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Everything posted by baduk

  1. Its not technical at all. if you open the nif file with nifskope you can see the little plus sign that says ninode. expand those and look at the different thingys in there. then u will find the part i mentioned and see the paths and its just like using any other regular computer program. They made changing texture paths very user friendly. just look for the flower icon. I encourage you to fix your problems without reinstalling cause u never learn anything if u just reinstall. and u waste time in the long run. Anyway the time i had a problem. Well i did have 2 texture files with the same name in the folder and then deleted the old one. it was probably cause i had a hidden character in my filename and that can happen sometimes. lately i have had a couple issues with my keyboard localization settings and stuff. its anoying. But. i remember hearing about texture paths getting mesed up in the nif before from somewher so i think its possible to have such an issue without hidden characters or anything.
  2. Yeah. I think u need to go int o the object browser of geck and get the audio seciotn. probably just edit default death music type record in there . select your sound file. save and activate your plugin. see if that works.
  3. Well. u can always use nifskope and set the texture paths by cliking on the flower icon in the bsshaderpplightingproperty bsshadertextureset If you are sure everything else is in proper order. I have had a weird issue before where my textures were properly set but they werent showing up . Had to keep setting that in nifskopy until i finaly decided to go ahead and import nif int bledner again. Maybe its a bug on my computer.
  4. Hi ! Have a look at the recent thread here see if it helps you. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/277428-nifskope-scene-root-problem/
  5. Hi! I hope that you get things straightened out and enjoying your game with whatever mods u might want. the problems with crashing using calibr and apocalypse armory and the exclamation marks that youget when you are missing meshes ( missing textures causes the textre for the object to change like a chameleon) is all caused by (sorry): the files are not installed properly. Anyway. as long as you have it installed OUTSIDE of program files you wont have to reinstall your game. since you have fallout mod manager, you should take advantage of the fomod feature. that is the main function of fomm. fomods can be packed from a folder. extract your mod to a neutral location folder named as the mod is. then iniside that folder it is the same as data directory for your game. meshes folder and texture folder and esp files located at this level. it is good to arrange things the way they need to be inside this folder before packing the fomod but usually they will be. exeption is if fomod conversion data is included in the archive. you should definitely use calibr and apocalypse armory. there is nothing messy about it. make sure that you have the compatibility patch and as you can imagine it must load after the mods in question. Some other utilities that can help a lot is fo3edit: this is handy for checking your load order cause conflicting records are hilighted in red, make sure the conflicting record that you want to have active is loading last in your load order. fo3edit is also useful for creating a merged patch and examining and editing plugins. wryeflash: this program can also create a bashed patch. it is basically like a merged patch but has some better features so use this one instead. this is also imho handier for changing your load order. i usually just use fomm for the fomods and bsa browser. It also has handy tab for managing your savegames.
  6. ok well u gotta download the conformulator. http://www.tesnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=9360 This great program is gona make it so your helmet mesh changes shape to fit your characters head cause they can change shape with facegen morphing. Need to export the helmet mesh as obj. can use nifskope to do that from your exported helmet nif. then select that obj and the tri file for the headmesh and then it will generate the egm file that you just put it in the folder along with your nif. Oh yeah and in geck you gotta use update facegen availability command to set the flag that your nif is using an egm file.
  7. Hi! I never did any helmets before. but i did edit my headmesh before but anyway. I think that you need to position your object onto the global xyz000 before exporting it. goto edit mod and select the vertices and hit shift s to snap your 3d cursor to the selection. then go into object mode and click the center cursor button on the mesh panel of the editing tab. (buttons window) Then hit n to bring up the transform properties window. there you can set the location to xyz000.
  8. i guess you can make sure that you have the bsshaderflags set right in bsshaderpplightingproperty of your nitrishape/ should be sf_zbuffer_test, sf_shadow_map, sf_empty, sf_unknown_31 Edit: Well seems like i jumped the gun a bit. didnt realise most of the protectrons on the creature list are from fo3. I found one type. helios statis protectron that moves properly. So the modified nif with everything but the legs weighted 50-50 to the pelvis and spine works just fine. escept that theres some kinda glowy dome thingy on its head that moves back and forth. so anyway if u want to make something like a power droid like in star wars or whatever it should work fine.
