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Everything posted by Hickory

  1. There is (to my knowledge) no way to change the screenshot capture key in Oblivion. What I find quite odd is that a NifTools oddity is causing your screenshots to be created as folders. That has me scratching my head... not much use, I know. :confused:
  2. Bad move, just deleting folders. Try following Bben's Reinstall Procedure.
  3. Do you have a camera attached? I just checked my ini and it has these entries: [CameraPath] iTake=0 SDirectoryName=TestCameraPath iFPS=60 SNif=Test\CameraPath.nif To be honest, I do not know what those entries are for. It may be that (if you have a camera) the camera software is catching the PrtScn key press. I do not have a camera attached, and I can take screenshots, provided that AA is not enabled -- Oblivion won't let you do that.
  4. Hiya Auri *waves*, Have you checked the following entry in your Oblivion.ini? SScreenShotBaseName= If you are getting a folder called 'Testcamerapath' it is likely that the above entry reads SScreenShotBaseName=Testcamerapath If so, delete any Tescamerapath folders, and replace the above entry with SScreenShotBaseName=ScreenShot You can also reset the base numbers with iScreenShotIndex=<whatever number you like>
  5. There was a patch for the WAC Alpha, not the later Beta. It used to be hosted on gamefront, but is no longer there.
  6. Go to \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ and delete 'oblivion.ini'. Now run the game *from the launcher* (OblivionLauncher.exe). Choose 'Options' (underneath 'Data Files') and set your preferences and save. You will now have a clean ini.
  7. That doesn't look right. Better cities has toggle-able Open Cities, not including IC, and doesn't (as far as I am aware) require any 3rd party Open Cities Resources.
  8. Incorrect or incomplete installation. Read the readme very carefully.
  9. Oblivion will refuse to save the settings if they are invalid. For example, you cannot enable AA and HDR at the same time. If you want both, only enable HDR in-game, and force AA through your video driver control panel. You should also make sure that you have a valid ini file. This should be found in \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\, and is calle Oblivion.ini -- NOT the one in the installation folder.
  10. I've never had an issue before, and I was indeed trying to alter the wrong file. I'll see if your suggestion works, and if not, I'll be back. I don't usually worry about anti-aliasing, but thanks for the advice :smile: ETA: That did it, thanks! Cool. :thumbsup:
  11. Which ini file are you editing? The ini file inside of the installation folder should not be touched. You should edit oblivion.ini that's in \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\. You should also be aware that taking screenshots in Oblivion with antialiasing enabled does not work. If you want antialiasing, use Fraps for your screenshots.
  12. That's almost certainly because you have Oblivion installed to the 'Program Files' folder, correct? If so, uninstall and re-install to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion. Windows protects the 'Program Files' folder structure, so that data is not allow to be added/edited in there, so it ghosts everything to a virtual store. Installing to C:\Games\Oblivion will overcome this, and your data will be where you expect it to be.
  13. That isn't really a solution... The version of this texture pack I installed *is* an OMOD. Well you obviously know better then, so carry on...
  14. The first thing you have to learn is to NOT use OBMM for anything (and I mean ANYTHING) other than installing and uninstalling OMODs by double clicking on them, for extracting bsa files, and for creating OMODs. You have borked your bsa archives by using the outmoded alteration method. OBMM, by default, uses bsa redirection, the currently accepted method for archive invalidation. Being a complete novice, your best bet now is to uninstall and re-install Oblivion to revert the bsa archives to their original state, and do NOT, under any circumstances, listen to anybody who tells you to use OBMM to do anything other than the tasks set out above -- OBMM is useless at anything else, period.
  15. You are describing the classic symptoms of the ABomb animation bloat. There is an option in Wrye Bash to attempt to 'fix' the Abomb by resetting the counter. Be aware that it is not 100 percent safe, so back up your saves before fixing them.
  16. Bzzzzt! Get it out of there. Uninstall Oblivion, and reinstall *outside* of the Windows protected 'Program Files' folder structure. Install to somewhere like C:\Games\Oblivion. Get used to NOT installing games to the Program Files folder.
  17. It shouldn't, if the master files are true master files (.esm). If they are esp plugins, then yes.
  18. Try deleting your \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\ConstructionSet.ini , and make sure that you quit the CS before you do.
  19. If you're sure that it's not OBGE, then delete your \Documents\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini and re-launch the game from OblivionLauncher.exe .
  20. You need to run it as Administrator ("requires elevation" is telling you that). You have Oblivion installed in a *very* unusual place, having it in 'Documents'. Not a good idea at all.
  21. I haven't used OBGE in the longest time. Does it still come with the support plugin? Because if it does, that plugin will load every single shader in your shaders.txt file -- disable it.
  22. It's nice when all that is needed is a little prod in the right direction, and the questioner then proceeds to work out the issue on their own. Well done, and have a kudo. :thumbsup:
  23. That is your problem, which you have answered yourself -- you need to uninstall/start over. The included readme is quite comprehensive, so you need to read it carefully.
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