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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Mmm I find this incredible that you have ENB running with the SLi. Both XFire and SLi produce problems for me, virtually the same, whether I change AFR or not. @PeterMartyr- if you find the use for 2 cards, good for you, for the most part it is not worth buying that second card, might as well invest in the full package. Crazies recommending to buy 2x 1070s living over 1x 980ti or 1080, even at the the golden price point actually not doing themself any favors unless they stick only to apps that are supporting or happen to work. All otherwise just rich boys bragging points
  2. It'll probably be on their "wiki" eventually, glad to know it's there though. I assume it will probably not convert old files to the new format, but instead do the equivalent of say, putting a wet cat in a microwave. It won't dry him out, but he sure be cooked.
  3. You might have a sound issue, I haven't checked if they gone back to straight .wav format but could be some kind of sound issue. Apparently the exe updates were only very minor.
  4. If he's only using the 3 mods, then the info will be useless anyway.
  5. Thats draw calls not cells :D. You can view that info in ENB profiler. It's not just limited to draw calls but that is the best indicater for CPU max performance. Also max polys being drawn is a good measure. It is possible to have say 6000 draw calls, but 8 million total polys which for me also equates to borderline playable. This info is not available in F4 or SSE ENB just yet so draw calls is the best tell. Edit - a "draw call" is the call to render an object, but also for applying effects. So for example there could like 5 draw calls for one object( or more or less), eg a barrel could have different maps and effects plus say shadows etc.
  6. SMB92


    So its like a free-source open download? Or a source-free open download?
  7. Somehow it's been flagged wrong then. They seem to have added in the "Torturer's Hood" to SSE, so I wouldn't be surprised if they changed it. But then it could be one of your mods if it happens to touch these kind of things.
  8. Lots of issues with Intel integrated graphics, from what I'm seeing they aren't working well with deferred render. More or less they take a "universal" approach to gfx, they don't seem to have fine tuning for independent apps and games.
  9. Afterburner has always been the most straightforward for me. Well technically RivaTuner Stats Server that comes with it.
  10. If you haven't got a gfx card, unfortunately there hasn't been a fix for integrated gfx.
  11. Seems to me something is spawning bad, hence why I target NPC type mods. Others have reported similar stuff. Trial and error with mods for now I'm afraid.
  12. And that will never happen. SLi is basically just a marketing myth these days...
  13. No worries, I will say that JKs will depend on your rig. For example my OG can stand about 6000 draw calls before frame will look to dive, about 8000 I'm at just playable rates (40fps~). With new DX11 renderer, around 16000 before tanking.
  14. Oh you thought they'd implement HDT like physics by default? :D :D :D
  15. Avira and BitDefender consistently at the top of AVTest.org charts. BitDefender particularly well known for minimal performance impact and highest security. Avast is just as good, Kaspersky and AVG also as good, but too much bloatware and ads for their meaningless add ons.
  16. Guess you'll have to go through and see which mod causes this problem, and if you can find it plz report it on that mods page so they can fix it :)
  17. Well, mods like Populated Cities, Immersive patrols have been reported to have CTDs at specific locations etc, so maybe for you WARZONES is causing it. I'm not sure what edits/info that these NPCs would have to cause that crashing, but I'd be looking at that first.
  18. Norton is a pile of garbage, feel very sorry for you if you paid for it. Get either Avira or BitDefender. I am using Avast right now but I'm looking to get rid of it (although it actually runs pretty well, up there with BitDefender) because they spam the fun out of me to buy so much extras when I have Premier edition already
  19. SMB92


    Then you answered your own question :D
  20. I play very similar style to you, Expert will be where its at. Say goodbye to sneaking until you level high on Master, and god forbid Legendary. On OG Skyrim I have quite a lot of mods like CWO, DCO, SoT, ASIS/SPERG, various creature mods etc etc, and I've always found expert the limit without forcing me into singular playstyles.
  21. I heard that the menu was stuffing up load orders. From that second post, a lot of mods there have issues, you might wanna revert to using NMM instead and heavily reading post sections of mods
  22. I've heard quite a few issues with 960 cards, not sure if you're case is related to that alone. You did as much troubleshooting your self as I would have recommended, so perhaps you are doomed :D
  23. And blacks are too black. It's the way they have to make things due to the way the engine handles things. With snow, you can turn off "new snow" setting in INI if that part at least bothers you a lot. Until brave new heroes come forth with ENB. It doesn't bother me that much yet, but will one day.
  24. Quite easy to install, just extract the zup/rar, copy contents from "wrapper" folder to Skyrim install folder (not data). There are some uploads claiming to be ENBs but they only have Reshade stuff. They are just using the name atm. The features are too early for user friendliness; wait until you start seeing uploads from renown authors.
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