  9. I thought it would be interesting to try that out, so I just went in and modified my protectorn nif. then i noticed something weird. I had wondered earlier while playing, why primm slim just stands there next to the rollercoaster in primm. well the altered protectrons i used seemed to work normally as far as vats and dismemberment went, but they never would shoot at me or walk around. they didnt have any animation for combat. I thought that it must have something to do with the change i made to it although i didnt expect it not to work. Then i started wondering about it cause when i attacked primm slim who has a completely separate vanilla nif file, he behaved the same way and never moved. So i guess in my vanilla game, protectrons cant walk or attack anything. thats pretty weird. Maybe in NV they are lacking some animation files. I would prefer if my protectrons can walk. I guess if i can fix the problem by importing files from fo3 or something i will let u know about it.
  10. Hi! It sounds like your making a cool thing. I hope you make it work right. cant you just weight everything 50-50 to the pelvis and spine bone or something? excetp for the leg parts so it will walk like the protectron does but not have moving arms or anything. you would have some collision meshes moving around tho , as long as you dont mind that.
  11. Hi! I am not aware of any changes in dismemberment in NV. But I havent tested anything yet, you should go in the game and blow some people away then you will see. But. I wonder how it is that your body models were so messed up to begin with? any fo3 bodys i have used in NV have all looked just fine and no issues.
  12. Yay!! WOOOWOOO!!! Ok. anyway i just made a basic subsurfed pointy ear version of the tedybear. It moves just like a regular teddybear tho so this can be used for making any stuffed animal or similar doll! extract teddybear01.nif from bsa open up the ninode "bone01", a child of scene root This ninode has 5 other children, for each other bone. Delete the bhkcollisionobject for each of the ninodes save your modified nif as teddybearStripped.nif or something import the teddybearStripped in blender skeleton only. Then select the skeleton and import the geometry. You can then make a mesh and copy weights from the bear geometry or whatever. export the new stuffed animal with fallout 3 defaults except for turn off export dismember body parts turn on use bsfadenode root shader options of shadow map empty and unknown 31 Oh yeah you can turn of strippify geometries so u get trishape but i dont know if that matters. Then i opened up the original teddybear01.nif and the animal1.nif that i just exported with nifskope. remove branch on the nitrishape data and niskininstance from original teddybear01.nif copybranch on the blocs from the animal1.nif into the data and skin instance links on the nitrishape for teddybear01.nif Saved in meshes]clutter]teddybear] for testing. heres a pic!
  13. You will want to experiment with some stuff. import the skeleton.nif I use blender and i dont know 3dsmax or any of that stuff, but if you want a part to be rigid then weight all the vertices the same. 100% to a bone or 50-50 to 2 bones or whatever. Then you have bendy parts inbetween the rigid parts. With the skeleton.nif you will be able to use pose mode to manipulate the skeleton and see how it will deform without having to put it in the game.
  14. Ok. Thanks for your help! i will try this now. I wasnt going to try anything like that until an admin told me to cause i just dont want to mess anything up worse than it is. UPDATE: Yay! I seem to have no problem logging into any of the sites now. The problem was indeed because the special characters in passwords worked only on the forum and not in the other sites. :laugh: Umm. i dont know how to edit the topic title to (solved). Maybe i dont have that permission.
  15. Hey thanks for trying to help me! My sentence is not explicit. In other words. No, my old password does not work :(
  16. Hi! So its been about a week since I changed my account password. I changed my password through the interface here at the forums and I can log in just fine at the forums. But when I try to log in at any of the other nexus sites the password is incorrect. The password is supposed to be instantly updated across all the nexus sites and only the fact that i changed my password was updated. I hope somebody can fix this issue for me or give some advice! I was thinking it could be noscript or something that caused the issue.
  17. Hi! I have one idea of what might be causing you a problem. So lets say you are using nifscripts 2.5.5, the new one. U want to export your armor to nif file so u click on fallout 3 for export options and then click on defaults for selected game. This should work!!!! yea but wait a minute. look over at shader options. yeah u need to have shadowmap selected in there. click that and try exporting. Now it should be working in geck and not just in nifskope.
  18. Yeah! I just uploaded a mod for people like yourself. (me also) http://www.newvegasnexus.com/downloads/file.php?id=38302 Hope u enjoy this!
