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Everything posted by Hickory

  1. Do not take any notice of that dubious 'advice', unless you want to completely uninstall everything and start again. The 'Data' folder is where Oblivion places all of it's assets, and it's where your mod assets go, too. If you delete it, your game will not work, period. As for your Sigil stone problem, how many mods do you have installed, and how many plugins (OBSE, OBGE, etc.)?
  2. Maybe so, but since so many people are screaming out for proper tagging, should the Nexus close it's ears and eyes, and plod on as though it doesn't matter, so as to NOT add a very simple requirement? People are required to do many things on the Nexus, and ticking a few boxes for tags is hardly any effort at all.
  3. In an ideal world, Categories would be eliminated in favor of thoroughly tagged files. This, sadly, is not an ideal world. I think that authors should not be able to 'publish' their mods unless and until they have set tags. I have no idea if this could be coded, but it would solve a hell of a lot of problems, with new mods at any rate.
  4. All 'manufactured' or 'summoned' items and creatures have a base ID starting with 'FF', whereas things added in the CS begin with the number corresponding to the load order of the mod that added it. For example, anything added by Oblivion.esm (the base master) begins with '00', the next mod loaded by the game gets '01' etc. This data is stored in saved games, yes, and the easiest way to find an ID for an item created in-game is to save the game as a text file. Open the console and type (eg.): save SaveDump 1 The appended '1' created a text dump of the save, and you will find it with your other save games, but with a .txt suffix. The above example would be saved as SaveDump.ess.txt Open the dumped file and search for the name of the item you are looking for. Remember, if it's created in-game, the ID will begin with 'FF'.
  5. No, that Oblivion_default (left over) can *not* cause problems, and you absolutely *can not* replace it with Oblivion.ini from the Documents folder safely. The Documents file is always altered by the game for hardware purposes, and most likely tweaked by you also. Whoever told you that was speaking out of their posterior. <rest of wall of text snipped>
  6. If you deleted your Oblivion_default.ini, then you are going to have to re-install. That file should never, ever be edited or deleted -- it's what the game falls back on to reinstate Oblivion.ini in the Documents folder. It's why it's called Oblivion_default.
  7. Oh, absolutely. I have difficulty understanding many English accents, let alone Scottish, or those from abroad. However, that really wasn't my point. Where does a joke become a laughing stock, though? Even some of the very top actors have got it terribly wrong when it comes to accents. Let's have a look at some of the worst Scottish accents in cinema: Christopher Lambert (Highlander) -- probably the worst Scottish accent of all time. Mel Gibson (Braveheart) -- just listen to the Aussie/American/Scotish accents all in the same sentences. Mike Myers (Shrek, Austin Powers) -- normally does a great Scottish accent, but not here. Sir Michael Caine (Kidnapped) -- Just... Ugh! And he's English! Robin Williams (Mrs Doubtfire) -- even the film makers said it (his accent) was odd! There are undoubtedly many more examples. So, even hiring the best does not cut it (if they're not native) when it comes to accents. But having said that, I am not naive, and I do understand why they do it. But I don't have to like it. :armscrossed:
  8. I think it's time for a sample of Scottish accents from a *real* Scot -- he is speaking in the various accents from the areas he is relating. Do note, though, that his genuine 'Andy Stewart' voice is quite understandable. Andy Stewart - The Rumour :biggrin:
  9. Where you need to interact (via script) with an actor, they need a RefID, yes.
  10. Duplicate one of the CS trigger meshes (TrigZoneACTOR01 or TrigZoneACTOR02, under Activators) and place it in the path (scaled as necessary) of your actor. Read about OnTrigger here, if necessary. The rest, as you say, will fall into place.
  11. That is just laughable, not to mention racist -- the world does not begin and end in America. Not all Scots accents are the same, and many are far more likely to be understood, even by Americans, than the majority of feeble 'attempts' at fake accents. I have to ask: what does 'too Scottish' sound like, precisely?
