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Everything posted by SMB92

  1. Curious you have 5 instances of ms02 script with what seems to be no data in it. Im not an expert on this, couldnt suggest to remove those instances without breaking the whole thing. If you manage to get hold of Arthmoor, ask him about that. I dont have my old saves with that quest active atm
  2. I know there is an article i read about recognition problems on laptops with dual gfx, i think you have to disable the cpu gfx and run the game. Has something to do with disabling MS/cpu driver for the integrated gfx so you can get it to recognize the 860m. Google something about this.
  3. Reason we wanted to redownload SMIM is to ruleout a corrupted mesh, i was hoping that might be the case and the areas you crashed in might have been affected. Btw Skyfalls goes right above SMIM esp. SMIM should overwrite a few meshes but generally if you know a mod contains custom meshes/textures you just let it overwrite SMIM if you wanna see the new model from the other mod. USLEEP should be on a separate website, AFK Mods. Maybe just get the usual unofficial patches and install those.
  4. As long as your load order comes out better youll be fine. Its rwally only when you remive too many mods from a save it plays up, scripted mods especially if you dont follow uninstall procedure if the author has detailed one, but even then the more mods you remove the more chance of breaking
  5. I would try reinstalling your xpmse setup from scratch. I had trouble understanding the terms for it because there is no specific list on it, but i did get it right the first time. What i did was: Install CBBE base files for Curvy Install FNIS Install RaceMenu Generate CBBE curvy never nude HDT, held CTRL while clicking save body so the two mesh files i needed saved into BodySlide directorInstall Equipping Overhaul with DSR meshes (all the same if its just DSR) Install XPMSE Run FNIS generator Just listing it out like that so you can check against it. Regarding the ctd, you tried fast travelling away from said area or any attempt to leave the area your in ctds?
  6. Ive had that stupid grid show up in my games before, its exacerbated by a certain setting, which i cant for the life of me remember right now :/ Might have been AA or anisotropic filtering. Check youve got both turned off in Skyrims inis. Ill think on it in the meantime. Edit - Oh lol a third 770 user to get hit by a graphical bug in 2 days. Hopefully this iant a gpu problem. Ive had the bug in New Vegas, i just cant remember which setting made it go away. It wasnt frim ENB either.
  7. Also, what trouble did you have with installing the bouncing boobs? I know they are kinda all over the place about it. Anyway easiest way is download bodyslide, open it and choose CBBE curvy hdt and save that, then install all xpmse staight on top. For UNP, maybe bodyslide can do it too but otherwise idk where a hdt enabled version of it is uploaded.
  8. With that load order you might as well give up. SkyRE on top of Ordinaror? Look i dont like to come across condescending or rude but my friend, thats the worst load order ive seen this month. And you can create as many patxhes as you like with tesvedut and bashed patch but unless you go back over it by hand with a load irder that big, no automated patch will cover it all. There are two ways to mod, light and easy or all out guns blazing. For the latter you need to take much control of your patch away from automated programs. Bash is the best for getting all the list stuff over, sure, but it misses things, mods arent tagged etc etc. All i can say is go back to the drawing board.
  9. Well tour load order isnt tragic but you still need to learn how to use tesvedit to resolve conflicts. Make yourself a patch by using "copy as override into" and select new file (you do this by right clicking on a record you want to copy to your patch and edit). Much guides available for this. Also spend some time optimizing your INI files. Also be careful which files you clean, im pretty sure you dont clean the Bethesda esms.
  10. It seems there is is something broken on that quest stage, ill have a better look in the morning with CK and see if i cant spot a workaround. Id say the save game is crashing because the script is stuck somehow. I would of thought USKP would have fixed it if it touched it :/. Funnily enough though, that was the last quest i did on my last save game that i abandoned due to massive updates, and it played out fine both ways. Maybe has something to do with me NEVER using autosave and quicksave?
  11. @hkrecon - your load order is good about half way down but the top half is still a bit messy. Youve got a lot going on for AI, i think you might have a ctd related to bad NPC conflict somewhere, cos im not really seeing anything in the way of navmesh conflicts (these ctd you quickly in specific spots.) Could be aomething else also but thats about all i can think of at present. Im actually at that market in my own game and theres nothing wrong with ETaC itself here. @Sailing - go get the unofficial patches by arthmoor. A tually just google USLEEP and download that. See if this fixes the DB specific problem. If not redownload SMIM and reinstall, a broken mesh will ctd you every time and nexus often half downloads things.
  12. There is something in common about your ctd, let me think harder on it.
  13. If you all stopped using autosaves and quicksaves youd probably avoid most of these problems. And you cant fix a save by making a full save from a loaded quicksave/autosave, damage is done. When will it effect you? Cant say for sure. Took 75hours for one of my saves to go broken without changing any mods. Its well known fact. Of course there is more to it than that depending your setup with scripts, but this is the majority of problems.
  14. Wow that looks like the gpu is dying. Your the second person in as many days with a 7 series card having problems, did you update the driver recently? Sometimes i wonder if nVidia like to give out a killer driver. You might try researing your gfx card just to rule out bad connection. But that looks like what i see with broken gpus. The other thing that occasionally gives a black texture bug has something to do with lighting but this is not the case here.
  15. Just DL the installer version instead
  16. Set reserved to 384, set other to 4096 and if still the problem is there try 5120 and if still there report back.
  17. You want Disparity by Kryptopyr. It allows custom input as well as a fairly well balanced preset for class selection, based on Oblivion.
  18. Just based on conversations i had with others and general opinion of the site TesGeneral. I never really had a ctd with it, but then i never had much fun with them dragons :( Dragon Combat Overhaul on the other hand, wow. Warzones is fun if you like to just hack and slash.
  19. Seems like aomething in that quest is getting broken somehow, cant really see anything that would break it drom your load order but i will make a suggestion, try not to use autosave and quicksave, always make full saves. AS and QS's will break your game eventually. You might try the console code setstage to manually progress when the bug occurs, for this youll have to look up the quest formids and figure out which one applies to you at the time. But yeah seems like its getting broken for unexplained reasons. You probably wont have much luck looking in tesvedit for this one, seems you added those 2 mods and the result was the same.
  20. Okay settings are good but you might want to try increase memory size to a little higher, try 4096 and 5120 if you still get the problem. You *might* be running out of memory, i know my game uses 7gb+ on my heavy setup but so long as you keep background usage low these should be fine. Test that out and report back. You might also try enabling compression to reduce tex file size in memory, but this might give you some stutter
  21. Skyrim is better than any benchmark or stability test i have used at picking out flaws in your hardware lol. In saying that, im trying to look back at other reasons this occurs, i do remember having done something about this before but its been a while now. What memory settings are you playing with in ENB? Post you them out of your enblocal file if you can plz.
  22. In theory that sounds good but from what i saw the formids given to entries in a savegame is random and seems to be assigned when said change takes effect. Unless there is another way of identifying the said entry in the save, id say this would be no good also.
  23. Okay so we might be looking at a hardware problem. Seems everything is going corrupt. Have you tried any other games at all? Could be the 770 or RAM. Ill double check there isnt another reason for it, but this same thing happens to me when i have a bad overclock and memory becomes unstable.
  24. Okay so we might be looking at a hardware problem. Seems everything is going corrupt. Have you tried any other games at all? Could be the 770 or RAM.
  25. Be sure to look at Complete Alchemy and Cooking Overhaul too. And get my RND2 patch for it also XD
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