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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Problem is, when I start editing things, I start skyrim, see if it worked, "Nope" do it again, "nope" again, "Nope" it's very hard if I have to keep doing this over 20 times.


    ...you do know that pressing backspace will reload your ENB config in-game so you can just alt-tab out, change the config file, save, alt-tab back, press backspace, and carry on right?

  2. Well, you should probably start hotkeying your most-used spells (in the powers screen, press F to favorite a spell and then in the favorites menu press 1-8 to hotkey it). You should also look into the armor-raising spells oakflesh, ironflesh, ebonyflesh. And if you're playing a conjurer or destruction mage using long-range spells, you should probably keep your distance. And if you're facing long range enemies, wards and/or cover.
  3. No, wait, sorry, never mind.Had idea but didn't check your list thoroughly :whistling:


    I know you already have a market but if you're stuck for more liveliness in your town, as it hits a certain size there's always room for a specialized butcher/baker/and one or more upper/lower class pubs.Gotta give the local yokels something to do in the evening instead of just sandboxing in their homes.

  4. The creation kit wiki gives this warning for game.getform: Scripts should always be blind to the contents of data files, and rely on properties as the interface through which they access data from data files. As such, this function should only ever be used for debugging purposes.

    Maybe getformfromfile? (blithely ignoring the advice just given :thumbsup:)



    The ID for a form changes based on the load order of the file it loaded from. So a form which shows up as 0101ABCD in the editor may show up as 0401ABCD in game depending on how many other files load before it. This function lets you blindly grab a form based on the lower bytes of its ID and the expected file which created the form.


    ...which may be the problem you are having.

  5. Nothing worse than suspecting your shiny new toy may not be living up to its advertised potential ;)


    I've had a lot of success tweaking the ini files to make the game look more gorgeous than it already does - and using the skyrim configurator is the tool of choice for me to do that.



    And while my aging video cards doesn't allow me to run high-end ENBs (and most of the published ones give me nosebleeds with the amount of bloom and oversaturation anyway), I had good results from using imaginator.

  6. With your gameplaysettings mod active, could you try coc'ing somewhere directly from the title screen? I wonder if this would apply to new games only and not in-progress games.


    For modding these values in-game, most people use the SKSE extensions to the game script, I think.




    (note the text explaining you need to build in a maintenance function to have these changes persist)

  7. There is lots you can do to make skyrim run better - ini file tweaks, not running heavy ENBs, sane texture sizes, not running resource-intensive mods, maybe even things like that hialgo boost mod (although for me that makes the game stutterville).


    I had a quick look at your laptop's specs, if you bought the 1GB videocard version you're always going to be hobbled by that, the 2GB card is obviously better but still would maybe not be able to run super-duper HD textures (depends on just how high-res they are I guess). I'm not sure how the "mobile" variant (since it is a laptop) would impact performance, since I don't know what they did to get it into such a small space. Usually mobile graphic cards are tweaked for lower heat output, meaning they run slower than their desktop counterparts. But perhaps you could overclock it - again, I have no personal experience with that.

  8. it seems to me that my computer thinks Skyrim is a 32-bit program


    Because it is.


    Also, the latest patches are large address aware meaning it can potentially access up to 4 GB minus overhead, that doesn't mean it will do so unless it has a reason to.The game code with mods will probably not take up 4 GB unless you load insane amounts of mods/ugrids (and really, you'd be experiencing endless CTDs before hitting the 4 GB limit) and the textures and meshes go into your video card's ram.

  9. By "they don't have a ref name" you mean the editor ID field is empty? If that is the case the easiest would be to go into actors\actor, sort by editor ID, this will cause them all to end up on top, and delete the bunch. Then save, exit, go into tes5edit, and do an 'undelete and disable references'.


    Not sure if I'm understanding you correctly though.


    You could also find them with the formID, if your plugin is the only one loaded in CK the should all start with 01000 I think, so sorting by formID in actors\actor would also cause them to come up on top.

  10. It's a cool idea but the CW series of quests are awfully complex so there is a lot of potential for breakage. In addition, you'd have to futz with a lot of dialogue or accept silent subtitles.


    so i think most of this could be done by adding and removing dialogue options with some scripting


    This is true for any quest, but I think you're slightly underestimating just how much work would be involved. There are something like 70-80 CW quests (while many have nothing to do with the oath thing, you'd have to go over them all) and many have multiple dialogue trees and incredible numbers of stages.



    Just looking at it makes me :psyduck:

  11. Yes, that's what I meant. Second random thought - are you coming into this scene "fresh" or are you loading a save where you're already there? Because that may also explain the lack of updated behavior. Try COC'ing to your cell directly from the title screen or going there from some other place.
  12. Is this in your custom home? IIRC correctly, weapon plaques don't like to be at exactly right angles - so if you put them at exactly 0, 90, 180,270 degrees they cause glitching. For that axis, try moving it a fraction (or even a degree) off.


    I'm hopeless with X,Y,Z axis, but I mean one of the pointy edges of the sides of the plaque should move a little towards the camera while the other pointy edge moves a little farther away. Rotate around that axis.

  13. Here's a brutally gutted version, I'm sure other members can do better. You should probably tweak the emissive color under the bseffectshaderproperty of all three nitrishapethingies to your liking, I've moved it from the red/yellow/white into the greys. I've only looked at it in the CK, not in the actual game. Lazy and all.


    It doesn't seem to crash my CK so that's a plus :psyduck:


    I think I would personally like a scaled version of the fxfirewithembers out better, perhaps with a log half sticking out textured with fxwoodburning.dds.


    Come to think of it, maybe it should have no emission. I always get confused with that 3d stuff about specular and emissive and whatnot.

  14. If you're going to retex buildings which should be visible from a distance (as your mentioning building LOD implies), you should do a high-res texture on the normal building and a low-res texture on the LOD building. Otherwise your textures will suddenly pop in as the building shifts from distant LOD to detailed mesh.


    The NOLOD versions... have no distant LOD. The LOD versions should be reduced quality of the same building (there should be a second mesh without any mention of LOD)

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