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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. I think you'll find the CK wiki's options menu page more easy to understand and implement




    This is the basic version, there are several other examples on the page. The main clue is storing the message.show() results (the player choice of option 0,1,2,whatever) into an int - then you can act on that.


    ScriptName OptionsMenuScript Extends ObjectReference
    Actor Property PlayerREF Auto
    Armor Property MenuARMO Auto
    Message Property OptionsMESG Auto
    Event OnContainerChanged(ObjectReference akNewContainer, ObjectReference akOldContainer)
    If akNewContainer == PlayerREF ; Only the player
      	Int iButton = OptionsMESG.Show() ; Shows your menu.
    	PlayerREF.RemoveItem(MenuARMO, 1, True) ; Silently remove token. 'Self' does not work in this context, thus the property
    	If iButton == 0  ; Mage
    		Debug.Notification("Mage selected")
    	ElseIf iButton == 1 ; Thief
    		Debug.Notification("Thief selected")
    	ElseIf iButton == 2 ; Warrior
    		Debug.Notification("Warrior selected")


    Int iButton = OptionsMESG.Show()

    This will store the results for you.

  2. It is known


    Not really.


    Beth was pretty conservative with light sources, given that they play havoc with the speed at which older PCs can run a scene. Many times they used fxglowfills and fxfire glows to handle the look. I bet that if you look at that same scene without ENB (and amazingly Beth didn't program for ENB users) it looks just fine.


    I see 1217 instances of FXfireWithEmbersHeavy, 1106 instances of FXfireWithEmbersLight, and another ~700 of other assorted fxfires plus 745 permanent torches. Good luck finding someone to check them all and add a light source.

  3. Tricky - your best bet may be to look at the Dark Brotherhood initiation quests (DB01 & DB02) as that is the one instance I think where your sleep is interrupted (and you're moved to the abandoned shack).
  4. What adds to confusion in studying such a quest is that it is connected to the greater quest, "Ms05" and in stage 10 it makes reference to it


    Actually, no, that is where it tells the scene to start:


    (the scene defined in MS05KingOlafsFestival)


    I think the whole thing about the clothing item (general Tullius' coat) was cut from the quest, since I haven't seen that on any playthrough.


    Knowing which parts I need to mimmick and which parts I need to ignore is a bit tough.


    For now, ignore the parts which you don't get. Use regular xmarker named for your PCs and start adding the proper aliases, then telling your NPCs to move there at a certain stage. Keep the main structure - your main quest calls your festivalquest at the appropriate time.


    Debug your quest through the console - setstage, startquest, stopquest, and sqv.



    Removing items from the player can be accomplished through script


  5. That's a fairly complex thing you want there, and not really suitable for starting quest/scriptbuilders.


    Quest MS05 (main "Tending the Flames" quest) starts up another quest (MS05KingOlafsFestival) at stage 255. This is the quest you should be looking at.


    Stage 0 of that quest moves all the aliases into place. Stage 10 starts the scene (defined in scenes - and this is a whopper of a scene with 8 phases and actions for a ton of actors ). Stage 15 sets the effigy on fire. Stage 20 prepares to shut everything down and advances the parent quest, and stage 200 ends it.

  6. Could be a lot of things, use console player.moveto [refid] to check out where they are ingame.


    Additionally, make sure you're going in clean - if you're loading a save where you're already in that location they may not show up. I usually test by COC'ing directly from the title screen to the location. Make sure you're not loading both the original AND your version.

  7. I think the order of precedence is mod BSA > loose files in textures folder > skyrim native textures BSA. So if the same textures exist in the textures folder, the ones in the BSA will win. You could change the BSA with the archive tool or extract it, then overwrite what you want with BSA browser.


    BSL is, I think, just a list of the files contained in the BSA, normally you don't need it.

  8. My Frankenstein experiment of simply editing bone scale in NifSkope simply resulted in a bow that was about 10 feet tall...it worked but it looked like something a giant would use.


    I... kind of want?




    How awesome would giants wielding 10-feet bows shooting small pine trees be?

  9. 's probably sDifficulty from gamesettings (not tested)



    You should be able to read it with one of

    float Function GetGameSettingFloat(string asGameSetting)


    • Obtains the value of a float game setting.

    float Function GetGameSettingInt(string asGameSetting)


    • Obtains the value of an int game setting.

    float Function GetGameSettingString(string asGameSetting)


    • Obtains the value of a string game setting.

    (I'm guessing it's a float - everything's a bloody float)

  10. After you changed the bow in the CK did you console in or otherwise obtain a new one in-game? Because if you're trying to do this with a bow that was already in the inventory of your test save you may not see the changes.


    Try adding a new bow with player.additem (with your mod active, obviously)

  11. Not sure what you mean by "regular torch" but the most commonly used torch is the torch01 with 1100 users.


    Found under Worldobjects\lights this is the one with Weapons\Torch\torch.nif as mesh, can be carried, and has weight/time/value assigned.

  12. I would just preset the owner to the player, lock the door and have the quest give you the key you need - that's how Beth does it with every house so I don't know if you can actually change faction ownership of a cell on the fly. Since they don't do it - it would seem unlikely.
  13. Okay - according to the CK wiki

    More importantly, when a quest stops running, all its aliases are removed from their targets.
    (and I see this reflected in the changed behavior) and it doesn't mention any cleanup (and even if left running, the script will opt out the moment a key is pressed) so I think I'm in the clear (btw there IS a "clear" procedure in RefAlias but that's just if you want to remove an alias while the quest is still running.




    Thanks again :)

  14. I'm aware of those but I don't want to register for a key, I want the script to shut down on any key. What I was after was knowing whether this (meaning the whole structure) is a safe way to do things or whether a repeatable quest set up like this would cause horrible bloat.


    But it's all rather academical now, I've thrown 'er out there with plenty of warning stickers. I'd still like to know though.




  15. Okay, so I'm slowly getting into quest stuff after a couple of house mods and an overhaul.


    Essentially, I have a quest running which aliases the player and attaches a script to the alias.


    Now, the code is working and I'm not worried about whether or not my update times are sane - this is all happening when the player isn't doing anything.


    What I would like to know is if this is sane coding or whether it can cause breakage & bloat.


    The script registers for a single update on init, then relies on SKSE to check if the player presses a key, if yes then it stops whatever it was doing and stops the quest. If not, it registers for another single update (and so loops until a key is pressed). If it is stopped, some other event may start up the quest again - this may happen any number of times over the course of a game.


    Scriptname thisismyscript extends ReferenceAlias  
    Quest Property thisismyquest auto
    Event OnInit()
    Event OnUpdate()
    Int iNumKeysPressed = Input.GetNumKeysPressed()
    If iNumKeysPressed > 0
    [do some housekeeping stuff which is what it was all about]


    Thanks in advance for looking it over!

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