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Posts posted by acidzebra

  1. Yes, that's because "oncellattach" event fires when the cell... attaches. AKA when it loads. (not technically true, it may be loaded but unattached but you get what I mean - it attaches when you enter it)


    You either need to rework your scene so the cell with the door is loaded only after the stage is set, or figure out how to use quest aliases to do what you what (which should be possible), but I can't help you with that as I'm only starting to figure that stuff out for myself right now. It's confusing as f*ck.

  2. I'm not sure what you want or how your scene is laid out. If you're testing, do you coc directly to the relevant cell - and is that how the player would experience it? Also, don't load from any previous save when testing. Just go to an exterior cell, travel to where you need to be, enter the cell. The door should be loaded for you.
  3. Did you paste the script exactly as I posted it? Not "type it from what you see" - copy > paste.


    Scriptname HgateScript extends ObjectReference  
    quest property pinheadquest auto 
    objectreference property hgate auto 
    event oncellattach()
    if (pinheadquest.getstage() == 20)


    If yes, I don't know what to tell you. It compiles for me just fine.

  4. \Data\Textures\armor\dbarmor



    Are the folders which contain any modded shrouded armor files. If you remove these folders (or rename them, you know, just for safety), the game should revert to using the original files contained in Skyrim's BSA files.


    Alternatively, you could extract the needed files from your own skyrim texture&mesh BSAs to those folder using any BSA browser/explorer program.

  5. Scriptname HgateScript extends ObjectReference  
    quest property pinheadquest auto 
    objectreference property hgate auto 
    event oncellattach()
    if (pinheadquest.getstage() == 20)


    compiles for me - did you forget to add "event"?


    By the way, I'm not entirely sure I did the getstage() thing right, see


    ...but give it a try anyway - but if it doesn't work you'll know where to look.

  6. Well that's the thing right - those quest fragments are part of a script which extends quest hidden (and not objectreference - where enable belongs). In addition, it can't possibly know what door you're talking about.


    In the cell containing the door place a hidden marker somewhere (out of sight or whatever), and attach a script extending objectreference which (a) defines an objectreference property hgate auto pointing to the door and a quest property pinheadquest auto pointing to your quest, and (b) add an oncellattach() event then in that build in a check for quest stage if (pinheadquest.getstage() == 20) and have that enable the door.

  7. Try it with vanilla followers like Lydia. If the problem doesn't happen there, your custom followers have large texture sets/meshes which probably don't fit in your machine graphic card's vram along with everything else, so it has to load them from HD. In other words, your vram (not machine RAM, graphic card ram) may not be up to snuff or your custom followers have excessively-large custom textures/meshes attached, at least as far as your video card is concerned.


    If it also happens with vanilla followers, I have no clue.


    This is just a guess, but something for you to test.

  8. Steve - someone in the comment thread said it did - I kind of wonder about it reading the mod description - depends on how they implemented it. Let me know. I think you should load my mod after that one because it looks like we edited many of the same textures (unless you prefer the other textures of course - but it may add back red trees)


    Updated my mod description - many of the nests were placed with your mod in mind (a flat area) but then I forgot to mention the load order. :/


    Are you going to build a rock warbler and pine thrush? I always thought it was odd that you never see these in-game :)

  9. Read this especially the grid snap part


    Also shift+q will turn your cursor into a crosshair, use that to click on a piece youve placed. This is now the grid snap reference and any new pieces placed will snap to it if the snaptogrid is on (q key toggle)

    I often place one piece, then use ctrl+d to duplicate then ctrl+f to swap for the piece I want - once you get the hang of piece names this is much faster than finding pieces then dragging them into the scene, adjusting the height, aligning them.

  10. The rooms are actually built with room pieces (for the most part): cornerin, cornerout, wall, etc.


    The full kit for any architecture set you can find under WorldObjects\Static\Dungeons\Dwemer


    All the big rooms (and they're really big) start with DweRmLg, small rooms with DweRmSm, a convention used in most if not all of the other kits. So you can also filter for DweRmLg and you will only see the kit pieces for that particular room type. Some room kits are trickier than others (requiring a certain orientation/ordering to fit nicely) but the dwemer rooms are all pretty straightforward geometry and will mostly fit any which way.

