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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. If there are deleted ref's, that'd be on greekrages part concerning the Starlight mod. I only ran the precombination and previs correctly and tested it in game. I'll have a look at the log for that again. Regarding vault 1080, I've confirmed it's got something to do with the included meshes for that mod. here is a link to that mod if you didn't already have it. See, for proper generation we need the mod assets loaded into CK, or the custom models won't show up and/or precombination will get disabled. Precombining bakes them in. But this mods files are not working for it. When I read what you said about not having any other mod assets loading, I thought you considered that, so sorry my miscommunication. CK doesn't crash when generating without the assets, of course, but no point to generate because it will be broken without them..... First mod I've seen so far with this issue, I'd really like to find out what's wrong with the offending mesh, but I'm no modeler.
  2. Ah so there looking to put the final nail in the coffin of the performance of this game. I suppose it has something to do with the VR if thats still happening. Its not like they let the game sit to far above 4GB VRAM anyway. Perhaps they'll update for that via an INI setting. That'd be a new one.
  3. Thanks. As for the diner, I'm thinking of replacing the Window with a solid wall for this spot. I'm puzzled by it.
  4. The chairs near the window are all separate instances, and their box is much shorter than the windows. There is a reasonable gap between the wall, neither of the boxes are actually clipping. The wall is individual, and not part of a static collection. It's really bizarre that it's just his one window and the rest work.
  5. I always work in CK without modded assets, only those included with the mod. I have commented out all my folders in data. I am also aware that custom meshes bake themselves into the precombined meshes, which would be a huge problem for a number of reasons. CK still crashed after login so there wasn't any updates there that could've fixed this problem. The log is the same, crashes when generating in Cell 25, 18. Link to the log for convenience. My assuming it is an object is only a troubleshooting step, it never made it to the next cell (I know more were to come because it does at least 25 cells - whats loaded - at a time using that option, and it hadn't done that many yet). Link to Starlight Bright Again. In the meantime I will try initially disabling the seat to see if it changes anything. Edit - just spotted your second post there, I'll look at that now.
  6. @montky - All of my technicals are down pat, it's a problem with an object in the mod for sure. Has to be. It could be a material thing, but I need to locate the offending file first. I'll try this login and see if an updated file makes it go through Regarding greekrage's mod, he never included precull data for it. I went along and made it all, tested it all, so that users will never have issues with the mod (like the graphic issues you mentioned). He kindly uploaded it for the benefit of his users. Without this updated data, these kind of problems were to be expected as long as the game still pointed to the original previs/precom data. Regarding FPS drop, his main building ais a super detailed beast, at some points I can produce up to 20,000 draw calls nearby. Precul ldata notched that down in surrounding areas a bit, but staring right at it is still a problem.
  7. Insufficient, you must log in with the CK before enabling an edit because it downloads decryption files for the editor. Wow didn't know that. Most of my works have been successful though. I'll get right onto that and see if it helps. Here is a pic of the location. The selected wall is the one that has occlusion bugs when looking out of it, behind me there are more windows with seat, and more windows upstairs, and they are all fine in game.
  8. 1. I didn't login to Beth from the CK, but I am logged in with the launcher. I don't have any other problems though? 2. Drama is there are other chairs up against the windows that don't seem to have this problem. I'll get you a pic of the location just to be sure. Thanks for the reply BTW :smile: EDIt - just to add,, regarding 1080 - it does generate a number of cells successfully before it gets to that cell and just crashes.
  9. I've been doing some heavy research and experiments into the whole precom/previs system and I am looking to write an article and guide on it. I've made great progress on the method to the madness, but I've run into some problems that I can't fully explain. The first one, subject of the topic, is when I load up the Vault 1080 mod in CK and try to generate precom geometry for the all the loaded cells, it always crashes the CK. Looking at EditorWarnings, I can see it got to cell 25, 18 successfully but it fails sometime during that cell. Now I know its a hard ask as there aren't a whole great deal of people with knowledge, but it is imperative I find the cause. If anyone could help me find the cause I'd be much obliged. Also while I'm here, I've got another weird issue. I recently done the precull data for the Starlight Bright Again mod by greekrage, and he has uploaded it for users, it was all fine. However I find that one of the concrete walls with windows, which has proper collision, has occlusion bugs when looking through the window although there are multiple of this object in the same cell that are perfectly fine. I'm looking at whether a nearby chair next to the wall causes this as it happen to clip it (its up against it) but that doesn't make much sense. Anyway any relevant info would be appreciated.
  10. That last post was a bit on the "too far" side of thanks.....
  11. SMB92


    Still playing my Day 1 save to this day.... Couldn't ask for more, to be able to jump between nuclear apocalypse and fantasy dragon land :)
  12. SMB92


    Apparently, that guy was asked to remove the files. I saw a post about that on Reddit.Was that the person going by the name Chung-something on Github? The files there haven't been touched by the seems since October.
  13. SMB92