  19. Blender is gonna do what you need to do just fine no reason to pay for commercial program. You dont need to import or export obj files cause the nifscripts let you importand export nifs. When you read a tutorial about how to do something make sure to check the date. The nifscripts have gone through many improvements over the years and old tutes go obsolete. Read at the niftools forum for up to date information. http://niftools.sourceforge.net/wiki/NifTools
  20. I think your oblivion may be crashing on exit. u gotta edit the ini file to enable your console then if you want to set settings from in game you gotta open the console after your done and type saveini. Just as a reminder you hsould save copies of your ini file as a backup before you alter it.
  21. HI! YEa i heard that blender harnesses the power of your gpu for doing all its calculations and stuff. IT is a real good troubleshooting tip you give to check your gpu settings and change em around with blender~! Thanks!
  22. Hi everyone. I just noticed that there was a modelling section here in the nexus. Some of you blender people are gonna already be using these, but for everyone else who hasnt found it. http://glender.hybird.org/ The place to get some useful scripts to help you make stuff. I never used the mesh copy paste thingy but maybe it could be useful for something. I always use various functions of the geom tool. It makes it real fast to do lotsa neat stuff and it can help to make your mesh nice and neat as you change it all around ! The UV tool ur gonna want also cause it just has 2 things it does. IT does em good and its useful. The pattern selector is great also. i use it cause sometimes i want to get a weird selection. Hope you enjoy it!
  23. Hi! I was just playing and got into a situation that i couldnt cast charm cause the npc had been scripted to move to my location before initiating conversation and that caused the npc to become stuck inside of my character. So. I was forced to try to use console commands to change the disposition. Turns out you need to raise the disposition between your character and the npc both ways. For example if your character is 00000014 and the npc is 11349c71 you need to do both: (click on player) moddisposition 11349c71 100 (click on npc) moddisposition 00000014 100 Then it will allow the npc to start the conversation. So I was wrong before about the console command not working. Anyway, rather than a band-aid fix it would be much more useful to figure out what is causing the problem. about the sound collection. If its freely available on the web then its probably not worthwhile to post cause anyone can get to it if they need it already. if you have a recording setup tho it would be really nice. especially for voicing.
  24. Hi! I vaguely remember having tried the moddisposition console command as an alternative to charming, but it didnt work. Anyway, I ended up using just charming. charming is temporary so thats a bonus. If you are having problems with obmm, that is a separate issue entirely. haev a look at the obmm faq http://timeslip.users.sourceforge.net/obmmm/faq.htm good luck Btw. I dont use vista but I heard about that uac stuff it sucks. Make sure that all your programs are never installed to a folder called "Program Files" just cause its d: does not convince me. this goes for oblivion, obmm, wryebash and python and any other programs you have on your computer. Its good to install oblivion on separate drives. My install has all the bsa files uncompressed and pyffi optimized located on the outer rim of one of my drives. oblivion folder is outer rim of another drive. i can tell you how to set up your ini file if you want to take that route.
  25. Hi! I havent been on here a lot lately but I felt the urge to fire up oblivion again. there are still some quests i havent finished with my current long standing mod combination. It is exciting to hear about another person who has had the same problem with npc initiated dialogue. This thread is from when I was having the problem. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?/topic/97062-troublesome-bug-involving-invisibility-spell/page__p__780541__hl__%2Bnpc+%2Bcant+%2Bapprehend__fromsearch__1#entry780541 We dont seem to have too many mods in common though. I never ended up solving the problem, but i found a workaround. You need to cast charm on the npc until their disposition reaches 100. then you wont cast invisibility anymore. Otherwse you would need to either fix the problem or use wryebash to delete your invisibility spells, but then you wouldnt be able to use the spells anymore and that wont do. It has been more than a year and a half since i had the problem so maybe there are some other threads about this floating around. I would appreciate if someone would post some links cause I havent been able to find much with various phrases into the search engine. Update: I looked around again snd found this thread. its even older than my thread so i must have just forgotten about it. http://www.thenexusforums.com/index.php?showtopic=45622&st=0&p=345690&hl=+npc%20+can't%20+start%20+conversation&fromsearch=1entry345690 Nothing new there tho, the dlcs and gbtournament arent the cause. its probably a bug affecting our savegames.
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