  12. Sheogorath (or should I say Wes Johnson) sounds nothing like any Scot that I have ever heard, and I lived there for years. Americans doing Scottish (or English) accents hardly ever sound genuine to atuned ears. They should have got a bona fide Scotsman.
  13. You need to add the .bsa to the beginning of 'SArchiveList=' in \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\Oblivion.ini, under [Archive] -- a vanilla entry must look like so: SArchiveList=ArchiveInvalidationInvalidated!.bsa, Oblivion - Meshes.bsa, Oblivion - Textures - Compressed.bsa, Oblivion - Sounds.bsa, Oblivion - Voices1.bsa, Oblivion - Voices2.bsa, Oblivion - Misc.bsa
  14. Replacing the game executable and bsa archives will accomplish nothing if there is a rogue mesh/meshes lying around. Yes, you have. Remove all of the edited files (meshes/plugins) and load a save that was made BEFORE you made these changes. If that works, your edits have borked things up.
  15. I'm with discovery1 on this; it's a sign that you never deleted your old \Documents\My Games\Oblivion\oblivion.ini file. When you do delete it, and run the game from the launcher, it will then re-detect your hardware and you get the dialog about the graphics settings.
  16. The OOO magic script effect fixer just blocks sound and visual effects from some third party mods -- those that change the MGEF entry. This is because OOO has some AOE scripted spell effects, and is meant to alleviate problems from other mods. It is included in a full installation, so you do not need the plugin unless a third party mod that causes above problems loads *after* OOO. So, you need to check if the mods you are using change the MGEF entry -- check with the author/s or readme/s.
  17. I cannot stress this strongly enough: do NOT use OBMM to manage your mods, other than installing OMODs. Never, ever, use it to sort load order, deactivate plugins (other than uninstall OMODs), etc. Use BOSS and Wrye Bash, and MAKE SURE that OBMM is closed once you have used it for the only thing it is good for (installing OMODs), and before using BOSS and/or Wrye Bash. Now then, regarding your missing master in the Bashed Patch: right click on it and select 'File >> Delete'. Now right click anywhere in the plugin window and select 'File >> Create New Bashed Patch' -- the wording might be different, as I don't have Wrye Bash active at this time. Sometimes a Bashed Patch retains data that doesn't get cleaned out, and WB has no way of knowing if this is the case, hence the new patch. This should alleviate your missing master AFTER you have completely removed BhC -- you *must* do this after removing it, or you are beating your head up a wall. Your call.
  18. I find it hard to believe nobody has mentioned WAC or OOO. *shrug*
  19. You haven't performed a clean save/uninstall correctly. You need to uninstall (as per instructions) the upgraded mod, then enter the game and go to another area completely, then wait for four full days -- BEFORE you reinstall the DLC. Save your game, then exit to the desktop. Install the new DLC, then rebuild your Bashed Patch.
  20. Six and two threes, really. Some is far superior (and that's without mentioning Patrick Stewart or Sean Bean) to Skyrim, some is just plain annoying -- the female Imperial (I think the same actress does Bretons, too) NPC voice, for instance. Love the female Redguard voice, male one too. Same with the mer races. Oh, the Breton male voice is pants, too. Not really a full summary, but I haven't played it in a while.
  21. I think it's console commands that have brought you to this. That chest should never have been there in the first place, neither would it have been if the quest variables had not got screwed up, and ended up enabling the chest (which is disabled until the prerequisite time). Go back to choice 2, it's the only way of ensuring things don't get even more screwy down the road.
  22. It will show you all of your mods. The mergable mods are the ones in green. If you read the Wrye Bash readme (again) you will see what each of the colours (and those mods with 'plus' signs next to them) mean. Also, be certain *not* to just check every option given when you build your patch. Again, it is *very important* that you understand what each option does, so read the instructions. There is also a pictorial guide on the Nexus that you can follow.
  23. Yes, every time you add, change, edit, remove a mod, or change load order, you must rebuild your Bashed Patch. You do *not* build a patch for every mod. A Bashed Patch is built for all installed mods, after BOSS has sorted the load order -- read the Wrye Bash instructions.
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