at the PC
  7. No need for this anymore, new DX11 renderer is much better anyway so you should be seeing +50% render performance for objects at least
  8. That is the right thing, also if you applied/copied that line I wrote above to the skyrimprefs. If you have the catalyst look for the tesselation setting and set to 8x if possible (i think thats the right number, if not try different values, otherwise disable God Rays and see what it gives you)
  9. Bad/unupdated meshes are confirmed to cause that issue, but every other time it is associated with corruption of some sort.
  10. And so ends another gamers life in Skyrim...
  11. The problem could be something else but the Unofficial patch helps tremendously
  12. It could do, theres a lot of reports it helps. 7700 falls just below recommended specs though so you might look to disabling god rays in particular, then toning down shadow distance as well. If TAA is on you might wanna switch to FXAA or none at all If your CPU is half decent object distance shouldn't be too much of a hassle with this new DX11 renderer. Lowering shadows will help here though
  13. Well, I got a few texture mods that are the same as OG, feel like I wasted my download. Some claim to have some updates and what not. I think there is a number of mods that are just being "trialed" as such though.
  14. Mmm I thought the god rays were a little intense... Anyway is this a thing? Apologies, I don't understand what this is.
  15. Take wims advice, learn to order manually :). You'll live longer :D. I'd post an example order but I'm on my phone...
  16. Confirmed was a SMIM problem. Fixed now along with chain meshes that caused various problems including CTDs
  17. SMIM been updated with some fixes now, but I started to CTD every 5 seconds after I first installed some mods, until I installed USSEP. Then it was happy days again, well at least for the past 6 play hours.
  18. Which R200 card? R270? Probably God-rays and tesselation issue or vsync need to be set by driver instead of in game. Google the first issue but for the second you can add ivsyncpresentinterval=0 to [display] section of skyrimprefs.ini in documents/mygames/sse folder and then set vsync in in driver instead.
  19. Byt wouldn't it work if you just made another save? Wouldn't that save it to the new type? Seems odd if it doesn't...
  20. This problem is usually caused by mesh corruption of one sort or another, usually in VRAM or RAM, possibly from bad overclock or memory issues. I have just seen one case that was claimed by the hard drive itself, a bad sector led to loading corrupted file. But due to the updated mesh system, some incompatible mods/meshes are causing this issue. Choose mods wisely if they contain meshes. SMIM was recently updated to fix most these issues, if not all, within that mod.
  21. I'd be googling for this problem in relation to any hardware you have for sound, including gfx card. I have seen similar problems that have been the fault of codec packs and the like but yeah I couldn't give you a definite answer
  22. I recently had some problem with CTD that I couldn't understand, first it started in vanilla likely because of auto save that got away from me (I'm sure I let one or 2 go). Then within a few hours of that I decide to start adding some mods, bang CTD every 5 seconds. I forgot to add the USSEP, after adding that my problems went away again. I was swearing black and blue my game was going corrupt after so much hours because of a couple autosaves, had the same symptoms as I had seen before. I'll be interested to see how long it holds up now, but been about 4 hours in game crash free. Never trust the auto or quicksaves (unless there is some confirmation it has been heavily updated), especially with mods.
  23. Anyone know or seen any kind of mod that adds dynamic lights to things like Dragon deaths, spells in hand or cast, torchbugs, etc etc etc? Now that we have the new deferred renderer, I figure this is finally viable, but never seen if anyone ever attempted it due to previous limit of forward rendering Oldrim. Anyway if anyone knows of something, drop us a link! Cheers
  24. I think you have the bloom problem too, Magnaclub/Kesta mentioned to lower it in default settings to get it a bit sharper and less "bloomy". If you can nail interiors I'm sold.
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