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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Missing a master file from Skyfall then. You might have to drag that list a bit to see whats on it but by the sound of it thats the dlcs. Anyhow deactivate skyfall and you should be good to go
  2. Kk ill have a better look on the pc
  3. This usually indicates a missing master file. Im not sure how to see it in NMM, but i suggest you go download Wrye Bash, and when you open it if any of those mods havexa red box next to them look down in the right hand corner and it will have a list of files that file needs. If this shows clean, we will have to look at some settings.
  4. This is a new one for me, havent heard of that in any of the games so far. Can i get a link to your mod plz?
  5. Didnt NMM just update to include this feature?
  6. Gods, ive got 53.7 just because i need it for Vividians installer (everything else in wrye) and it still cant manage to install all its files properly. Author swears the installer is fine on his end. Im also starting to believe Win10 is starting to break things very quietly.
  7. Oh lol true that. Well im not sure of the integrity of that mod you got. Perhaps its good idk. Does the game load without it? Or at least does the game load with cco reordered like said?
  8. Lol well there you go, i will use that line more frequently XD
  9. Okay move the main cco esp above the cco - permanent birthsign esp (so swap those two) and get rid of random alt start and get Live Another Life by Arthmoor. Rest of load order is good so far, good job.
  10. Not much RLO will do to break your game, it just changes lights, if anything this will bring about soft conflicts. Scripted mods in your LO is where you want to be searching, as well as optimizing enb/game settings adequately. Troubleshooting this game begins with the knowledge you prevented all other problems in the beginning by optimizing said settings. Anyway all that aside, the only way to know or find out the causes is to know at least the basics of whats in each mod, by that i mean you looked at it in tesvedit.
  11. Dis you try getting rid of Hyper-threading in bios? If Skyrim open 2 threads for rendering but they are in one core thats split, it would make sense this halves performance. It does on my 3960x anyway. Also, go somewhere where the 42fps is at, ooen the console, open the enb profiler dropdown and tell me what numbers are next to draw call count and the one below it. One shoukd be a few thousand the other in the millions, possibly hundred ks
  12. I knew you would be back ;) In NMM, what mods you got loaded under the Plugins tab?
  13. That log is much cleaner and only few errors now, however SOS is complaining about something it ant reference in the save, i think?. Did you reinstall this? You can reinstall it, just maybe have a look at it manually and make sure you got all the files there. How often are these ils occuring exactly? Is there a pattern/trend that it does this when going to the open world or just any cell?
  14. This cant be right. I get better performance in win10 and my custom system wont have bar of win8, win8 just bsod every 5 min and win10 worked out of the box. Ill say that ive had some strange happenings lately but i use ab ultra ENB, vividian 7, and no performance problems there. Slowman, can you post your enblocal settings please?
  15. Definitely check out those 2 mods, youve missed one of their bsas or data folders im sure of it.
  16. Well, in the case of followers, i dont think the distance settings work here. Like the npcs that is. Ill have to look at this one further unless someone cares to explain it in the meantime.
  17. Adult mods caused every problem you describe. Well probably not really, but i just wanted to say that because i despise them. I dont think there will be answers in it, but if you can post a papyrus log, maybe something came up.
  18. Seems mine didnt install properly. Gee im having fun with NMM lately, for the whole 2 mods that i use it for. Magnaclub - i would probably pay you a donation to make a BAIN installer ;)
  19. It just came up with youe mod as the only one on the page. I just pressed the files button, didnt select any option from the drop menu, i searched straight off the main page. Your mod interests me though ;). Please remove those curtains from Candlehearth Hall, they look odd. Up to you but, just saying.
  20. Well, i might need your bsa files to do it. I think my editor "saved" the errors. Try something for me, open tesvedit with custompatch and AV enabled and click on "check for errors" in them after they load. If it says none, close tesvedit. If it asks you to save anything, say yes then try to run the game with them on again. This might *fix* them. Not sure if you already did but you could regenerate you AV patch and try it now also. Do the above thing first.
  21. There is one guy who might be able to point you the right way here, ill message him.
  22. Short and sweet would include a spoiler tag for your load order ;) Please post a papyrus log. Might see the cause from there. PS. I am ADHD and i use nothing but Wrye Bash and tesvedit ;)
  23. Lol good point saurus those enb setting are bad too. Expandsystemmemoryx64 oftenccauses crashes set to false. Change memory size from 2000 to 4096 - you could go 5120 or 6144 if you are confident your computer doesnt use much background stuff and you only play Skyrim at the time. Change reserved memory to 384. Also reduce default heap setting in skse ini to 512, its not necessary for it to be higher. Looking at log now. The mod in pos 12 is apparently broken. If im adding the hex right that is either SOS or molag bals inferno.
  24. Its a b&@*$ havin to use the console i agree. Maybe you could try some save tricks like going somewhere and setting the stage back to the start and saving, quitting, reopening game and waiting then setstage to where you were again, and going back. Sometimes stuff like this is what the game needs to fire off the data again. For some reason, something tells me that if you do try the mentioned trick, or similar, that the gamexwill reset the quest items and you may have to "reobtain" them. Or that might be the reason the setstage doesnt work anyway. Anyway thats just a vague memory i have with something i troubleshooted before. Its been a while since i run into quest or script errors XD
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