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Everything posted by Hickory

  1. The Oblivion xp stuff is in your save name whatever.obse. Did you include that when you did the rename? No, I didn't. Is it too late now? If you have not quicksaved since, then it shouldn't be. If you *have* quicksaved, then yes, it's lost. I quicksave every 5 seconds, so... Is there any way to fix this? Like reinstalling Oblivion XP? There is no way of fixing your save game, no. You should NEVER rely on quicksaves, anyway -- always use explicit saves, and save regularly in new slots. In other words, you want me to restart the whole entire game, right? Why would you say that? *I* don't *want* you to do anything, I am just answering your questions. What you do with the information is entirely up to you.
  2. The Oblivion xp stuff is in your save name whatever.obse. Did you include that when you did the rename? No, I didn't. Is it too late now? If you have not quicksaved since, then it shouldn't be. If you *have* quicksaved, then yes, it's lost. I quicksave every 5 seconds, so... Is there any way to fix this? Like reinstalling Oblivion XP? There is no way of fixing your save game, no. You should NEVER rely on quicksaves, anyway -- always use explicit saves, and save regularly in new slots.
  3. You need to launch it from Steam, or Oblivion.exe (not Launcher). im talking about the desktop launcher/shortcut you can make from steam -_- by right clicking and clicking create desktop shortcut You need Steam running, therefore launch Oblivion from Steam. Remember, latest OBSE does not run Steam Oblivion from Obse_loader.exe, it uses obse_steam_loader.dll . Well was helpful, so all i need is to run Oblivion from steam to use OBSE. instead of using OBSE_loader.exe just making sure cause before i could run it from that instead of Steam i know it worked liked that cause that was just 4 to 5 weeks ago That's correct. Obse_loader.exe is *only* used for the editor with Steam Oblivion and the latest version of OBSE.
  4. You need to launch it from Steam, or Oblivion.exe (not Launcher). im talking about the desktop launcher/shortcut you can make from steam -_- by right clicking and clicking create desktop shortcut You need Steam running, therefore launch Oblivion from Steam. Remember, latest OBSE does not run Steam Oblivion from Obse_loader.exe, it uses obse_steam_loader.dll .
  5. The Oblivion xp stuff is in your save name whatever.obse. Did you include that when you did the rename? No, I didn't. Is it too late now? If you have not quicksaved since, then it shouldn't be. If you *have* quicksaved, then yes, it's lost.
  6. You need to launch it from Steam, or Oblivion.exe (not Launcher).
  7. I have 1.7GB video ram... No, you don't. You have 128MB dedicated video RAM, and the rest is shared memory taken from system RAM. It's not the same; it will never be the same.
  8. No mod authors are professional; some are entirely unprofessional. As to your problem, continue on with UOP installed, or start a new game. Uninstalling and carrying on will create issues down the road.
  9. This is almost certainly a case of incorrectly installed/uninstalled mod/s. It is, for example, a common problem when you incorrectly install OOO (only named for example), or install it and then uninstall another mod that alters the same meshes and/or textures -- OBMM does not role back previously installed data files like Wrye Bash, for example. Without knowing your complete mod list, and install/uninstall history, it's a difficult nut to crack from your meagre description.
  10. Now you have installed the Xonar, you should disable the on-board card in your BIOS -- check your manual on how to do that. Once you have that disabled, be sure that your oblivion.ini has the following entry: [Audio] bDSoundHWAcceleration=1
  11. This is either incorrect installation or conflicts with other mods, but from your description, I would go with incorrect installation.
  12. You missed (or skipped over) this very important piece of my advice: Nothing you do will be of much use until you follow the above advice. Without your mod order sorted by BOSS, and a Bashed Patch created to pull all conflicts together, the above stands.
  13. Ummmmm, if it's set to "Yes", then you've disabled any "Activity Updates"... :whistling: I meant that it was (and is) set to No :P Yet still nothing shows up. Try saving your settings.
