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Everything posted by BigBodZod

  1. I've been noticing something similar, I'm sure Robin and the staff are already on this. I just waited a few minutes and then refreshed and it loaded fine.
  2. In response to post #7972188. I would like to have a setting saved to your logon profile that lets users save the Search to be either basic or advanced by default and that is what shows up when you logon to the Nexus Sites.
  3. Was this an issue on the free download file servers or all of them ? Anyway, thanks Robin and the whole team for fixing this issue and the bug fixes in NMM :D
  4. That sounds good to me, trying it out now, as a GUEST. EDIT: Yay, success as a GUEST paying via Pay Pal, new Lifetime Member.
  5. @captiva, how is that GUEST thing with Pay Pal working ? When you say it linked to your account, do they mean you checking/savings account or just the account used for the debit card ? I really would hate to have anything linked to Pay Pal but if it's like a one time charge then I can live with that ;)
  6. I've been wanting to support the Nexus for awhile now, my issue is that I do not support Pay Pal. Any other means of paying for a premium account ?
  7. @kuddlesworth, If that happened then you would be on a string and hooked to these developers. Do you think they would just give said funds without any strings attached ? We as gamers would hope so but they are a business like any other game developer/publisher.
  8. Take your time Dark0ne as these things can go sideways sometimes ;)
  9. There are those in this world that think the inet is there own playground and they do enjoy fishing and trolling said waters just to get a rise and/or other knee-jerk comments out of others ;) Not saying it is good nor bad behavoir as it depends on your point of view. I do get tired of folks doing this too wondering why they themselves just don't move on to some other gaming forum, but chances are they do this to all the gaming forums they are members of so I bet this is just normal behavior for them. Just remember that humans are funny creatures, they can act in many strange and bizarre ways, the inet proves that to be true.
  10. So far no go, it works fine under Maxthion 2 and 3 and IE9 as these all use the same engine. Have not tired Chrome nor Opera yet however. Other then this one thing, FF works fine on the forums, I also prefer it for the Nexus Mod Sites too but I may switch back to Maxthon for at least the forums so I can properly track unread posts. EDIT: Not sure if this will help id the issue or not, but when I click on the NEW tag under FF I do not get an auto-refresh on the page like I do under Maxthon or IE.
  11. Using FF 13.0.1 and logging out of Skyrim Nexus and the Nexus Forums then clearing the cache and cookies didn't help me. When I click on the NEW tag to the right of a forum it clears it but upon a refresh/reload it comes back. I have not tried yet in any other browser, going to do some more testing on this and see if I can narrow it down. EDIT: Well things are working properly under Maxthon 2.5 which uses the IE Engine Core. I now have to review the FF settings, there must be something I am missing in the settings.
  12. I've been seeing them more and more too also starting seeing error 504, Gateway Time-out too.
  13. I've been seeing them more and more on these forums rather then previously I had only seen the bad gateway error show up on the game specific Nexus sites. I'm in the US and primarily use Firefox on the Nexus sites.
  14. Yes agreed, very funny :D I have to check if there are any mods that that will augment a SHOUT and cause the Wabbajack effect on unsuspecting NPC's and Animals around Skyrim.
  15. Not sure if adverts within the mod are against the EULA or not, but speaking as a huge mod user this would be an insta-fail and a huge not wanted sign to me. I would still recommend talking to Bethesda about this just to make sure and good luck with your adverts.
  16. I had this happen today in fact, I just saved the game where I was and exited and then reloaded and all was good to go. I think it happened due to me using CTRL + ALT + DEL to enter task manager as I thought Skyrim was crashing while loading my latest save game when in fact it took an extra long time to load up. The game auto-switched back to the game before I had a chance to do this and viola, I had my normal desktop mouse along with the in-game mouse.
  17. I've had the same thing happen a couple of times too, I just learn to deal with it as well. Can't read and post too fast on forums due to spamming so I see why it occurs. Of course It comes into play more when I feel like responding to multiple support threads more then any other part of the forums.
  18. I pretty much think the same thing, however, frustration can get the most of folks sometimes and they just want to vent about something that is annoying them. I guess it's best to maybe step back for a few and think about what to post before just going half-cocked and blurting out whatever is vexxing you at that particular moment ;)
  19. I'm thinking other, other people :P As for me I may try it out but not really looking forward to it at all. I've done the MMO thing in the past and got burnt out in about 2 ~ 3 years. The nice thing about many single player games like the Elder Scrolls and the Fallout Series is the SDK and the mods, give me the mods for replay ability all the time :D
  20. I would also hope I would make this choice too, but if this was Real Life then I would have to say human nature would prevail for the most part and the LEGION would have bulk of the population within it's faction. Let's be honest here, humanity has been doing the enslavement and raping thing for a very long time. Does it make it right, no but it's something you can't just ignore and think it never occurred. All this being said there is also a human drive to root for the underdog in these kinds of situations too, look at movies and you can find many examples of this too ;) So being a member of a smaller faction in the NCR could help to motivate you into doing and being more then you thought capable of, who knows for sure but it would be an interesting scenario for sure.
  21. I've taken a break from Skyrim to come back and play FO:NV using some mods I never played with before, in this case the COMPANION mods. Currently playing a one of the Alternate Rose Cassidy mods, very fun. I also decided to futz around with the FO:NV Geck and I modified Vikki's Bonnet and gave to Cass and to me it completes her trampy outfit while fighting out in the wastes :D So I guess this means it's not dead to me. I have also been downloading some mods for both Morrowind and Oblivion and will be playing these games again too.
  22. I no longer use Windows XP Pro x64-bit Edition for my gaming but now use Windows 7 Pro x64-bit Edition instead. Previously I never had issues with my X-Fi cards, currently using the X-Fi Titanium PCIe model. Also, sometimes using one of the BETA releases from Creative will help resolve some gaming issues. Maybe look for the PAX alternate drivers on the Hardware Heaven site.
  23. For me it was the Magnavox Odyssey and the Fairchild Channel F consoles back in the day. Then I got the best of all consoles, the Mattel Intellivision with the Voice Synthesis Module and B17 Bomber :D In high school I was playing around with TRS-80 machines running CP/M which was fun too. Then I got a C64 with a datasette, could not afford a disk drive at the time. Basically it has been all down hill since then.
  24. Hmm, I noticed this from time to time on my machine and it happened on both my older HD 5850 and my newer HD 6970 card. The issue for me however is that I have to view certain objects at a certain angle to notice this, it is not missing textures as I can walk over the see-thru textures and not fall thru. If I pan the mouse to the left-right-up-down then the see-thru texture reappears. This is also random for me, I have only noticed it occurs inside either a building or a dungeon and not all the time. I would hazard a guess this isn't a GPU specific issue but an engine related issue.
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