  11. Aye, weather in skyrim is controlled by the regions - go into menu world > regions and look at the entries in the list starting with weather under Tamriel (in the dropdown box top left) then after selecting a region look at the weather tab.
  12. How often do you do that? Sorry, bad form answering a question with a question, just wondering.


    As far as I know the whole Helgen/intro/tutorial cave thing has a lot of potential for bad interaction with mods. Probably because most of it is "on rails". So yeah, I would avoid having mod active during that time with any fresh character.


    You could try an alternate start mod, because personally if I see that tutorial cave one more time I'm going to scream. "look out, there's a bear!" YES THANK YOU I KNOW


    (then again, alternate start mods have the potential to break all sorts of other things...)

  13. It's generally recommended to only load your mods AFTER the whole tutorial quest (so after you exit the cave at the end and prepare to head to Riverwood or elsewhere). Play through the Helgen sequence in vanilla mode, then activate your mods.
  14. I'd like to know if there is a hard limit to what the game can utilize, like there is with system ram


    I don't think so, it's just data sitting there. It's not a 32-bit program running (which is the source of the limitation for the game itself), it's a bunch of data (geometry, textures) loaded by your graphics card/CPU into VRAM because the game asked it to and it agreed it had the capacity. More vram = more data being stored for quick access when requested to render. The game itself doesn't care about what the actual textures or meshes are, it just knows that in this location, those objects should be rendered and they're called X and located in path C:\xxx so it passes on the request.


    "load these and these textures and this and that mesh and render such and such targets"


  15. A mod which adds puddle decals (though I think they look awful) and drip activators (which are neat) which get activated/fade in during raining weather is certainly feasible (but fairly tedious to set up), but I don't think there is an in-game way to add collision to the particle shaders.
  16. In a script you can use game.getplayer().moveto(SOMEXMARKERYOU'VEPLACED) or Game.FastTravel(THATSAMEXMARKER) if you've (a) placed and xmarker and (b) for the second option enabled fast travel.


    You don't need to move the NPC, you can just spawn a new ref of that NPC at the battle location and disable it when the player leaves the area. (or you can NPCREFNAME.moveto() if you want)


    Advance the quest stage after the player says yes, and have the next (hidden non-log entry) stage include a script snippet which does the moveto/fasttravel bit.

  17. If you want to apply new textures to existing buildings uniformly you often can do it right in the CK since all the distinct textured surfaces are accessible in the model edit dialogue (not always, but a lot of the time). You create your texture and add it to Misc\Textureset. Then you edit the model in the CK (under statics). Click edit again to get to the Model dialogue. Here you see a list of possible surfaces which support alternate textures. Doubleclick any of them to assign a new texture. The only headache is that the 3d name is often obscure with only numbers distinguishing them, so I usually assign random textures to lines until I get the one which modifies the surface I want, then apply my texture set. To remove a texture doubleclick a line, then in the texture list press escape.


    As said, this will apply to all instances of that object in the worldspace. If you want a unique building, simply clone the existing building first, then apply the texture.

  18. Place him at ground level, select him, then turn on havoking in the CK for a moment so he falls.Turn off havoking. Optionally use alt+mouse drag to arrange limbs (haven't done this for a while, don't remember if you should do this before/after turning off havoking). I do know that dragging havoked objects around is a PITA.
  19. You... don't need a custom launch setting for changed textures? Just make sure the textures are unzipped in the appropriate folder (and/or the mod is active in NMM), then run skyrim like you normally would.
  20. Well, I've gone into release for a massive world overhaul. Spring is here! Hurry up and finish your city retex! :P


    Dawnstar in spring is shockingly green:



    I'm in love with Riften's spring forests:



    Morthal is more subdued but still full of life:



    Formerly barren Arcwind Point, transformed:



    Even the map window is green!



    I've also added 1000 bunnies in four smashing colours, 250 deer/elk, a similar number of goats including a black variants, and moar :biggrin:

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