    I had a brief look at a github repository from someone who recompiled (?) SKSE to 64 bit, there is a hell of a lot of code in there. I guess a lot of it is related to papyrus which supposedly hasn't changed much but yeah seeing that made me shudder. They did get it to show the version number in game by commenting out every function.
  14. Tapioks is making an enbeffect file that works on time of day correction etc. I'd keep an eye out for it. From what I understand, it won't be called or part of "enhanced shaders" mod he previously made.
  15. No we don't want Bethesda playing around with cutting edge, they are like NASA, they should stick with the old reliable.
  16. Which part do you find hilarious? I'm interested in your answer to that.
  17. Just to clarify my position, my statements are generalized, not regarding the OP. BTW hello Shezrie, I have seen the posts on your mod pages, very nice of you to go out of your way for people. Regarding asshat mod users, sometimes I just hang around the tech support thread and answer questions when I'm really just garnering information. Sometimes users push their luck and/or have frustration snaps if they aren't understanding the problems or their problems is unique to their systems. Sometimes they want to be abusive and I want to say that best approach is to just politely end the conversation, but I am of the opinion if somebody wants to give you what for, you give them what for back. End of day, can't help anyone who doesn't want to help themselves, that's fair enough. Now regarding mod authors, let me give you a hypothetical example of what I think is fair game: Say mod user Joe downloads "A mod". Joe has no idea how to deal with mods, so he makes a post asking the author what needs to happen to make it work. Joe never receives a reply, so after 3 days (yes I know it is more like 3 hours in reality lmao) Joe is pissed off and posts abusive comments to the author. Author replies in an angry fashion, calling Joe all manner of names and telling him to read the f'ing description etc etc. I think this is fair game on the author's account. Now take the same example but cut out the part about Joe posting abusive comments and instead, author replies to first question in abusive manner. In that situation the author is in the wrong. No ifs or buts. Take note I mentioned this particular, common situation. I mean, this is textbook stuff, school children should know this s#*!. And I will say, sometimes I ask a dumb question when I have forgotten or looked over something. If I get a reply that tells me to read description again, then I apologize most of the time. Nothing wrong with that. If I don't get an answer, then I troubleshoot further. Most times I find my answer 2 minutes after asking, but then, my whole life is dictated by Murphys law :D
  18. A lot of these statements are proving my point, if nothing nice or constructive to say, then don't say. This is what you're saying and this is what I'm saying. And I see once again people is failing to look at examples of ethics because everything is literal to them.
  19. Anytime someone mentions a real life job there's one argument and only one needed - this is not a job for any of us. We don't get paid, it's not a product, nothing is guaranteed....   .... which makes me dread the day paid modding comes back. I too dread that day... I made a small edit below my comment after reading comment above. I must call it out seems you posted, my most recent memory of seeing this was in a post by yourself and ccmads on the Homemaker page I think. I am not looking for a flame war here, only to point out that the situation was uncalled for for what was posted, this is the things that I have a problem with. The enquirer was insulted/attacked, when his enquiry contained no negatives against anything or anyone (unless he edited what I saw, then I would concede), and yet he received a very negative response, as so much to be called an idiot. Sure his question didn't make much sense at first, and Sharlikran gave as best an answer as could be interpreted I would suppose, but I did not see any reason for what came next.
  20. There are still a lot of of cocky modders around, who do act "entitled", so while this guy might be out of line I would not disagree that this doesn't happen. Some examples I have seen, I would compare with a boss and a trainee. If the boss is a condescending prick, nothing constructive can become of the trainee (considering they are a regular joe, this is a basic example). I would agree that some authors have become sick of answering questions but I would compare that to a celebrity and paparazzo. It comes with the position. This is just metaphorical, do not take literally, I will not argue the inconsistencies. My opinion is based on my position as a manager of a mobile repair company, I am not perfect but my position relates. I am leveled with mundane questions all day long from customers and trainees alike. I might not like to answer them at the best of times, but that does not provide me an excuse to vent my frustrations on anyone. KISS rule can apply here, an an honorable mention to one author I see apply this daily; EnaiSaion. There might be no customer here, but the ethics, I believe, still apply. If they don't want to answer, then they shouldn't, they don't have to be insulting.
  21. 3.5GB of fast memory, to be exact ;)
  22. There should be an option under the resolution settings in CP that lets you select the hz rating. I've seen a 144fps monitor with options for 60, but I'm not sure if it works that way for all monitors.
  23. SMB92


    Folks, it would be best to move on from SSE for a time, until SKSE is out. Save yourself the anxiety, and potentially losing interest in the game
  24. Nah, it has always been around I'm afraid. If you're having whole towns show up naked there's a good chance something is amiss in whatever mod your using (I'm assuming something like Populated Cities) but anything that touches on the same npcs can trigger it. It's very annoying. I would try the console trick once, if it works permanently for you then thats golden but if it comes back everytime you come to town I would be seeking support with the mods themselves or dropping them
  25. This is an engine bug, usually happens with mods for various reasons. Best you can do is open the console and select the npc, type "disable" then "enable" and they should be clothed again.
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