  14. Check your settings: Username dropdown menu >> Preferences. You probably have 'Disable activity tab on your profile' set to 'Yes'.
  15. What OBSE mods and what OBSE plugins do you have? Are you, for instance, running something that alters the game settings real-time?
  16. That doesn't mean squat. Oblivion is an old game, and no matter what your rig specs are, the game engine is incapable of utilising the features of today's hardware... period. As you install more and more mods, especially graphic hungry mods, you *will* have fps issues, there is no escaping it with a heavily modded Oblivion. Now that's out of the way, the first thing you must realise is that many, many Oblivion mods simply will not install correctly with NMM. You *must* familiarise yourself with how mods are installed and work, particularly the file structure. When you then download a mod, check the structure of the archive, and read the instructions carefully. When/if you are satisfied that NMM will be able to install it, then add it manually (from file). Next, you must get used to the idea of using BOSS and Wrye Bash (Bashed Patch), or you will be running back to the forums for help continually -- or tearing your hair out. Mods: The first cosmetic mod I always install is Tamriel NPCs Revamped. This only alters the facial geometry of NPCs, but makes a heck of a difference. Next, install these in THIS order: Improved Facial TexturesImproved Argonian Facial TexturesFacial Textures by EnaylaAfter that, choose your favourite body replacer (Robert's Male/Female, HGEC etc.). Okay I installed everything you said in the same order and I did it all manually. I used HGEC last and for that, I downloaded oblivion mod manager and just double clicked the file, clicked activate and selected it's options. My character still looks the same :( Still blueish blotchy skin, mongoloid shape... :( Please post your mod list from Wrye Bash -- right click on the 'File' tab and select 'View Mods...' and copy/paste everything here (including spoiler/xml tags).
  17. Have you tried something like: Short package If ( package != GetSleeping ) Return Else Do Stuff EndIF
  18. That doesn't mean squat. Oblivion is an old game, and no matter what your rig specs are, the game engine is incapable of utilising the features of today's hardware... period. As you install more and more mods, especially graphic hungry mods, you *will* have fps issues, there is no escaping it with a heavily modded Oblivion. Now that's out of the way, the first thing you must realise is that many, many Oblivion mods simply will not install correctly with NMM. You *must* familiarise yourself with how mods are installed and work, particularly the file structure. When you then download a mod, check the structure of the archive, and read the instructions carefully. When/if you are satisfied that NMM will be able to install it, then add it manually (from file). Next, you must get used to the idea of using BOSS and Wrye Bash (Bashed Patch), or you will be running back to the forums for help continually -- or tearing your hair out. Mods: The first cosmetic mod I always install is Tamriel NPCs Revamped. This only alters the facial geometry of NPCs, but makes a heck of a difference. Next, install these in THIS order: Improved Facial TexturesImproved Argonian Facial TexturesFacial Textures by EnaylaAfter that, choose your favourite body replacer (Robert's Male/Female, HGEC etc.).
  19. I agree entirely, but as I said, companions are legion, and not everybody will find Vilja to their taste, and it's unfair to rule out every other companion for a new user asking for help, no?
  20. Here you go: How to install Oblivion with patches. Kvatch Rebuilt. Companion mods are legion. Start with CM Partners, and then browse the file section on Companions CM Based.
  21. Have you allowed time for Wrye Bash to complete it's processes before trying to install another mod? Wrye Bash keeps track of all data files in real time, and if you try to rush things you will get that 'being used by another process' error.
  22. If you start the game from the launcher, certain ini settings will reset. Once you have your game set up, never use the launcher, use a direct link to Oblivion.exe or to OBSE_Loader.exe.
  23. Personally, I find the trend towards popularity contests quite sad -- it makes me glad I'm on hiatus from modding -- and I'm certain that the staff have bigger issues to focus upon when it comes to site coding.
  24. There is your problem. The game is constantly aware of some things resource-wise, and woefully unaware of others, and you crossed the line. Oops! Game over! :devil:
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